
One piece: The Forgotten Man

In the world of One Piece, a certain forgotten man learns of his elder brother's death. Watch how he sets sail to avenge his one and only family member.

spawn997 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The first meeting

At the same time, a man named Edward Craig, the younger brother of white beard, arrived on the beach of Phoenix Island after the trouble of searching, he discovered that Marco was on this island, but soon he heard the sound of the grinding battle, he headed towards this battle to see Marco fighting a stranger

But he recognizes Bakin, then throws the giant axe to announce his arrival at the battlefield to witness the appearance of the person nicknamed The Forgotten Man

"How are you, Little Marco," the man said, shocking everone.Marco said.

This is you, Craig, Where Have you been all these years", "let's leave this matter for another time, it seems that you are in the throes of something important, you have to end this battle, we have things to discuss and something else to do, I've been looking for you for a long time, it's time to take revenge"

Bakin" is it you, it's been said about you that you were killed and forgotten, no one knows you now, only those who knew you in the past, you've become like Legends, isn't that so"

" Oh Craig is a former member of The Rocks " who do you know all this about me "it "seems that you forget me, my name is Bakin, I was in the crew of the Rocks too,

" I remembered you, but your appearance is different, you became old and also short, but what is your relationship with all this and who is this strange person"

"This person is not strange, he is the son of Edward Newgate his name is Whipple and I am his mother"," what are you saying, it is impossible for my brother to marry you ". " my son it will make you regret my son is the only heir to the white beard Yes",

" Mom, I will kill them all" "listen, boy, I don't know what this old woman told you and I don't know what she wants, but I advise you to leave and never show your face in front of me again I have things more important than u Whipple sad " mom who is this man" " it is no one baby kill them all".

"Marco leaves this to me the boy wants to fight me" Whipple, goes off and changes his attack to Craig, The battle begins with mutual blows between the two. Craig grabs Whipple's hand and crushes her" hmm boy u so cold hae Bakkin something wrong with your boy"

Marco "I noticed that "something strange in Whipple there are no expressions, there is no reaction to pain. Craig, want and this battle.

Whipple has condemned himself to death since arriving and attacking the island and it's unforgivable. Craig was the protector of this island after Newgate. "tow people I don't feel pity for; the traitor and the weak.

And it seems to me that you are holding the two, you are weak, and Bakin the traitor" Marco sad "if she sad the truth there is no treasure to look for, white beard's legacy is his family and you don't belong to us."

after crushing his hand Craig punches Whipple in the face and the iron shards are scattered turns out he's a cyborg." what a piece of shit, Bakin. it took one punch to expose your dirty tricks" after seeing Craig, she knew it was no longer safe his unexpected appearance foiled all plans

She loved Newgate. he wasn't interested in that, all he cared about was the sea and he didn't care about her. then love turned to hate because of Newgate and indifference to her. she hatched a plan to rob him of his family and treasures.

She took a lock of Newgate's hair and with her money and Newgare's genes she was able to create a cyborg carrying Newgate's genes

Bakin said, "the son inherits his father's genes, and in Whipple's veins there are Newgate genes". Craig"that's not his son you steal someone's genes and put them in a pile of meat and junk.

This is a failed product and I'm happy to destroy it" it's the end, the end of the so-called son of Newgate, the end of malice and greed Craig, holds his axe and turns to Whipple.

With one blow, he cuts off Whipple, then grabs his head and smashes it in front of her Bakin, eyes "I told you, I hate traitors, and what you did is considered treason. you must face your fate". Craig, went to her, and she began to tremble with fear, she saw doom, a black shadow coming to take her soul, she saw death with her own eyes.

with one wave he kills Bakin, Marco, "there was no need to kill her after killing Whipple, she was miserable"

"this is the fate of every traitor and from now on revenge will begin".