
One Punch Man System In Naruto World

over powered MC is in naruto world , with the strength of one punch man. he kicks ass with a single punch... Hey where are you going you only killed half of the enemy ninjas "sorry being Shinobi is just a hobby, i took upon ...... lost interest ..bye bye " Hey wait ..wait... Swish.. Disclaimer This is just a fan fictions and many of the characters are borrowed, they belong to the original creators........

Half_Blind · Cómic
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46 Chs

a new start

Two days passed by, today jiyuu was standing before the Hokage's office ...

" enter.."

Jiyuu saw the third was going through files, and without taking eyes from the file he asked

third " why did you want to see me.."

Jiyuu " lord hokage , i want to join the academy..."

third " are you sure about this... maybe you can take some time and think about it..."

jiyuu " i have already decided to join the academy ... but i need a place to stay, and a part time job, it would be better if you could introduce me to a black smith...."

third put down the file and said " ok i will arrange everything for you..."

Jiyuu " i have one more request.... can you make that person who appeared in the hospital to stay away from me ..... i have a bad feeling about him..."

thirds eyes became little sharp and he looked at Jiyuu for some time " i will take care of him... if that is all then you may leave.."

Jiyuu " thank you for everything , i will definitely pay you back lord third..."

third " lets hope so..."


an guided Jiyuu jiyuu to his new home , it was a small one bed room apartment... he also received some money and an address .....


the next day Jiyuu was standing in front of a shop ... ' Iō weapon shop '

Jiyuu [ this is the address... but this is a weapon shop... i will go inside and ask....]

Jiyuu [ wow... these kunai and shuriken looks really sharp...but why are there no customers.. in the shop, weird ....and there is no one in the counter... there is a bell, i will ring it...]

a small man walked out from the side door , he was going bald from the looks of it , he had a small moustache and goate, He wore a pair of gloves with bandages around his arms, a high-collared jacket, black trousers, sandals and a blacksmith's apron with the village symbol on it....

Jiyuu [ have i not seen this person somewhere ... system]

Beep { Iō is a ninja weapon smith. In the future he becomes a great ninja weapon inventor and head of the Tool Research Lab... }

Jiyuu [ i remember this is the guy that appears in one of the episodes ... he creates all kind of weird weapons .... he is still young now... guess his experiments are not creating much explosions, and that is why he is still inside the village... but all these weapons look really good... but why are there no customers....]

Io " what are you staring at kid, if you are here to buy weapons... then be quick ..... i am at the verge of a breakthrough on my new weapon, so i am real busy ...]

Jiyuu " actually The Hokage send me , this is a letter from the third.."

Io reading the letter muttered to himself " what is the third thinking ... sending such a small boy to be an helper.... and he wants me to pay him from my pocket... i don't have enough money to conduct my on research ...."

Io " hmm... kid, the thing is there is not much work going on here and you are too young , small and weak to do anything around here, .... how about i send you to the flower shop, i know it's owner and he said he needed a helper.... "

Jiyuu didn't replay but went near the weapon display cabinet and lifted the entire thing up with his hands...

Jiyuu " is this strong enough..... I am also from a weapon smith family, the Kibagami clan.."

Io was staring at the kid with his jaw dropping down...

Io [this kid is a small monster.... i have seen the weapons from Kibagami clan ... at least their Katana's are top grade...but they have disappeared for a long time.... maybe he can be my apprentice ...]

Io " Kid i will say this first, the work that we do here is hard and labor intense ... and the pay is also not much... if you are willing then, i will hire you..."

Jiyuu " yes sir, i agree..."

Jiyuu and Io talked about different matters . Jiyuu was shown the workshop with many different equipment's, that he has not seen before.....

Jiyuu " i would like to ask something ... why are there no customers in the shop..."

Io " ... how can those fools understand the quality of my products, they think quality comes at cheap price..."

Jiyuu [ so basically this guy has a sky high price for his products ..... ]

Jiyuu " sir, then i will be taking my leave ....i will see you in the evening..."

After leaving the store

Jiyuu [ system did you get it....]

{ Initiative Weapon master has been activated

Data on all equipment's and different materials have been collected.. currently doing simulation on the best way of weapon smithing ...}