
Chapter 161

[Delta, November 4th, 1522]

"Haa… now I feel alive."

Within the dusk, Rowan, with a full stomach, exclaimed happily as he gazed up at the starry sky.

'Feels awesome to finally graduate from those ball plants and fish. I swear, if not for the treasure…'

Log Pose or not, the Grimheart pirates may have started to travel in a random direction without any sanity.

However, soon enough, Rowan's expression died down to that of seriousness.

'Blackbeard's domination over the South Blue. Kaidou and Big Mom's increasing control over the New World. The Revolutionary Army's success in the East Blue.'

The World Government was losing control over many seas. Many may believe this phenomenon as a sign that the World Government has been weakened, but Rowan thought otherwise.

'The supposed royalties in the South Blue all safely evacuated to Mariejois prior to Blackbeard's attack. It was only the weak who suffered from his malicious deeds.'

Something definitely happened.

'Perhaps I was the trigger for it.'

Currently, the world has been moving in a direction that the World Government was no longer able to control. The re-emergence of 'Vasilia.' Kaidou and Linlin's movements in the New World. Blackbeard's works in the South Blue. The Revolutionary Army's control over the East Blue. Within such a situation, the privileged nobles from all over the world began to fear the consequences that they may have to face.

The World Government, by taking in all the frantic nobles into the Mariejois, began to reveal its true face. Those high above ignored the plea of the weak and began to care for their well-being only.

At the same time, they began to withdraw the forces from those seas. Only the few strategically important islands such as Water Seven received protection.

Rowan could see that they were assembling their troops for an upcoming future. Something happened, and the World Government became confident of their victory due to such happening.

What could it be?

"Then there are those two Emperors."

The incident in the Coconut Seal damaged the pride of two Emperors. Kaidou and Linlin weren't someone to let go of their grudge easily, and judging by how the Phoenix pirates recently suffered at the hands of the Big Mom pirates, Rowan knew that as soon as they find him in Delta, they won't sit idly by.

In their eyes, not only was Rowan an enemy, but also a capable contender for One Piece.

'Runelight, December 15th. Meet up with the Revolutionary Army. Apart from that, in July 1523, the allied pirate crews are to join back and initiate the war.'

Rowan did have a plan of his own in his mind. After arriving at the Delta island and acquiring the recent-most information, he could see that the Revolutionary Army was losing their wars in the New World against the opposing sides, who were secretly receiving support from an underworld broker named Joker, also known as Donquixote Doflamingo. Rowan knew that behind Doflamingo stood Kaidou, who was funding his army by selling weapons of lower qualities worldwide.

'First, Punk Hazard.'

Rowan will first destroy the facility in the Punk Hazard, where Law informed that a required material for the production of SMILE, SAD, is produced. Simultaneously, he will capture Caesar Clown, the only one who knows how to make SAD. By doing so, Kaidou will focus his attention on Rowan.

Then, he and his crew will move from island to island, destroying the 'candy factories' that produce a huge amount of sweets every month for the Big Mom pirates. Doing so will further provoke Linlin as well.

'Red Hair is heading to the South Blue right now. If what he said is true, then with Teach being Xebec's son and Kaidou and Big Mom being Xebec's crew members in the past... I may end up facing the three of them. In order for Red Hair to win, I have to keep those two away from the South Blue.'

Such was the plan until December 15th, when Rowan will meet up with the Revolutionary Army.

'Then, through the alliance, and through other means,'

Rowan had to build up a force that can match the World Government and those two Emperors.

It wasn't the time for them to enjoy an adventure, it seemed.


[One day after; November 5th, 1522]

"So, how do we locate the Punk Hazard?"

Unfortunately, Rowan's plan was stuck in the first step.

"...S***." Rowan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "I wonder."

Dan placed his hand on his chin before speaking up astutely, "How about we go for Doflamingo instead then? A Warlord who's well-known to dwell within the kingdom of Dressrosa. He's also a named individual within the underworld; there is a lot of information to milk out from someone like him."

Carina, who was listening to the discussion, continued the conversation, "Dressrosa is quite close to Delta. With our speed, we are able to go there anytime we want."

Then, Robin followed, "I've also acquired the information of the nearby islands under Big Mom's protection, just as you ordered, captain. There were three in particular: Limejuice, Meringue, and Sugar."

Rowan, who seemed to be in deep thought, eventually spoke up, "Let's separate here."

Once they successfully attacked one, the Emperors will tighten their security. The most efficient approach that the Grimheart pirates can take, in Rowan's eyes, was none other than attacking all four islands simultaneously.

All members of the Grimheart pirates gazed at Rowan seriously, listening to his command without any demeanour of refusal.

"Carmen, Dan, and Cavendish will take those three islands under Big Mom's control. As for Dressrosa... I will go personally."

Rowan turned to Carina, "Do you need me on the ship?"

Carina smiled confidently, "Sucks that we won't be able to fly, but leave it to us."

"Then, within a month, we will gather up in the Runelight after finishing our tasks."


[Rice Cracker, Paradise]

"...I don't understand." Garp, whose face twitched in pure rage, slowly placed his rice cracker down.

"Why did the World Government specifically pursue after Luffy? Because he's the member of D? But even then, why a rookie like him?"

Garp knew that Luffy was bound to be the enemies of the Marine and World Government the moment he became a pirate. However, no matter how many times he tried to reason himself, he couldn't understand why the CP0 specifically went after Luffy.

"And they killed all the innocent inhabitants of the island while doing so, just to get rid of the witnesses." The more Garp thought, the angrier he became.

"Hm..." After momentarily looking at three men, Zoro, Sanji, and Bartolomeo who were sleeping from exhaustion, Garp stood up from his seat.

Justice or family? It was the dilemma that Garp was going through for his entire life.

"Now, I am sure of it."

However, the World Government wasn't the justice. No, justice itself no longer mattered to Garp.

His precious grandson was brutally beaten and caught!

"Sengoku, Tsuru, I'm sorry." Garp, while muttering in a shaky voice, took out one Vivre Card from his pocket.

<Father, you do realize that the Marine is corrupt. If they were as righteous as they claimed, ones like Grimheart wouldn't have become a pirate in the first place.>

The Vivre Card belonged to Dragon, his son. It was given to him when they occasionally met in the Loguetown.

<Follow this once your mind is set.>

<Bwahaha! Aren't you afraid that I am going to use this to track you down?>

Garp couldn't help but chuckle as he saw the Vivre Card shifting toward one particular direction,

"You are frightening as ever... Dragon."

Walking toward the sleeping trio, Garp kicked the bed that they were lying upon,

"Wake up, you brats!!!"

"Huh?! Leave me alone, old man!" Zoro, whose eyes opened, shouted in annoyance.

"I don't listen to a burly guy like you!" Sanji turned his body around.

"Yes, Luffy's grandfather!!!" On the other hand, Bartolomeo was seen to be standing already, wide awake.

Garp, already used by their antics, snorted, "Do you wish to save your captain?"

Zoro and Sanji turned their heads around with narrowed eyes.


[Dressrosa, one week after; November 12th, 1522]

Within the calm night of Dressrosa, where no one was seen to be outside, one man landed from the sky.


This man, who was looking around the surrounding with a slight disappointment, was Rowan.

"I thought Dressrosa is famous for being a land of passion. What's with this silence?"

While muttering so, Rowan casually placed the Eternal Pose in his hand into the pocket, before beginning his casual walk toward the castle in the middle of the island—

"Hands up!"

With the sounds of numerous guns loading at the same time, Rowan found himself surrounded by many soldiers who were patrolling around.

Of course, he noticed them ages ago, from the very start.

"Someone's got good eyes within your ranks." Rowan chuckled. Them surrounding him meant that they saw his flight within the dark sky; it served to grow Rowan's interest.

"Identify yourself—"

The soldier, who flashed light onto Rowan, froze in a shock,


Rowan simply grinned before his Conqueror's Haki blasted out ferociously.

All the enemies in the proximity, be it the soldiers surrounding him or the ones hidden, all fainted without any resistance.

"...Interesting. So you do know that you are unable to run away from me."

Rowan's Observation Haki was incredibly wide-ranged to an extent where he could sense every intent within the whole island. Doflamingo's, the largest among them all, was adamantly staying within the castle instead of fleeing like what Rowan expected.


One door at some distance away opened. One toy soldier, who was standing with his sole leg, stared off toward Rowan's location.

At a colosseum, few individuals awoke from their slumber, having felt an intense will as large as the two Emperors who visited few days ago.

Within minutes, the whole kingdom woke up; something was about to happen.

*Tap* *Tap*

Unbothered by the eyes of the others, Rowan continued to walk at his pace. Although some soldiers occasionally blocked his path with fear engraved within their eyes, Rowan would pass through them without any care, before,


they pass out with foamy mouths as well.

'Heh, that so-called Seven Warlords system that the Marine tried so hard to restore...'

Rowan's face morphed into a grin as he stared off at the castle right in front of him,

'Let me disrupt it once again.'

Then, in front of everyone's eyes,


the whole castle exploded into pieces. What amazed them, however,

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

was that the pieces of the castles bounced up in the air and fell toward the remote space—no citizen was hurt by them.

"...What is someone of your caliber doing here."

Within the cloud of dust, Doflamingo's voice was heard.

Rowan, raising his hand up, simply swiped his right hand,


clearing the dust in one go.

"How welcoming."

In front of Rowan, every member of the Donquixote family was standing with evident nervousness in their eyes.

In the center of them all, Doflamingo, with his sunglasses on his face, glared at Rowan while sweating profusely.

"Why are you here? I haven't done anything to you, have I?" Doflamingo growled desperately. Within his mind, Rowan's punch in the Marineford was being replayed; Doflamingo couldn't even dare to think of defeating him.

"He's just one, while all of us are here, young master! What's there to fear?! Let's just kill him and get it over with it!!!" From the side, Baby 5 shouted as she transformed her arms into Gatling guns.

All the other members of the Donquixote family all had their jaws opened wide after hearing Baby 5's bold words.

"Well, naturally..." Rowan, ignoring Baby 5's words, replied impassively, "I came here for a reason."

Upon watching Rowan, who was cracking his knuckles, Doflamingo clenched his hands while muttering in a low tone,

"...It seems that we are out of an option here."

"Doffy—" From Doflamingo's back, Pica voiced up in his typical high-pitched tone. However, before he could say his words, he was interrupted by Rowan,


who fell to the ground all of a sudden, humoured by an unexpected voice from the muscular man.

"Kill Grimheart!!!" Doflamingo then screamed while launching himself toward Rowan. Although he was displeased that Rowan laughed at his family, he found Rowan's current state as an opportunity.

His three elite officers, Trebol, Diamante, and Pica followed immediately, with Pica glaring at Rowan murderously.

"Bohahaha..." Rowan, who held his chest in an attempt to calm his laughter down, wiped out his tear with his other hand, "Now I see why you call yourself Joker. I haven't had a good laugh for a while."

Then, Rowan locked his eyes onto Pica, and jokingly said,

"Pica~ chu!"



At the same time, Rowan turned his head to the right to dodge Doflamingo's thick whip made out of the string.

With all members of the Donquixote family having surrounded Rowan, the battle of one versus many has begun.