
One Piece: Shinigami of the Straw Hats.

The story is written by the strong ones. In a world where the events of One Piece unfold, a variable appear in said world. The God of Creation Shinka has died with his brother Nika and their essence has become a devil fruit. Our protagonist, a reincarnation, has venture in said world for the entretainment of a boring Wexof, he'll travel alongside the Strawhat Pirates and aims to enjoy the vast world that there is, one problem though, he knows nothing about his new Bleach powers. All rights go to Eiichirō Oda and Tite Kubo, the cover is not mine.

ZackDKaizo · Cómic
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35 Chs

Kuro's True Face.

"This is it, huh?" Kaizo.

"Yeah, instead of defending all the entrances, I chose this location in specific." Usopp.

"Why?" Luffy.

"This is the only road that takes someone from the coast to the village directly. The rest are basically cliffs. There's no other way where they could attack. In other words." Usopp.

"If we defend this path, we win." Kaizo.

"Oi! I was supposed to say that!" Usopp.

"How does it feel, huh? You have some great explanation to do so you can act smart but then someone steals said chance!" Kaizo.

"Well, seems easy enough." Luffy.

"It looks easy but it may be harder than we think. What exactly are you guys good at?" Usopp.

"Cutting." Zoro.

"Stretching." Luffy.

"Stealing." Nami.

"All-Rounder." Kaizo.

"I'll be hiding." Usopp.


"I was kidding! I'll watch your backs." Usopp.

"Usopp, I find some problems with this plan." Kaizo.

"Like what?" Usopp.

"The fact that there's an exact route like this one on the north side of the island." Kaizo.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!" Usopp.

"What made you certain that they would attack from here?" Nami.

"Well, since this place is closer to the village, I thought they would want to pillage them as fast as they could." Usopp.

"Yeah but, it also means that they can be seen from afar, the less people know about a surprise attack the better." Kaizo.

"Yosh! Piiman, Ninjin, Tamanegi! Take half the ammunition to the northern side. We'll divide ourselves, Luffy, the kids and Usopp will go north. Zoro, Nami and I will remain here in case they come from this side." Kaizo.

"Who put you in charge?" Usopp.

"I'm the vice-captain and also the one with more brain cells, ergo, call the strategic shots." Kaizo.

"Hey! Don't group me with these knuckleheads!" Nami.

"Oh no! A thousand Berrie buck has fallen from my pocket…" Kaizo.


Nami threw herself and tried to catch the buck but, it had a string attached to it.

"See what I mean?" Kaizo.

"You…!" Nami.

"What are you waiting for? Get moving!!!" Kaizo.

"Aye sir!" The group.

"Ah! but how will we contact each other in case they come from either side?" Usopp.

"Here!" Kaizo threw some dynamite at Usopp.

"Set it off and let it explode, we'll go immediately." Kaizo.

"Oi! Don't throw this so casually!" Usopp.

The group started to go run towards the north side and this time, Luffy didn't get lost thanks to Usopp.

After a while, it was dawn and the assault began.


"Guys, it would seem that it was the northern coast the place of the battle." Kaizo.

"Tch! Luffy got lucky." Zoro.

"What do you mean lucky? At least we weren't the ones who had to fight." Nami.

"Isn't the northern coast where we left our ships. I have my treasures in my soul pocket but…I wouldn't be so sure about yours." Kaizo.


Both Kaizo and Zoro begin to dash towards the northern side, with Nami behind them.

"Weren't you supposed to not allow her to control you?" Zoro.

"Meh, every now and then doesn't make me her punching bag. Also, I never got hit, its like when your mom is mad at you for not eating your veggies or having your bed disorganized." Kaizo explained.

"What a weird analogy." Zoro.


(Meanwhile, in the northern coast)

"HAAA!!" Luffy punched one of the pirates and keep them at bay.

"Nice one Luffy!"

[Hissatsu Sanren Kayaku Boshi/Triple Exploding Star!] Usopp.

Usopp fires three pellets filled to the brim with gunpowder and explode on contact. The Black Cat Pirates get barraged with long-range explosions from Usopp and powerful strikes from Luffy. Piiman, Ninjin and Tamanegi are hiding so that they won't get used as hostages.

"These guys are pretty weak." Luffy.

"Shut up! Don't provoke them!" Usopp.

"You're just scared because they're stronger than you, right?" Luffy.

"OI!" Usopp.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Don't mind it." Luffy.

"Guys, we don't have time to fool around here." Jango takes out his hypnotizing pendulum.

"They are strong so we have to be stronger. Alright, look this ring closely. When I say 'One, two, Jango', you will become stronger. Your injuries will heal and you will become really, really, really strong." Jango spoke while moving his pendulum.

"What is he doing?" Luffy.

"Ah! Remember that he can hypnotize people!" Usopp.

"Ah, I forgot." Luffy.

"OI…!" Usopp.

"One, two, Jango!" Jango.

The Black Cat Pirates begin to roar full of energy.

"Go! Rip their heads off for messing with us!" Jango ordered and the pirates followed.

"Ahh! We have to escape! Luffy?!" Usopp looked at Luffy.

Luffy had blank eyes like the pirates, he got himself hypnotized.

"Roar!!!" Luffy.

'H-he got hypnotizes as well!!!' Usopp and the Kids.


[Gomu-Gomu No: Gatling Gun!] Luffy.

Luffy began to throw barrages of punches one after another, said punches connected with every pirate and pushed them back.

"Woo! What a nice power-up." Kaizo spoke.

Kaizo and his group arrived at the northern coast.

"You guys! What took you so long!?" Usopp.

"Zoro's bad sense of direction kicked in and we barely managed to prevent him from getting lost." Kaizo.

"OI! It's not my fault that you give such crappy instructions!" Zoro.

"We said 'follow us.' What's so hard about that?!" Nami.

"Whatever, we came here anyway." Zoro.

"That's not the point and you know it." Kaizo.

"One, two, Jango!" Jango.

Everyone's attention falls on Jango, who made Luffy sleep and he is now buried under the ship's figurehead.

"Well, there goes the power-up." Kaizo spoke saddened.

"Buchi, Sham…we need to climb this cliff but, there are some rats meddling in our business. Get rid of them!" Jango.

Buchi and Sham look at Kaizo and Zoro and get "intimidated".

"T-that's impossible for us! Right, Buchi?" Sham.

"Yeah, they look strong." Buchi.

"Besides, our job is to guard the ship." Sham.

"You're right, we're not responsible for battles." Buchi.

"What the heck, aren't they supposed to be their aces?" Usopp.

"Don't let your guard down, these brothers are known for doing the weak act and then strike once their opponent drop its guard." Kaizo warned.

"Tch! So, they are sneak attackers." Zoro.

"Pretty much, also, use your three swords from the get-go or else they could steal them while fighting." Kaizo.

"Let them try." Zoro.

Sham came running keeping his weak act to lower Zoro's guard but he also took the initiative to attack. Sham blocked Zoro's attack and tried to steal his swords, Zoro realizes his intentions and pushes him back.

"What do you think? Not as weak as you expected, right?" Kaizo.

"Shut up. I'll rip his ugly mug into shreds." Zoro.

"Buchi! Let's finish him!" Sham.

"Alright, Sham!" Buchi.

[Griffon Slash!] Kaizo.

Kaizo generated a single ground slash imbued with spiritual energy towards Buchi. The blueish slash left a thin mark on the ground and managed to push Buchi back.

"Tch! Not strong enough! Although, the attack was originally supposed to be used with Emperor's coating in the first place." Kaizo.

"I didn't need your help." Zoro.

"I didn't help you; I simply made the battle fair 1VS1." Kaizo.

"Then don't interrupt this one." Zoro.

"Fine. Hey, fatso! Come here, I don't have all day!" Kaizo.

Buchi was about to jump towards Kaizo but he saw Kuro's silhouette behind him.

One after another, everyone conscious, besides Kaizo and Zoro, looked in horror and awe at Kuro's expression. He was visually angry by the lack of punctuality for the plan and demanded some explanations.


"CAPTAIN KURO!!!" Black Cat Pirates.

"I never expected that these brats could stop you. THE Black Cat Pirates aren't what they used to be." Kuro.

"Isn't that your fault as their captain? You left them because you were scared of being chased, at the end of the day…you're even worst than a rookie." Kaizo taunted Kuro.

"Eh? Brat…what gave you the idea that…you could talk to me like that!?" Kuro.

"So? I only said the truth. Here's another truth bomb, your plan that you've carefully planned for the past three years will go down the drain. And that is because…you are a loser." Kaizo gives Kuro an inverted middle finger.

Kuro immediately disappears from the sight of everyone.

"Where, where is he?" Zoro.

"Here it is, the Stealth Foot." Jango.

Kaizo feels an attack incoming from behind and blocks it with his Zanpakuto. Kuro is surprised but disappears again.

"Even after all these years, he's still able to fight like in the old days. The moment I saw him fix the position of his glasses in such an odd way; I knew that he didn't forget how to fight. That habit of his was due to him preventing hurting himself while using his weapons." Jango.

"Stealth Foot? Ha! Taste my Flash Steps if you're fast enough." Kaizo had a cocky smile and disappeared as well.

Everyone was shocked by Kaizo's display of speed. No one could notice their movements until…


Kuro suddenly crashed into a side of the cliff and had a bruise in his left cheek. Kaizo then reappeared and has a cocky smile for Kuro.

"Stealth Foot my ass! That technique wasn't even as fast as my Flash Steps." Kaizo.

"Brat! This is all your fault! You messed with my plans in the mansion, and you keep messing with them here as well!" Kuro.

"Of course I will, after all, I can do whatever the hell I want. Zoro, defeat those cat clowns fast and wake Luffy up, captain vs captain is a tradition in pirate battles." Kaizo.

"Don't worry, I'll finish this in a second." Zoro snapped out of his amazement and prepared his stance.


"Die, Roronoa!" Buchi/Sham.

[Santōryū: Tora Gari!] Zoro.

Zoro puts his hand swords over his mouth blade and swings forth a forward descending slash with them, taking out both of the brothers.

"Too easy." Zoro.

Zoro started to walk towards Luffy to wake him up. Some Black Cat Pirates tried to intimidate him but failed miserably.

Suddenly, Kaya appeared.

"Kurahadol! Stop this at once!" Kaya begged.

"Kaya…" Usopp.

"I-I don't believe that all these years you've spent with me as a butler have been a lie. Please, tell me this is some sort of misunderstanding!" Kaya.

"Are you really that naïve?" Kaizo interrupted.

"We have all the evidences necessary to prove Kuro's origins as an evil pirate that is just after your fortune. Why deny what you already know?" Kaizo.

"Miss Kaya, I'm not one to dwell into the emotions of others so, I'll keep this as simple as possible. I want peace, peace in my life and soul, I've spent the last 3 years earning the trust of the villagers for this very moment. To keep said peace…you'll have to die, right after giving me your whole fortune." Kuro.

At this point, Zoro had already woken Luffy up and he heard Kuro's speech. Some anger started to boil within Luffy's core but he decided to wait until the conversation was over.

Kaya tries to shoot Kuro with a gun but he starts to use the nostalgia card and manages to ensnare Kaya into not shooting him.

"For three years I've spent all my time making your life more pleasant. I had to be by the side of a spoiled brat that only knew how to cry! No matter how I hated it, I had to keep my façade for my plan to work." Kuro.

"You…Bastard!" Usopp.

"Can you imagine the humiliation I suffered? Can you imagine the infamous Captain Kuro being downgraded to do the bidding of the likes of you!?" Kuro.

Luffy is at the verge of exploding.

"KURO!!!" Usopp took Kaya's pistol and shot at Kuro.

Kuro evaded the bullet and prepared his counter.

"Unfortunately for you, your role in my plan is over. I'll cause you more pain…than the attacks your friend gave me!" Kuro looks at Kaizo.

Luffy couldn't hear anymore and sends a powerful punch towards Kuro's face. Kuro gets pushed back and even rolls a little.

"Since you hate getting punched so much, I'll give you a hundred more punches for free!" Luffy.

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