
Chapter 22- Captain’s Past, the Cross of Bones in the Skull Cap.

The next day comes about and we get ready to sail off. Lizard is checking Laboon's scars as she talks to Crocus about how to keep him healthy and moving till his friend gets back. As they do that, the rest of us are stocking up on supplies and making preparations to set off on our course. "So Captain, whats your back story?", Ray asks out of the blue, " and why is that skull cap inside out?". I stop in the middle of my tracks, look at him and say, "Thats a story for another time", as I continue up and on to the ship. He looked at Joe confused and continued to stock supplies up onto the ship. As we got everything onto the ship and about to head out when Ray asks, "So whats your story Captain?". "Are you a broken record player or something? I want to say no, but you're just going to keep asking aren't you?" I say. He chuckles, and I know he won't stop asking. "Fine I will tell you about it". "WAIT!" Ray says loudly. I look at him confused as he gets up and gets everyone together around us. "What do you want, I got things to do boy", Crocus angerly states. "Captain is going to tell us his background and why his skull cap is inside out." Ray says. "This isn't any campfire story Ray," I said to him angerly. "But you are my friends, so you should know my past. I was born in Orange town, my dad wore this skull cap, had white hair and was bigger than any other person in the town, and my mother, well my mother died after having me. My dad tought me how to be tough and other things to be a man, at a young age. I never knew why but I did it because I wanted to be strong and brave like him. One day we were training with different weapons, I couldn't even touch him woth any weapons, until I used a staff. I got a hit on him and this was his choice of weapon. I was so excited about it, and I knew he was proud but he said we will start with that next time amd rubbed my head and knelt down to me and said, "here wear this, this was my brother's skull cap, he was mich stronger than I ever was in so many different ways. I hope he is fine now." I asked what happened to him and he answered," We were orphans on an island far far away from here, and a family wanted me, but not him. He convinced me to go with them and not to worry about him, that he will be fine and that he will find me later, he promised. But I haven't seen him yet, but he always told me family was the most important thing there is, next to friends". He told me tjat he called me Captain, since he knew I was going to be a great leader one day, navy or pirate. But.... the next day I woke up and he was gone, no note, no letter, nothing... the townspeople asked me where he was at but I had no idea, my biggest hero, gone. Then he showed up, Buggy.. he destroyed my village and killed so e of my friends.. I swore to kill him for revenge, even after Luffy saved my town. I was going to fight him, because I thought he was going to do the same as Buggy. But then I saw how he acted with his crew, like friends and family. I look up to him now, instead of my father who ran out on me as a kid. (As I take off the skull cap) I vowed to get revenge on Buggy and to find my father." I showed them what was on the skull cap, and it was a skull and cross bones, but the bones were in a cross shape. Everyone was shocked and confused, but Crocus gasped and stumbled back. "Whats wrong with you?", Aeon asks. "That mark...thats just like Whitebeards flag.." Crocus studders. "But didn't his have a mustache?" Aeon states. " thats the only different thing about it, but its the same.. are you Whitebeards son?" Everyone looks at me in shock. "No I'm not his son, as a kid my dad used to keep every article about him....., but could..... could he be my uncle?"