
Fisher Tiger

Fisher POV:

After all these years of torture, I finally get away from Mary Geoise, finally I can smell the seawater, I have to go home and warn King Neptune of the cruelty of some humans, no one deserves this kind of treatment.

Hmm moving forward, I could see a big sea monster fight five other monsters, after winning, he shrank, and then became a human.

Seeing this human I felt furious, but I had to control myself because humans are not all cruel people, besides the human in front of me it's a child, but I must also be careful, because he is very strong and he can have come to steal sirens.

Before getting to his side I stopped while saying who are you human?

And what do you do next to the Fish-Man Island?

William: Why are you looking for who I am, I have lived here for one year but I've never seen you.

Fisher: hmm you live here for one year, my name is Fisher Tiger, what about you?

William: My name is William Wayman.

William: Oh Fisher Tiger, what are you doing here I've never seen you?

Fisher: You never saw me because I was on the surface, Ok kid I have to go.

William: I'm coming with you, I finished my training today.

Fisher: do what you want.

Entering the island, everyone was greeting him.

Hello William

How are you William

Hi William

Good morning William

It was impressive that a human could be so warmly greeted.

I was heading to Ryugu Palace, I thought he would leave at a certain time, but he still followed me.

Fisher: Do you know the king?

William: yes, I know him.

Arriving in front of the gate of the palace guards came to check us, but when he saw William they opened the doors for us..

Upon entering, I did not know where to go, but apparently, William

knew the area well, so after a ten minute walk we arrived in front of the room.

William entered directly, so I could only follow him.

Upon entering I could hear a loud laugh. Hoh hoh hoh hoh.

It was probably the laugh of his majesty.

Oh who is this guest that you brought me back William? Said Neptune.

I know him by name, I met him there is not even an hour, he wants to see you for a reason that I do not know. Replied William.

Fisher: I salute his majesty King Neptune.

Neptune: Oh you do not have to be so ceremonial, declare your reason to come to meet me, jamon.

Fisher: Ehh, I came here my king, to reveal to you the meaning of this mark on the center of me chest, and my plans to help people with the same brand.

Neptune: Oh then tell me, jamon.

Fisher: As you've heard before, a lot of sirens, and fishmen are sold as slaves, and one of the places where there are the most slaves of all races is Mary Geoise, (take a deep breath) and I was incarcerated in One of the slave cells of the Holy Land, I managed to escape, but I could not forget the atrocity of the celestial dragon acts, so I thought I could ask you to help me find some strong men to help me release these victims, I do not want these people to live in this infamous place.

Hmm I can help you, but you'll have to wait, it's not easy to gather strong men, and I can not let soldiers join you, because not only if a danger touches the island I will need all my soldiers, but if anyone recognizes one of my soldiers, we will have an admiral who will attack us, and we do not have the strength to defend ourselves against an admiral. Said Neptune.

And how much have to wait? Said Fisher

One or two years. Neptune replied.

It's lot two years. ... Said Fisher

I can help you. Said William surprising the two men.

Fisher did not believe what he heard; a six-year-old tells him that he can help him.

Hey boy, I know that you're strong, but it's not a game, you can die. Said Fisher

William: I know, but that's my decision.

You can join me, but the two of us alone are not enough to break in without being spotted and free the victims without creating a ruckus. Said Fisher

William: do not worry; I have a solution for that

Sometime before

William POV:

Hearing Fisher, I thought of a way to get into Mary Geoise without being spotted, and I thought of the Metamorphosis Potion.

System do you have a metamorphosis potion? And if you have it how much does it cost? And how long does it last?

(William, the store at Metamorphosis potions, they cost 1000 SP and last about an hour)

Hmm then I buy ten potions and I will buy more if I need more. Said


Returning to the present time.

William POV:

William: Yes, I have potions that can help to metamorphose for an hour, that will allow us to break into the holy land without being spotted.

Fisher: hmm that's awesome how you did get potions?

William: you do not have to know.

Fisher: Well, now we need a plan.

William: I have a plan, to access to Mary Geoise we must climb on Bondolas.

Fisher: Bondolas?

William: yes, it's a sort of bubble-lift, we metamorphose into guard, and with your help we get into the neighborhood slaves, and we release the prisoners

Fisher: Hmm it's a good plan, and when do we go?

Within a week. Said William with a broad smile.

Enjoy the chapter ^_^

XiaoNadircreators' thoughts