

This tale is about a boy that was abandoned and left to the mercy of the seas ,while he was in the sea a figure saw him and saved him ,raised him and made him a powerful figure on par with the strongest people to ever live ,join our protagonist EDWARD LINCOLN on his way to unparalleled strength and authority. first fanfic ,my English grammar isn't very good but I'll try my best . leave your suggestions in the comments . I'll try to update as fast as I can but sometimes I won't be able to post for an interval of time due to my preparation for entrance examinations some future plans I plan on introducing some characters from other stories and stuff . so y'all can anticipate some crossovers . and seeing the concept on ki ,yes I have used some inspiration from manhwas and the dragon Ball series .and I will have some crazy concepts of power and I don't want my MC to be downgraded by anyone so he will be kinda op. my grammar isn't the best and the first chapters prove it but along the way I improve so that I can convey what's on my mind . and the people who said that I do what I did to the one piece world ...it's a fanfic for a reason and try to look past the normal world building of the one-piece world and try this one a chance :) One piece belongs to eichiiro oda ,the only thing mine are the OCS I made and some extra islands I tuned to fit in the world .

godlyarrogantz_305 · Acción
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67 Chs


Lincoln and Newgate were holding xebecs body carefully and travelling to a isolated island being sure they were not being followed , XEBEC wasnt still dead ...his heartbeat was still there albeit very quietly .

Lincoln had used the hidden doctor of Thier crew to help XEBEC prolong his life to see his last wish before he dies.

newagte and Lincoln used all thier remaining stamina and reached the island after 1 day of travelling ,the hole in XEBECS body was. held on by stolen nanotechnology from xebecs personal collection,said to be made by the starhumans golden era ..(11,000~ years ago)

when they reached the small isolated island what greeted them was a lady with her face sweating and struggling to walk but when she saw the ship coming she ran to the shore and shouted

???- HOW IS HE !!!

Newgate and Lincoln looked at her and smiled completely masking Thier true feelings but she caught Thier real feelings from observation haki but pretended she didn't ,she convinced herself that XEBEC won't die .

XEBEC opened his eyes straining himself and called out in a raspy voice .

X - I am fine woman !! get inside that old woman will yank the baby out you .

askansa was startled but she was smiling and tears were on her eyes ,she got pain from her pregnant womb and went inside with Lincoln and his pops following her supporting XEBEC ,

the old midwife started to take care of askansa during labour and Xebec sat on the chair holding her hand .

when askansa was awaiting ,XEBEC called Lincoln and whispered to his ear to retrieve something ,a chest from his room .

Lincoln hurriedly brought the chest and XEBEC opened it with his feeble strength.

he took a small bottle and drank it ,

the drink made xebecs face and body turn from pale to purple to blue and veins appeared all on his body Lincoln also brought a live seaking as per xebecs order .

XEBEC then absorbed the seakings vitality to sustain him.

then XEBEC took another bottle and drank it making his whole body spasm and flinch .

the hole in the body started growing smaller and smaller and his two devil fruits appeared beside him .and then both of the fruits disappeared from his hands

XEBEC looked at. his hands where he had the powers he had his whole life sacrificed to sustain his life ,his left leg and right hand were unresponsive even after being sustained and the only good thing were the nanotechnology he got from the ruins of the star humans .

a squeeze brought him out his stupor and he looked at his wife struggling and midwife telling him to prepare for delivery.

meanwhile the death of Rocks .D.Xebec spread out to all the people in the world ,even though the world government tried to keep the losses of the Marines a secret ,it was leaked and spread out by buggle .

making everyone astonished and happy they were dead.but Lincolns and newagtes bounty were increased.

in a island we find a gravely hurt kaido and linlin resting with kaido in another room.

the door opened and a small kid came inside and treated linlin along with his brothers and sisters

????- MAMA ! it's really good you escaped from rocks or you would have died along with them

linlin - katakuri...it's the thing I am most shameful of but I had to do it ,if the circumstances were otherwise I would have fought with him and died happily but priorities were to come first and suffer with this immense regret and guilt in my heart.

katakuri- don't worry mama ! you're dream will happen and we will live happily

linlin - I hope so katakuri ..I hope so ,tell perospero and brulee to go and sleep on your way out there's no point in nursing kaido I hope that fucker dies.

in a marine branch we see garp ,SENGOKU and roger being bandaged ,all of them have grave faces ,they can't move amuscle due to injuries and exhaustion

ROGER - I feel like ....shit....

GARP - I'm sorry roger you had to go through that because of me

SENGOKU - the rage on newgates eyes ...I will never forget it

Roger - more than rage ....the look of betrayal from both Newgate and Lincoln has been replaying in my mind haunting me and preventing me from having a piece of mind....garp,SENGOKU if I go to a place the marines has covered will they kill me like you guys did to XEBEC ,will I have to watch as you guys torture and kill my crewmates and then finally kill me just to make a statement?

GARP -...

roger turned over making garp face his back and looked to the sea through the windows and saw his crewmates injured and some dead . Rayleigh limping towards the infirmary with a some barrels of alcohol

roger smiled ...and said

roger - when I fulfill my dream you guys will follow me and will scream my death ....but I hope ....I hope I will make other people to go out and find out the secret of the world.

roger stands up and looks at the two marines before him and told them

roger - I will find the secrets of the world that XEBEC wanted to spread and you can't stop me .....try it if you can

then he took a cane and limped towards Rayleigh who looked at him and supported him on his way to the ship with teh barrells.

SENGOKU - duty has no personal feelings garp cut off your emotions and try your best to kill him or he will be a bigger threat and he will have an even worse death ...

GARP - I can't ...I'm too weak ..this year has broken me mentally my wife has passed and my conviction and will has broken I don't think I will progress anymore ...his life's purpose hasn't ended his ambition overrules mine and he will die making history down with him.bit Lincoln that brat will make an even bigger mark in history ,.....I am afraid now to cross them on seas I hope I don't .....

SENGOKU- whatever garp I don't know what you're thinking but your son is growing up and he will need answers about his justice ...keep him tied or he will fall like the many other revolutionary armies we and our predecessors have killed ..do I make myself clear monkey .d. garp?

GARP - .....yeah ...

in a sailing ship we find John and Wang zhi along with shiki drinking sake and bandaged like mummy's ..

shiki - bryndi thanks for the ride Shahahahaha!!

bryndi world - shut the fuck up I don't even want to look at you you prick ,I'm just fulfilling the favour I owed you and after this when I see you I will kill you ....

Wang zhi - John will we go our way ....I hope you are going to keep your word

John - yea .....

shiki - why are you guys so sad Shahahahaha we are pirates ! we are scum !! we backstabb and kill don't forget that embrace your nature and forget about rocks fuck that guy ...I never liked him and that giant Newgate and his brat.

John - shut the fuck up shiki....you dragged us into this ...I don't want to talk. to you shut the fuck up and leave is alone .. we will go our separate ways ...and never meet again ..if we do then I will fight neck and tooth to kill you

shiki - sure ....sure...

In the fleet admirals office we see an old claro black and garlic Allen seated with the only survivor of the admirals ,Kong he is mummified and is brought to the office via a wheelchair .

C - He is dead....

G.A- like they wanted ...sigh....why can't death claim me ...I'm too old for this shit

K - it's good that jennings and Elinor died for me ,I can enforce more absolute justice.

C - shut the fuck up Kong I don't want to hear you bullshit I just want to give up this seat and drink coffee with my wife and not wake up tommorow ...

puru Puri puru puru ~ kacha *

C - fleet admirals office here , the pirate has been killed and so has 310,000 fine men .

we won the battle but lost the war elder San

elder - shut up dog , your soldiers are our toys and you do what we say ,atleast you could do this and not like Henry's situation....

claro - fuck you sword ghandi * kacha *

G.A- bold move ....bold move .....zzzzzz

claro moved his chair and looked at his soldiers ...

Claro - fuck this man ...I'm too old for this ..

Edward Lincolns bounty will be 3.8 billion and newagtes will be 4.6 , tell them to change it on your way back Kong....

back to XEBEC .

on his hand was a small child that was barely his pinkies size who was crying out his lungs being scared by XEBEC

askansa - give him to me XEBEC you are sacring him with your wild hair and maniac grin ..

XEBEC hands him over and askansa coos on her newborn

Lincoln - woah pops was I also like that ?


Lincoln - a kid ...huh what will you name him sencho ?

XEBEC looks at his son and says with a maniac grin adnorning his face