
Adventure Continues [1]

--5 days later--

Alexander was on his way towards Nojiko.

Alex: 'Today is the day it seems.'

Alexander and Nojiko have planned to leave the island today after much discussion.

So after reaching Nojiko's front door, he grew hesitant about knocking even when because this was a big step for her by joining him, she will get wanted by the World Government.

But she has told him many times that she wants to join me even if it meant that she got a price on her head.

He stood there for a few seconds, but for him, it was 20 minutes.

So after collecting his thoughts, he knocked on the door.

Only a moment after he knocked, Nojiko opened the door, and she looked at Alexander with a playful smile.

Nojiko: "You took your time. Are you having second thoughts?"

Alex: "Hehe, well, I re.."

Nojiko: "I know what you are going to say, but I want to do this."

Alexander just accepted it for now as he thought of something he says playfully.

Alex: "Do you have everything ready, so you want to tell everybody goodbye, or should I just kidnap you without any goodbyes on board my ship?"

Nojiko that was standing by the door, shows a flirty smile.

Nojiko: "I would have loved you kidnapping me, but I want to say goodbye to everyone, especially Genzo."

Alex: "It's your choice. At least you didn't do the same thing as your sister."

Nojiko giggles a little

Nojiko: "I miss her."

When he heard that he smiled

Alex: 'Well, you will meet her sooner than expected.'

So Alexander and Nojiko got all their things and walked together towards the ship.

As they get closer towards the ship, they hear a commotion.

Alexander looks towards Nojiko and smiles, and she looks towards him and smiles back.

When they reached the dock, they could see a lot of people standing directing there faces towards them.

Alex: "That's a lot of people that will miss you."

As Alexander walks forward, he noticed that she didn't walk with him as he turns around, he saw that she was rooted and didn't move at all.

When he saw this, he smiled playfully.

Alex: "Wasn't it you who said that you wanted this, or is it just that you want to leave me by the altar?"

After he said that, she began to come back, and then you heard a small giggle coming from her.

Alexander smiles gently and reaches out his hand before her.

Alex: "So, what do you say?"

Nojiko looks at Alexander confidently and takes his hand.

Nojiko: "Thank you."

Alexander and Nojiko walk towards the crowd when they reach the group Genzo walks towards them with a sad smile, but you could still see that he had accepted and predicted what was going to happen.

Genzo: "So you are also leaving us at least you didn't steal all our wallets."

As Genzo talked about stealing wallets, everyone in the crowd started to laugh.

After that, everyone started talking and saying their goodbyes to Nojiko and wishing us luck on our journey.

While Nojiko said goodbye to everyone, Alexander was with her. Still, he could feel some hateful gazes coming from behind him, so he turned around and saw a few young men and boys staring at him with both hateful gazes and jealous looks.

He didn't bother looking at them any longer, even though he wanted to mess with them a little bit. He stops himself from doing it.

After a while, Nojiko had almost talked with everyone, and the last one is Genzo.

As she got to Genzo, I stepped away to let them have their moment.

Nojiko had finished talking to Genzo and began looking around for me and noticed that I was only a little further back.

As I saw her turning towards me, I saw a few small tears starting to come from her eyes, so I went towards her as he got to her, I showed a gentle smile.

Alex: "Are you ready?"

Nojiko: "I am. Let's go."

So Alexander undocked the ship and went on it with Nojiko.

As they began to sail away, Nojiko and Alexander waved from the ship towards the group.

When they only just started setting sail, Alexander heard a familiar shout coming from the crowd that sounded.

Genzo: "You better take care of her, or the last thing I do before I die is to hunt you down."

Alexander looked towards Genzo and shouted back.

Alex: "You don't have to worry."

As they got further and further away, Alexander heard that someone was crying, so he turned towards the sounds and notices that it was Nojiko that had held back all her tears before that was now crying.

He went towards her and gave her a strong and reassuring hug.

They were standing there for a long time just being in each other's arms before Alexander looked towards Nojiko with a loving smile.

Alex: "Feeling better?"

Nojiko looked towards Alexander with a loving smile.

Nojiko: "Thank you. I needed that."

As she calmed down, Alexander showed her around the little ship he had and gave her a room that he had fixed up when he took over the ship.

With that, they continued to talk and just spend time with each other, and soon night came, and they went to sleep.

--1 week later--

Alexander and Nojiko have just been spending time together either by chatting or training.

After Nojiko had seen Alexander train, she wanted to give it a try, so he gave her his workout routine.

Right now, Alexander and Nojiko were standing on the deck, looking towards Loguetown in front of them.

Alexander looks towards Nojiko.

Alex: "So we are going to get supplies because we are beginning to run out of food as you may have noticed, but luckily some people from Cocoyashi Village gave us some extra food that we used.

"So we will have to make this quick if I get spotted by the Marines even though it wouldn't be a big deal dealing with the Low-Ranked Marines on this island it would still create a lot of commotion that we don't need."

Nojiko: "Are you sure that I shouldn't do this alone because I'm not the 'Golden Eagle' that is wanted."

Nojiko began to giggle a little when she mentioned Alexander's pirate name the World Government gave him.

Alex: "No, if there were to be something going wrong, I need to be there even if it might not be the smartest I don't care."

Alexander has always been the maybe a little bit too overprotective. You might even say that he is very possessive.

[AU: Might have created a yandere?]

Nojiko couldn't change his mind on following with her, so she just accepted it and took it as a small date instead.

So they went towards the nearest shop/market to get some food supplies and other necessary things like new clothes that Alexander needed.

--3 hours later--

They were finally back from the shopping spree seems like girls like shopping, or at least Nojiko loved it when she knew I had over 7 million on me.

Alexander came back to the ship with his hands full of bags and some other things that she bought that he didn't even have a clue on what it was.

He was now mostly broke. He had maybe around 1 million berries left.

But the worst part was not when they were looking for food, no it was when they reach the clothes.

Alexander only needed a few extra sets of clothes. Still, with Nojiko around, she went on a fashion spree and bought a lot of clothes for Alexander, but all of the clothes he had didn't even come near the amount she purchased for herself.

But Alexander didn't complain at all because he was just happy that she had a lot of fun today using almost all the money he had didn't amount to what he got in return.

So they put everything down so they could sort everything out and it wasn't until then they started to sail again towards the Reverse Mountain.

Still looking for ideas to implement into the novel if you have any ideas or anything you want to ask.

HAHAHA, soon a new challenger for the World Government will come!!

StrayGodcreators' thoughts