
One Punch Isekai Man

Just when Saitama was doled out enough points to become S Rank he wakes up in another world full of monsters, magic, and kings. How will he adjust in this new world? Disclaimer: I don't own One Punch Man just own both seasons and came up with this unorthodox fanfiction idea. Disclaimer - the cover art doesn't belong to me, found it in Pinterest , and credit goes to owner .

The_Fictional_Sema · Cómic
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44 Chs


Being a sorcerer his body was prostrated with mana so hard to keep track of not even sixth tier mana sense could spot it. He replenished his mana at an accelerated rate. He raised both his hands to cast a spell.

"Barrier of Cocytus Blockade!"

A silhouette of a winged feral monster soared over before a ball of light was dropped from its paws. The exploded and many layers of a green translucent screen guarded Niaz in his back, arms, and his front.

Saitama kneeled down on one foot, kept his eyes inane, took a deep breath-stood up stolidly before bending down again, then did it again-before finally moving less like a very fast runner and more like a train going down a downward rail. He shattered the multi-layered barrier Niaz conjured and punched his torso out letting his arms and legs fall off.

This was not a good day for the former demon lord revered as death incarnate. He felt what it was like to be in the minority. He ashamedly tried to put his body back together...he heard a heavy sound on the ground. His first belief was it could be the baldy going to kick him while he was down.

He turned his head like a top, flinched seeing the only being a martyr god like him had no chance against. She was a humanoid insect on the outside...in the sight of a sorcerer with magical mist. A being like her didn't usually show any attention to beings lesser than herself; Niaz being an exception.

Roots tangled around his bony body parts while more roots carried him a mile off the ground.


Baragon finally made it to the chapel—almost being the third to arrive if the Caped Baldy didn't appear from the woods. He smelled like soot and red leaves, the only leaves with a pumpkin smell to them. And since he was closer to the plebeians, they initiated a warm welcome.

Unison; "Welcome back Great Hero!"

"Hi," he replied unenthusiastically. "Are you having trouble opening the door?"

"Nolb couldn't open it, but I managed to pull it open, Sir Hero."

"Yes. The door is sealed to everyone unless they can emanate some holy magic in their hands. My wife has that in superabundance. Let's have a look inside this venerable church."

The inside of the chapel was black as pitch. It made Gava a little het up to step inside, stepped back into something scrubby and hard like a statue.

"Hey," a voice said, irked. "You want to step aside and let a dwarf pass through?"

"Oh, sorry,"

She fluttered off the ground with help from small white wings.

Baragon walked in followed by Saitama seeing Gava hover eastward. It never surprised him how surprising the people in this world could be, and he came from a world full of people with super powers.

Saitama walked into a barely lit chapel with rows of wooden chairs carved to rival the ones from his world, lots of crucifix's embedded in black with white spirals pillars, and a podium on a scaffold with two statues converged between them. One was a blue humanoid dog with a big shield and axe and the other a chiseled caveman looking statue with heavy armor but hair so long it reached down to the back of his midriff.

"So this is what a church looks like—actually kind of nice. Too bad a man of God around money leads to him on a tropical island with a maid."

He saw no bookshelf around the chairs, but he was smart and intuitive enough to figure out where the secret door to the library might be; in the wall itself.

He walked to the wall, shook his hands, then tapped lightly examining the wall.

The plaster crumbled before them—Baragon and the couple were amazed. Saitama looked through the wall instead of back to his acquaintances. There was a door in plain sight adhered to the wall.

He outstretched his hand around the door handle, stopped.

"If I open this door after all that fighting I'm sure I'll break the doorhandle off. Could one of you three help me open the door?"

They looked at each other (Baragon at Gava; Gava at Nolb, and Nolb gazing into Baragon's eyes) until Nolb raised his hand.

"Let me; I need to be capable of something on this venture."

Saitama was tempted, after a little electric neurons gave him an idea to try wiggling the door open with his back. He let Nolb open it the normal way because it was more worthwhile for the mud farmer, and the way he waved his arms in the air to get his wife's attention was adorable.

She applauded him jovially.

Baragon pushes through both of the other males to be the first "adult" in the room.

It was a room full of bookshelves-the bookshelves taking up 3/4 of the room. There were some bookholders in the shelves holding books with larger papers than the other books. Instead of a chair there was one big window with a ledge wide enough to sit on.

"Just look at all these books. It's like every number cruncher from the guild put in their reports in hardcovers so they could align them with others." Baragon acted all gumshoe. "But these books aren't the mark your looking for."

With a swish of the handle Baragon unsheathed his halberd. With two strong hefts he was able to make an X of golden light. He took a moment, put his halberd back, admired the way the light resonated into his eyes, and then he pushed his hand on the X peeling it open to show another room.

This room resembled the first one-lots of books in a bookshelf-only some books were encased in black bookshelf keeping them from falling out. Hanging from the ceiling were long wires with red bats on their backs. The ground showed the face of a scarlet haired woman standing on the back of the blue beast casting a scarlet lightning spell at a creature with three eyes oscillating red pupils. That being had a robe and a white peacock fan replacing its left arm.

Baragon was very insightful, a great change from how dwarves usually were, at least the ones Gava was around. It was very surprising though how he seemed to know which of these books was the one they needed-a dusty book found in the third shelf of a bookcase.

He blew off the dust on that black grimoire. It was a striped book; three stripes black and two stripes purple. There was three eye-shaped drawings on the top with two green eyes and one red. It was light even in the small hands of the dwarf.

"Can you do me a favor Mr..." he hedged his way back to Saitama, quiet, looking up his brimming face giving him the book. "I want you to burn this after you use that spell. A grimoire such as this should never be found by human's or monster-"

An elongated thorn with organic bones skelontized by actual bones ripped through the wall and coiled around the book. Baragon pulled as hard as he could to pull the book out of the tangled root, but his body just dragged towards its sharp barbs, and then he was propelled towards the wall. It was a miracle he was saved, the root now pulled with him.

The feat matched the strength of three cyclopiens; turns out it was just his new friend pulling on it with one hand. Saitama pulled with the hand movement of a race car driver rotating the throttle and starting the car. And with one probe of a finger he wiggled out his clenched hand—and it was his tiny pinkie finger—he struck through the tree simultaneously releasing its grip on the grimoire thus allowing him to fall safely.

There were no words the dwarf could use to express his gratitude of Saitama's help. Not only did his finger penetrate the bark, it was also herculean enough to lift it over his head. And when it was over his head, he threw it out the window as if it were a pitched baseball.

While he was standing by a window, his bald head and all yellow suit shinning from the sun rays, Baragon was hedged around Nolb and Gava out the door, grimoire squeezed tightly by his armpits.

"We need to use that resurrection spell now then destroy it before that martyr uses it for its nefarious plan."

While he was acting like an inquisitive worrywart, Saitama was deciding between doing two things: staying around him to defend them from the next attack or attack the entrench before it could get to them. He figured it out...if he went after it the roots would caroom where the grimoire was and steal it—all powers of black magic making this thing reach the pinnacle.

Ergo, he should not let his ambition of fighting an opponent strong enough to survive his one punch be the catalyst of this world facing an imposing threat. He ran out of the plethora of spell books, historical multitudal words and grimoires.

He was close enough to Baragon to find him or more accurately his backside. He was about to holler, announce he was coming when all of a sudden a a large monstrous root protruding sharp bony tendrils crashed through the wall—Baragon glanced back for a fleeting second before leading the much younger still taller couple down the hallway.

It raised its bony tendrils up as it prepared to crush him under its insurmountable weight, but sending him flying was as simple as an unavoidable uppercut. It was sent to the roof letting the sun bath down on Saitama.

Injured but not defeated; a mortification for a hero who could defeat his enemies so easily. Five long branches rushed down until they constricted his arms and legs with him non-struggling as they did. With hardly any effort he walked and the branches crumbled.


At the moment Baragon was urging the couple to get into a room hidden in the wall when a serpent-esque root popped out and rushed towards him. He flailed his halberd at it only for his blade to deflect off of it. Letting his foot go a little limp, he rolled backwards before the monstrous root could grab ahold of him. And when he got up, his blade glowed with an exuding orange light.

" Unfetter Single Arc Slash!"

Baragon swung his glowing orange axe with great speed and precision. It struck the once indurable root with such force it left a scathing mark on it.

What was once a turbulent forge of nature was hewed into splinters. With the threat hacked to pieces Baragon could join the couple in the room to use the resurrection spell and than destroy the book...


The eerie red eyes of a skeleton were right in front of Baragon taking him by surprise. Even though he was a skeleton he could almost see a smirk on his face.

"I've never tasted dwarf soul before. I bet its sinewy."

A swirling ball of miasmic violet light emerged from the eldlich slash trees' mouth before a turbulent force of wind vacuumed what was his dwarven soul. Baragon was frozen and feeling drains while the eldlich was oscillating his very soul out. It was abhorrent how it ended with every morsel sucked out and Baragon falling as if he was pushed off a high peak.

He hit the floor—felt like an impalement in his back.

What he didn't feel was any movement in his arms. But he couldn't just be paralyzed from his soul being stolen from him. As if the gods were correcting their mistakes he slowly started to see only black.

'Is this the end?'

He could see the ethereal clouds followed by the regal music of the gods. Not only was the atmosphere unexpected, ensconced in a real way was the god Wolotl.

As was seen in the statues and ceiling he was a very tall dog looking god completely covered in blue fur. He had onyx eye flickering with bright light, his shoulders were covered in brown pads while everything else was fur, and he had two tusks protruding from his maw.

"H-Hi." Baragon waved his hand; the blue dog with the bulging nostrils hardly reacted other than flapping his tiny ears.

"You've lost your soul-young dwarf-that shouldn't mean you'd come here: Diowa . You must be a demi-god."