
One Piece: Ultimate Legends

Nouva died because his Television exploded. However, he was granted an opportunity to transmigrate the world of One Piece. He was granted a Unique Skill called Plunder.

GrottoHeaven · Cómic
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10 Chs

Exchange Wheel!

Nouva's Will was stronger, so his ability to control his Devil Fruit naturally increased. This was something that came at the right time and moment. 

Nouva wrote a note and wrapped it up before creating a metal bird. Afterward, he released the bird into the wild to spy on Law.

Next, he activated the same Warp Stone to get back to his Island. He naturally took everyone with him, so the whole cube prison was warped away. 

With these Warp Stones, he would use one to send them away, eventually. Nouva sent his metal human-sized golem to retrieve Marshall from his cell. 

"What is going on here? Why were we all placed in jail cells?" Marshall frowned. Were they being held prisoner? 

People were groaning in pain inside of their cells, begging for help.

"Hello, Mister Trafalgar. I have something important to tell you. Please, Mister, take a seat." Nouva spoke to Marshall and told him that this was a task from his dad. 

Marshall found it weird that he was being told what to do by such a small child. 

"Sir, I just wanted to explain everything about the sickness that broke out in Flevance." 

Even until death, some of the people of White City never understood why this epidemic had broken out so late. Even children who didn't mine the stuff were affected by it.

"I know it's from the Amber Lead, but if isn't contagious, why did children have it?"

Marshall knew it wasn't contagious after studying the sickness, but children who didn't mine the stuff still caught it. In fact, their situation was worse than the adults who mined the stuff. 

He naturally believed that Nouva knew more from his 'father' who gave him this task. Marshall thought Nouva's father was way too strict to give a child of this age such a task. 

After all, Nouva had the antidote which I mind you—took effect instantaneously. 

It was a miracle!

"No, this stuff is the cure, but at the same time, it isn't." Before Marshall could flip out, Nouva explained.

He simply stated that the liquid was special and could cure any illness. It wasn't specifically for the Amber Lead Syndrome, but all illnesses.

"My god, someone created such an amazing medicinal liquid?!" Marshall stood up from his seat in shock.

This was every doctor's dream, to create medicine that could cure anything!

Afterward, Nouva explained the root of the problem. How the sickness worked and the whole process. He even talked about the royal family, the world government, and the whole scheme of it all.

"This is...why would they..." Marshall was so angry that he was shaking, as tears started flowing out of his eyes like a waterfall.

The answer was apparent and obvious, it was pure GREED!

"Ugh! My son! We need to retrieve him! He's still back in White City!" Marshall suddenly thought of his son, who was still in the city wandering around sick.

"No worries, he'll be safe for the time being, but he will suffer a bit." Nouva didn't lie, he would suffer greatly, mentally and physically. 

"Really, will he survive?" Knowing what would happen to his home, he was greatly concerned.

"Mhm! My dad is taking care of it." Next, Nouva handed Marshall a box full of the diluted [Max Cure Medicine]. 

He wanted Marshall to distribute the medicine to the sickly. There were about 45 people rescued, including kids and doctors.

"We're no longer on Swallow Island, but a small Island away from that place. However, we're still in the North Blue."

"How? Did you fly us off the island?" Marshall asked with a strange expression.

"No. My dad found some strange stones that can teleport people to any location. I only have a few of them on me. I plan to send you guys away, but it can't be anywhere here in the North Blue."

Nouva further explained that he should choose between the South and West Blue Seas. He would give them treasures to exchange, so they would be well off. 

"It's up to you to explain the situation to them. It's best to work something out and not garner the attention of the world government. 

Wiping his glasses from the previous tears, Marshall sighed before standing up and leaving. Under the escort of the human-sized golems, he left with the box of medicinal bottles.

Marshall's heart was heavy, so it wasn't going to be easy to explain the situation to the people.

Nouva had already handed Marshall the keys, which opened every cell door. 

"Phew, I don't get as tired anymore but I'm still slightly exhausted. In any case, let's check this Exchange Wheel out."

He clicked the wheel on his virtual screen. Suddenly, a bright golden wheel appeared before him.

The wheel was gold as it reminded him of a Gacha Wheel. Afterward, several lines of instructional text appeared.

[Exchange one Devil Fruit for a random Devil Fruit of the same class. You may also exchange lower-value Zoan and Paramecia Fruit for an upgraded Fruit within the (Same Class).]

Nouva looked closely and decided to give it a try. He thought about his most useless Devil Fruit, which he concluded was the Oil-Oil Fruit.

Despite it being Logia, it wasn't that good. Nouva placed the fruit up to the Gacha Wheel and said Exchange.

Afterward, the fruit was sucked into the wheel before spinning. The Logia sign on the wheel lit up, indicating its class. 

The wheel would continue to spin for the next 30 seconds.

"It seems that I can exchange 3 Zoan Devil Fruits to get a random Ancient Zoan type."

Nouva was stunned by another discovery, he could also exchange 3 Ancient Zoans for 1 Random Mythical Zoan!

"This is amazing, it's just too bad that it's random, and I can't choose what I want." Nouva sighed. It was essentially like gambling, you might end up getting something terrible.

Right then, the wheel slowly revealed the random exchanged fruit. This fruit was just as black as the Oil-Oil Fruit, but it came in the shape of a square box. 

[Tar-Tar Fruit]

Nouva was speechless, but it was better than the Oil-Oil Fruit's rating. 

It still has a weakness to fire, but I can exchange it for something else." Afterward, Nouva attempted to place it back into the [Exchange Wheel].

[Devil Fruit CANNOT BE EXCHANGED once they've been exchanged for!]

The system alerted.

Nouva wasn't disappointed, he knew he wouldn't be able to cheat the system, but why not try?

"Should I sacrifice 3 Zoans to get an Ancient type?" This was a sudden question, which required some thought before taking action.

"I'll wait to decide on this." Nouva gazed upward and could detect both human-sized golems guarding the door.

From his location, Nouva could see through the eyes of the metal bird he had created. Indeed, it was spying on Law, his target.

Nouva could have just teleported to the pirates who have the Ope-Ope Fruit. However, that would cause a commotion and a fight. 

This was the North Blue, the most dangerous of the 4 seas. So it wasn't an impossibility for some pirates to know Haki. 

"I can only wait, but it will be worth it in the end." This was going to require some serious patience.

To be precise, more than 2 years of waiting before Law severed his ties with Doflamingo.

"I should be located in the open hunting field when I first came here." It was the location of the Red Deers he had seen and hunted back then. 

Nouva walked out of the prison and found that he was indeed in that location. Afterward, he walked back into the prison and waited. 

Time passed quickly and before Nouva knew it; two hours had gone by. Right then, he received a message from his golems.

Marshall wanted to speak with him. Of course, Nouva allowed the golems to escort him and meet him.

Marshall's expression was downcast and sad.

"Their reaction to this tragedy isn't good, but they understand." Marshall sighed, but he could only look on the bright side. At least he had his wife, daughter, and soon, his son.

"I'm sorry that this happened. If you want revenge, then I would understand." Nouva was somewhat hinting at something.

"Revenge? How can I possibly get revenge? I'm just a regular doctor with no combat abilities."

It was an impossible dream, but he found himself hating the World Government for its transgressions. However, he wanted to investigate this matter himself at a later date to be sure.

"There's the Revolutionary Army, maybe you should consider joining them." Nouva grinned and said.

"The Revolutionary Army?" Marshall's expression changed. How could he have not heard of this group?

"I-I'll consider it..." He would immediately become a criminal if he joined such a group. Marshall didn't even know how to join this group.

"Have you guys considered what seas you wish to be relocated to?" Nouva asked curiously.

"No. We haven't been able to decide, they're all so torn about what happened in Flevance." Marshall sighed and shook his head bitterly.

"If you ask me, I recommend you go to the South Blue. The Revolutionary Army is mostly active in the East and South Blue. Also, I recommend Karate Island and the Torino Kingdom."

"I'm unfamiliar with the South Blue, could you explain these places to me?" This child was way too smart for his age, it was best to speak with him normally.

Nouva nodded and briefed him about these locations. Torino Kingdom, though it seemed primitive—was highly advanced in medicine.

Nouva recommended he go to Karate Island to learn martial arts. At least, he could let these lost people learn how to defend themselves.

Even letting his daughter learn was a possibility, at least some form of self-defense in this world.

The world wasn't at all sunshine and rainbows, it was best to know something combat-wise when Pirates or even when the Marines attacked. 

Marshall understood and opted to be sent to the South Blue, but the people needed time.

After what they've gone through and the people they've lost, it was best to give them time to breathe.

Nouva understood and agreed, he decided to give them 1 day before sending them off. 

Afterward, Nouva gave Marshall enough food and water to distribute.