
One Piece Start With Breathing Method (One Piece)

One Piece One Piece Start With Breathing Method

God_Of_All_Chaos · Cómic
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138 Chs

Chapter 37

One Piece Start With Breathing Method Chapter 37

After that, the boss gave the snow away to Zoro.

"Still holding three knives, I feel at ease." Zoro said.

"Ah! I thought about it!" Hood Hill, who was walking next to Zoro, shouted suddenly.

Zoro looked at Hood Hill frowns and asked: "What's the matter with the next person jumping?"

"I thought of a possibility, why I couldn't hit the cannon at the time. ."

"Huh? Cannon?" Zoro asked suspiciously.

"It was the cannon that I and Luffy and Usopp tested on the day I met Johnny and Joseph!" Hood Hill shouted with open hands.

Zoro nodded, "I'm impressed, so what's the matter?"

"I'll find a gun to verify my guess!" After Hood Hill, he ran away opened.

"…Really, there are no serious people in a boat." Zoro looked at Hood Hill's speechless spit, and then strolled around the street.

Hood Hill came to the gun shop.

"Guest, come to buy a gun?" The boss of the gun shop asked suspiciously when he saw the knife on Hood Hill's waist.

After all, ordinary swordsmen rarely use guns.

"Well, can you try the gun?"

"You can try the gun, please here."

Hood Hill came to the shop with Boss In the testing field at the back and the qualified target in the front, Hood Hill picked up a pistol casually, used the breathing method, took aim, and saw that the thin line came out.

Sure enough, as I thought, it was a matter of distance.


Hood Hill hits all the targets on the testing field from near to far, but there is no target in the distance I hit the red heart, and the boss was shocked, wondering where this sharpshooter came from.

However, the accuracy of a little farther is not high, and the thin lines in the distance will not appear. There should be a distance limit.

"Well, it's probably at this level! Thank you, Boss!"

"Huh? What do you mean," Is it because the gun is not good? "We still have better guns in our guns. Would you like to take a look! Guest!"

However, the boss of the gun shop failed to keep Hood Hill, and Hood Hill used the gun. Not interested, and don't want to take the position of Usopp. Well, to be precise, it can't be robbed. The range that Hood Hill can hit 100% with the breathing method is about 100 meters?

Leave the gun shop Hood Hill moved towards the central execution platform square of Loguetown.

At this time, Luffy also climbed to the execution on platform and said excitedly: "Wow—ha—this is the view Pirate King saw!!! Then he died?"

"Well! brat!!! Where do I get off immediately!!" The policeman of Loguetown shouted at Luffy who was executed on platform with a horn.


"Where is the special execution platform under the jurisdiction of the World Government. Get off immediately"

The police were killed before they finished talking The tooth stick fell to the ground.

"Forget it, why be so tough? Mr. Police

"I finally found you, Luffy! ! long time no see anymore."

Alvida in a robe and a top hat said with a smile to Luffy who was executed on the platform.

"? "Luffy looked at Alvida and couldn't remember who she was.

"You won't even forget the way I…are you?"

"It's so beautiful! It is peerless beauty! ! ! "The people on the square looked at Alvida and said excitedly, their eyes turned into a peach-hearted look.

"Who are you?"

"We are the police! ! The woman standing there! ! Obediently stand still! ! We arrested you for hurting the sheriff! ! "The police rushed over and shouted at Alvida.

"Ah, are you going to arrest me?" "Alvida is facing the evil spirit Issho of the police.

The police see that Alvida has become Sanji one by one,

"die for me light! ! ! "

There was a loud noise from the original place, and then the fountain in the square moved towards the policemen smashed over.

After the policemen fell to the ground, they moved towards Alvida. Go, but the fountain flew so close to Alvida's body, and finally hit the wall.

"You, this is too dangerous." Alvida complained.

"What happened just now…" Luffy asked in surprise.

"I'm very sorry, but with your slippery skin, of course it's unscathed. , So don't mind. Beautiful lady Alvida. "The Clown Buggy who wrapped himself tightly in cloth said with a smile.

"Alvida? Are you Alvida? ! ...It seems to have changed..." Luffy rubbed a finger on his forehead and said very puzzled.

"hehe!! I ate Devil Fruit and it became like this, that fruit is called Slip-Slip Fruit!! No matter what kind of attack, it can't hurt my beautiful skin! ! It's a pity that my beauty… hasn' t changed much! But you are right! My freckles have indeed disappeared! !

"Yeah, this is not the crux of the problem!" Luffy shook his hand and vomited.

At this time, the people of The Clown Buggy and The Clown Buggy Pirates threw away the cloth wrapped around their bodies, and then took out their guns to disperse the people around the execution platform.

Then The Clown Buggy came to the execution on platform and would use the torture instrument to press Luffy on the execution on platform and shouted: "Now the execution will begin on you! ! Ah hahahaha, it is glorious! The place of death is the same as Pirate King! !

And Hood Hill actually rushed to the square when The Clown Buggy unveiled, just to witness the classic scene, hiding on the roofs of the buildings around the square and watching.

At this time, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, and Sanji also came to the outside of the square of the execution platform and saw Luffy who was about to be executed by The Clown Buggy.

"Why are you brat being executed? platform!"

In Smoker's office, Marines are watching this scene.

Smoker said that when The Clown Buggy kills Straw Hat Luffy, he will send troops to kill Alvida and Alvida. The Clown Buggy caught it.

"Sinner! ! Monkey D. Luffy, who committed the crime of [offending this Uncle because of impudent], was sentenced to capital punishment! !"

The Clown Buggy was standing on the execution platform with a knife and shouted.

Luffy was trapped in the torture instrument and looked up at The Clown Buggy and said in a naive way:" This is the first time I have seen the death penalty."

"You are the one who is going to die! ! ! "The Clown Buggy yelled frantically.

"ahhhh!! What a joke! ! ! "

"You don't want to joke with me!" ! ! "

"Now public execution, death penalty! ! ! "

"Go and save Luffy!"

Zoro and Sanji are going to hit the square to rescue Luffy.

Nami and Usopp are going to sail and prepare to escape.

"What else do you want to say Last words? There are so many spectators for men. "The Clown Buggy stepped on Luffy's head rampantly said with a smile.


"Hey, forget it, no matter if you have anything to say, anyway Everyone is not interested in listening…"

The Clown Buggy hadn't finished speaking, Luffy suddenly shouted,

"I am!!!

"To be the man of Pirate King!!!"