
One Piece: The Legend of the Star Sea

Eden Ragnell found himself in the world of One Piece. Rescued by fishermen, to feed himself he become one too. After a few months in this world, he already stopped thinking of going to the sea and becoming a pirate as he was just a weak normal human, but then he met Luffy, and from the ashes of his dreams, a new fire was born, and he becoming the Fisherman of the Straw Hats was just the start of his story. [This story follows the canon for only a few chapters, then everything change, as many butterfly effects happen, changing the story and the relationships of the characters.] [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5] [www.p@treon.com/zaelum] >>[Check Out My Website! It Has +3 Extra Chapters For FREE!]>> [zaelumtranslations.com]

Zaelum · Cómic
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30 Chs

Chapter 2

Faced with Luffy's invitation, Eden was stunned.

Judging by the current situation, Luffy was still alone, which meant he hadn't even met Zoro yet.

If he really accepted Luffy's invitation, what impact would that have on the future of Luffy's pirate crew?

Initially, Eden was overjoyed by Luffy's words, but he quickly calmed down and realized a fact: he was just an ordinary person.

To put it bluntly, Eden was a weakling in terms of combat. Aside from being good at fishing, he had no other skills.

If he encountered any insignificant pirate, even if he had the courage to fight, he would definitely be the one getting beaten.

Back on Earth, Eden was born into a very ordinary family, became an average student, and later, a typical office worker.

As an unremarkable person, coming to this world of One Piece, how could he fight against those fierce pirates?

If he joined Luffy's crew only to become a burden, he would never accept Luffy's invitation. He would rather stay in this peaceful village for the rest of his life.

So after pondering for a while, Eden decided to reject Luffy's invitation.

"No, I like this village. I'm used to the fishing life. Becoming a pirate would trouble me."

Eden said this somewhat against his will. How he wished to sail with Luffy and experience those fantastic adventures.

After all, when he used to watch One Piece, Eden had fantasized about being a member of Luffy's crew, supporting each other and moving forward with unwavering trust. Who wouldn't yearn for that?

But when fantasy became reality, considering his own situation, Eden had to make a rational, albeit reluctant, choice. Who would want to be a burden to the team?


Luffy didn't seem to understand that Eden was rejecting him. His eyes lit up as he pointed excitedly at the fish in the baskets on the boat. "So, you caught all these fish?"

"Well, sort of."

Eden nodded. The fat man helped him fish, but his main job was to put the fish Eden caught into the baskets.

"I knew it! You're really reliable. From now on, we're partners. Please take care of me."

Luffy laughed and gave Eden a bright smile.

Take care of you, my foot. You didn't even listen to what I said.

Eden had a bad feeling. He suddenly remembered that Luffy never cared if someone agreed to join his crew.

To put it bluntly, Luffy would shamelessly insist on people joining his pirate crew.

Just as Eden was about to speak again, he heard a loud rumbling sound.

Geez, this guy's stomach growls are really something else.

Eden looked at Luffy, who was clutching his stomach with a hungry expression.

"Didn't you say you would treat me to a feast? Let's go then. After we're full, we'll set sail."

Seeing Eden still standing there, Luffy urged him and asked, "By the way, what's the specialty of your village? It must be delicious meat!"

What the heck! You're answering your own question. Why ask me?

Eden rolled his eyes and simply told Luffy that the village's specialty was fish, then prepared to head back.

Looking at the unconscious fat man, Eden slapped him several times, swelling his face, but the fat man remained unresponsive.

With Luffy urging him, Eden had no choice but to row the small fishing boat back himself.

As he rowed, Eden felt something was wrong. Why, after more than a minute of rowing, did the boat not move forward but seemed to be retreating?

Seeing the calm sea, this shouldn't be happening.

Eden wondered, turned around, and saw Luffy on the other side of the boat, stretching his arm to grab the giant sea king floating on the water while rowing with the other hand.

Damn it! I shouldn't have asked him to help row. He's only making things worse!

Eden felt that Luffy was not just a foodie but also a walking disaster. "What are you doing?"

"I want to take it back to use as food for a banquet. It must be delicious."

Luffy laughed, looking at the sea king he was holding with his long arm, almost drooling.

"Do you think we can row back with that heavy sea king dragging us down?"

Eden was almost driven crazy by Luffy's simple-mindedness. The sea king was at least twenty times larger than their fishing boat. How could the small boat possibly pull it?

"Is that so? I thought you were slacking off and not rowing hard enough. I guess I was wrong, hahaha!"

Luffy didn't realize his mistake and even laughed it off, making Eden feel anxious.

If I really went to sea with him, I might get killed by him before meeting Zoro and the others.

No, I would definitely get killed by him!

This thought crossed Eden's mind.

"Then we'll have to do this."

Luffy muttered, then put down the oar, stretched his arms, and tightly grabbed the sea king's body.

Eden wanted to tell Luffy to give up the sea king, but before he could speak, Luffy lifted the sea king high and threw it forward with great force.

Because the sea king was too heavy, when Luffy lifted it, the boat rocked violently and began to sink.

When Luffy threw the sea king, the combined weight of the sea king and the force from Luffy's throw caused the boat to tilt almost ninety degrees.

In other words, the small fishing boat they were on almost capsized, making Eden's heart race.

"What are you trying to do?"

This time, Eden was really freaking out. As a normal human being, he sometimes couldn't understand the thoughts of a simple-minded person.

"Bring it back to eat."

Luffy pointed at the sea king he threw in front of the boat and said to Eden, "Wasting is bad, you know?"

Damn it, you just want to eat the sea king! Don't try to sound so noble!

Seeing Luffy's hungry expression, Eden knew what the glutton was really thinking.

Knowing he couldn't convince Luffy to give up the sea king, Eden had no choice but to keep rowing, hoping to get back to the village quickly, feed Luffy a big meal, and send him off.

Seeing Luffy in person was enough for him.

Eden genuinely thought so. With his ordinary combat skills, he wouldn't survive the adventures at sea.

"Why did you invite me?"

Even though Eden had decided not to go to sea, he was curious why Luffy invited him.

"I think you're pretty cool and good at fishing. This way, I won't have to worry about running out of meat."

Luffy said straightforwardly.

Eden wasn't surprised. With Luffy's single-minded love for food, it wasn't strange for him to invite a good fisherman.

"I also want to find a cook and a musician. Then I can listen to music and eat delicious meat every day. It would be wonderful."

Luffy threw the sea king forward again. Eden, now accustomed to the boat's violent rocking, didn't react too much.

"If you have a cook, you won't need me. The cook will take care of your food needs."

Eden thought Luffy would eventually meet Sanji, making him even more unnecessary on the ship.

It seems my decision not to go to sea was wise.

Just as Eden had this thought, he heard Luffy say, "I've thought it over. If the cook can focus on making meat for me, that would be great. You can handle catching the meat."

Luffy seemed to get more excited as he spoke, his eyes shining as he looked at Eden. "I once ate a sea king, and its meat was delicious. If you can catch sea kings for me to eat, that would be amazing."

Eden felt a chill at Luffy's words, and his hand on the oar trembled, almost causing him to fall into the sea.

If I could catch sea kings, I wouldn't have needed you to save me!

Eden imagined himself fighting giant sea kings daily and felt a cold sweat on his forehead.

"Ah, I see land. Is that your village?"

Luffy excitedly threw the oar aside, stretched his arm, and climbed up the mast, looking ahead.

"Yes, we're almost there."

Eden was also happy. Finally, they were close to the village.

"Great! I'll throw it into the village with one move. I'm starving."

Luffy jumped down from the mast, stretched his arms to grab the sea king, lifted it high, and spun a few times before throwing it out.

Maybe Luffy used too much force this time, causing the boat to rock even more violently. The fat man finally woke up.

The just-awakened fat man didn't know what was happening, but his stomach churned, and he rushed to the side of the boat, vomiting.

Eden knew the fat man was seasick from the boat's earlier violent rocking.

Seeing the sea king thrown by Luffy fly over a hundred meters and land heavily on the shore, Eden hadn't had time to marvel at Luffy's strength when he heard a sharp cracking sound.

"Huh? What's that sound?"

Luffy asked, confused, standing at the side of the boat.

Eden looked towards the sound and saw the deck near Luffy's feet cracking.

"Oh no, the boat's going to sink!"

As soon as Eden shouted this, the bottom of the small fishing boat completely broke apart, and seawater quickly flooded in.

"Why did the boat end up like this?"

Luffy asked in shock.

"Because you kept throwing the sea king, the boat couldn't take the pressure."

Seeing more and more seawater flooding in, Eden said urgently.

In fact, Eden was right. Earlier, when Luffy repeatedly threw the giant sea king while standing on the boat, his feet exerted great pressure on the deck. Finally, with Luffy's last throw, the small fishing boat that had served Eden for over six months could no longer withstand the pressure and sank.

"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Luffy's words left Eden speechless. I told you to give up on the sea king, but you didn't listen.

Eden was about to reprimand Luffy when he heard him say, "I can't swim!"

Seeing Luffy quickly sink into the sea, Eden remembered that Luffy, as a Devil Fruit user, couldn't swim.

Seeing the fat man clinging to the broken deck and floating on the water, Eden sighed, shook his head, and jumped into the sea...