

William POV:

Three years have passed since we arrived on the island, I concentrated the first year on learning the language of the ponegliphes, I also learned a lot of theory on fighting, I also learned anatomy , it was Bellus who advised me, he told me that learning the human body will allow me to better use my body, at the end of the first year, Mary had started to teach me how to fight, I m was training the most time with her, and when I was alone, it was Bellus's turn to train me.

The third year I started to fight with wild beasts, the first time, I fought with small animals, but as I fought, I became stronger, and the approach of my third birthday, an event has turned my beautiful and calm life.

There are a few days left before I start practicing the Haki, ah, after all this time training, I'm sure I'll be able to fight a dozen navy commanders, do not forget that I have that three years, otherwise I could learn about the calendar, and I realized that I was born in 1502, the same year as Ace.

"William come, I need to talk to you," said Mary.

«I'm coming Tati» said William

Mary: William, you're strong enough for your age, and for that I'm proud of you, I never told you about your parents, all I can say is that they were great people, if you want to know more about them, you'll have to go to the new world on an island called Azur Island, a very hidden island, but I'm sure you'll find it.

Otherwise, after your birth I had fought a strong enemy who had forced me to use my accursed ability, I know that one day you will eat a fruit of the devil, and as I already told you, the fruit of the devil goes through several levels, the first by the mastery, the second by the awakening, the third by the expertise, being expert in the field of our fruit of the demon, we can create a cursed ability, except that as the name suggests it is cursed, and it takes a price to use it, this price is to have to pay for its lifetime, that's what I did, I cannot live after your third birthday, there is no remedies, all I wish is that you live well and that you enjoy your life, and William does not forget that if you want to live, you will have to become powerful, very powerful so that people can not take away your freedom or your desires.

What, how are you going to die, you cannot die Tati

Aunt Mary, it was you who had raised me; you cannot give up like that!!!!! Says William

Hey system gives me a potion to save Aunt Mary!!!

(I cannot William, it's impossible to fix the life of a person, the life is bound by fate, god alone can save it, but it's still impossible, you have to accept William, it's is life, there will be a day when all will die.)

Mary: it's good William, you do not have to be afraid, even if I die, I'll watch you high up in the sky, among these thousands of stars.

William: Shit, Tati stop saying things like that, it does not work on me, "mfh" "tears flowing"

Mary: Hey kids, I'm not dead yet, so stop crying.

William: Hmf ... S..stupid woman ... ..

Mary: What you call me stupid you want to die "hit on the head"

William: Awtch stops it hurts.

Mary: Well, before I leave, I have to tell you some things too, firstly Rayleigh will take care of you, secondly beware of people with the letter G in their names, thirdly do not do too much nonsense when you go out to get started your adventure, you understood me.

William: Yes ma'am.

Mary: Ok let's do some training.

William: Yes ma'am.

After three days

Hmmmmhouh .. "Take a deep breath" I bury Aunt Mary yesterday, Rayleigh will come today, the next two years will be pretty full, I'll work my haki up to mastery, and I swear I'll avenge Aunt Mary , and that I would kill all that hurt her.

"Footsteps approaching," Hi kid, she's gone ... ..

Hi Uncle Rayleigh, yes yesterday ... Say William.

Rayleigh: Ok, you're ready.

Yes, tell William.

Rayleigh: let's go.

I wanted Mary to die to help William become aware of the world he lives in.

William from the beginning wanted to live a calm life without danger, but he must grow mentally, and in power.

enjoy the chapter

XiaoNadircreators' thoughts