This story is about a simple otaku who has above-normal physical powers and psychic powers who doesn't use these abilities for anything, except for basic things. This is our protagonist who lives in a time of peace. Being the son of two heroes, he doesn't have much to do other than read manga or watch anime since his parents are already stronger themselves, not letting their son have the opportunity to be a hero. But what would happen if this boy traveled to the worlds he reads about and sees every day? And that's what we're going to find out.
All Might and Izuku are shocked to hear what I can do if I go all out in a fight, Deku looks like he's seen a ghost he's so white and All Might looks like he's going to spit out a gallon of blood.
Izuku:Brother, you're not lying, are you?
Saito:Of course not, I wouldn't lie about my powers.
All Might: So what did you do in the invasion....
Saito: It wasn't my 100%
All Might:WHATTTTT!!!
Izuku:All Might?!
Saito:But don't worry, I know how to control my strength.
💭Well sometimes....
All Might: So young Saito, does this mean that one of your parents has this destructive power?
Saito:Yes and is my father.
Izuku: He must be a very feared man.
💭I highly doubt it.
After revealing to All Might and Izuku about what I can do, All Might told me not to abuse my power too much so as not to cause problems, I am already very aware of this, as I try to be careful when I fight.
Classroom A-1
After lunch I go back to my class and I see several students standing at the door of the room, they must be the students who didn't make it past the admissions class. It seems like it's time for the other students from other classes to be introduced.
Uraraka:What's going on here?!
Iida:But what do you want with class A?
Mineta:But we can't even leave, what do you want to do here?
Bakugou:They came to observe your enemies, you weakling. We were the ones who survived the attack. They want to take a look before the festival....
Bakugou stood face to face with the students at the door with a neutral expression, I just sat at my desk watching everything.
Bakugou:But there's no point in doing this with you here, get out of the way you extras!
💭What's worse is that he's not wrong on this one.
With that, another student with purple hair and purple eyes arrived, I know who he is but I forgot his name. He asked if students from class A are arrogant and he explained about the students who didn't pass the admission test, then a student from class B appeared and I don't remember his name either.
Bakugou being Bakugou said nonsense and now our good impression with the other students has been tarnished, saying that he will be number 1 at the festival.
Momo:Hey Saito-san?
Momo:What are your opinions about this festival?
Saito:My opinions?
Momo: Yes.
💭Wow, how am I going to respond to that?
Saito: For me, it's a great festival for those who started poorly on the admission test and for everyone else who wants to be recognized.
Momo:So why don't you show interest in the festival?
When I heard Momo saying this I got curious and looked at her and saw that she has a neutral expression.
💭Hmmm it looks like Momo expected of the vice representative.
Saito:Well Momo I'm not going to give you the answer.
Momo: Why?
Saito: Because I will respond by actions and not by words.
Momo now couldn't hide her curious expression, she looks like a student eager to hear her favorite teacher's answer.
Momo:What are you going to do Saito-san?
Saito:Just wait for the day of the festival and you'll know.
A week later
In the blink of an eye a week passes and the day of the festival has arrived, everyone is nervous and looking forward to the festival, after all it is an annual opportunity.
Inko told me and Deku to be careful at the festival so that we don't take too many risks, I already know that Izuku won't follow through with that promise since he loves to break his bones.
Waiting room A-1
Now everyone in my class is in the waiting room wearing their sports uniform since we can't wear our outfits, even though it doesn't change much.
Mina:Awww I wanted to wear my costume so much.
Saito: Get used to it Mina, you don't want to damage your tight suit, do you?
Mina: Like yours wasn't tight too.
Saito: At least mine doesn't stick too much to my skin, giving way to other people's imagination.
Mina *red*:Hey!
To my surprise, Mina and I became closer to each other as time went by and sometimes we have these little fights, after all, there are times when I want to get revenge for the jokes that Mina plays with me.
Iida arrived and told everyone to get ready as the festival is about to start. Everyone's nervousness increases and when everyone was about to leave, Todoroki goes to Izuku.
Izuku/Saito: hmm?
Izuku:Todoroki...What happened?
Todoroki:To be quite objective, apart from your brother, I think I'm stronger than you.
Izuku:Ahh right?
Todoroki:And yet All Might has his eye on you...
💭Well he's the 9th user of One for all, so it makes sense.
Todoroki: I'm not trying to be convinced, but I'm going to win.
Kaminari: The second best student in the class is already declaring war?
Kirishima:Whoa, whoa, whoa, you guys never pecked each other and now you're fighting? Don't do that, we don't have time for that.
Todoroki: We didn't come here to make friends, it doesn't make any difference.
💭Look, it looks like we have a new Sasuke, all we need now is for Izuku to scream...SASUKE!!!! Come to think of it, Todoroki is a modern Sasuke, he has parents with problems, a brother who wanted to kill him, he hates his own father, his mother went crazy, all that's left is for Itachi to show up and kill the entire family and tell Shoto that he lacks hate .
While I was making a comparison between Sasuke and Todoroki, Izuku gave his answer to Todoroki.
Izuku:Hey Todoroki. I don't know what you meant when you said you're going to win. And of course you are better than me, I think that in terms of skill you are the best in terms of objectives. But even so, students on other courses are aiming for the top with everything they have. I can't stay behind, I'm going to give everything I have.
I hear this and sit with my arms crossed with a smile on my face.
💭Let the games begin.....
Minutes later
Everyone is now in the festival stadium and the heroine Midnight who wears a suggestive and tight outfit like her rival Mt Lady, all the men were obsessed with her and I was impressed to see her up close.
To my surprise, Midnight said that the person who will represent class A-1 will be me. I was surprised that it was going to be me and not Bakugou, that's when I remember that I got 140 points in the admission test. All the students in class A are looking at me with a look of hope and relief since it wasn't Bakugou.
💭I don't like speech.
Saito:Do I really have to go up?
Midnight:Of course you have to go up, after all and you got higher points in the Admission test, if you don't want I'll call the person who came second.
Sero:Please Midoriya come up! If Bakugou talks, it will be the end of us!
Mineta: And seriously, man, break this down for us!
Kaminari: You who are good with words, you will definitely fix the stupid thing Bakugou did!
Saito *sigh*: Okay, okay! I'm going up!
Class A-1: Good thing, we're safe.
I get on stage in front of Midnight and see the microphone in front of me. Everyone is waiting for my answer and I'm nervous about what I'm going to say.
💭Come on Saito, use your knowledge of Naruto and invoke his speech no jutsu! If Naruto can do it, so can you!
After I take a deep breath I open my mouth and speak into the microphone.
Saito:All of you here are present at this annual festival because you are looking for the top, this also includes all the students in my class. You all want to be number 1 you want power is where All Might is. Well, then I say you can go ahead of me, because I have no intention of getting ahead of you. I won't stand in your way at this festival because in my opinion I don't need this festival. You can take this as arrogance on my part, be aware that I don't care what your opinion of me is, you can find what you want from me because I won't bother. I'm a hero and I'm going to save the people in front of me without hesitation, so I don't need your attention at this stupid festival you can have "number 1" for yourself, because I don't want to.
When I finished saying this there was a morbid silence in the entire stadium until.....
Student 1: Look at that asshole!
Student 2: Saying that this festival is stupid? Doesn't he know how much we suffer to be in his place?!
Student 3: Because he is the representative of class A? He should be someone else, not this idiot!
Student 4: I feel sorry for class A now they don't deserve to have this guy.
All the students except my class are talking bad about me and blaming me for stealing their place. I remain silent and return to my class who are looking at me with a shocked expression even Bakugou is shocked.
Izuku's vision
Sometimes I never know what's going on in my brother's head, his speech is one of those moments.
No one from class A said anything to Saito after the speech, but I know they want to ask what happened to him to say that.
In our classroom Saito is an easy person to talk to and socialize with, besides like Kaminari said, he is good with words.
But...analyzing his words in his speech. At first glance it seems like he insulted what this festival means to everyone and insulted to the face of everyone who made an effort to be at U.A. But if you pay more attention to what he said.....he fixed the mistake that Kazinho made in giving a bad impression of class 1-A.
But besides that, he indirectly saved everyone by giving everyone the chance to focus their eyes on him and so that we can move forward in the festival without any problems. He sacrificed himself so that we have a better chance of achieving our dreams.
I admit that I couldn't do that, I don't have the courage he has, but seeing everything he does, what he can do I can't help but think...
💭Who are you really Brother?
To be continued....