
Sanctuary in the Sand: Chapter 6 - Celebration

  Seated in the now peaceful atmosphere of Alubarna's Royal Palace, Princess Nefertari Vivi gazed out a window at the pouring rain outside. Vivi had heard that places existed where rain was seen as a bringer of gloom and dreariness, but the princess had a hard time understanding how that was possible, especially at that particular moment. For the first time since Crocodile appeared, the land was finally being allowed to heal; after spending so long watching her country tear itself apart, the rain signified that maybe, just maybe, that damage could eventually be repaired. Finally, there was hope.

  Though there was more to that than the rain, Vivi reminded herself, and glanced over at a line of beds to her side, which were occupied by the resting and recovering Straw Hat pirates. Even asleep, they managed to be the biggest disturbance to the palace's calm air, with several of them snoring loud enough that many members of the palace staff had quickly taken to avoiding the room at all costs. Oddly, though, Vivi found it strangely relaxing, even as the rumbling practically shook both her and the chair she sat on, and she found herself wishing that she had had the chance to travel with them on their ship.

  The princess thought back to when she had reunited with them in the center of Alubarna, and the chaos that unfolded in the final minutes of foiling Crocodile's plot. Finding the bomb, discovering that it was on a timer, watching Pell's pure falcon form carrying it out of sight and out of the city's range – the only thing that kept back a small sob then being an odd feeling that, somehow, Pell had survived somehow. Beyond that was the terror that had gripped her when she found her countrymen remain undeterred from their self-destructive warfare despite the city-shaking explosion that had gone off just above their heads.

  Only Robin's comforting presence was able to keep her even remotely calm by that point. The warmth she felt towards the nearby Straw Hats swelled again as she recalled their efforts to save her people despite their injuries, knocking soldiers of both sides out so they could no longer fight and blocking fatal blows from striking their targets. Robin's abilities were a great help as well, but even with all of that on her side, there were too many soldiers and far too much determination in them for it to be anything other than a horribly uphill struggle.

  And then the very rain Vivi now watched intervened. Seeing the rain that had passed Alabasta by for years was finally enough to shock the two armies into pausing their efforts. Her voice finally cut through their manipulated mindset, followed by Igaram, then Kohza, all explaining what they knew of the conspiracy that had sought to bring the Kingdom crashing down. Punctuating that was an intense rumbling from several blocks away, where a cloud of dust and debris obscured the better part of a city block as a lone figure was sent hurtling from the center of it up into the sky.

  Through the efforts of one East Blue pirate captain, Crocodile was beaten, his battered, unconscious form plunging through the sky and into the Square with a smash and a shattering of stone. The numerous Alabasta citizens responded with shock at the sudden appearance and poor condition of the usually powerful pirate, and the Straw Hats with jubilation at Luffy's success; Vivi herself took in the sight of the broken Warlord with relief. Alabasta had survived his worst, and remained strong enough to rebuild the damage dealt from Crocodile's machinations.

  "What are you thinking about?" Vivi turned from the window at the sound of Robin's voice, finding the historian just behind her. The older woman's face went from slightly worried to a warm grin upon noticing that nothing seemed to be upsetting her royal lover.

  "Just... how we got here." Vivi responded, casting a meaningful glance at the nearby group of unconscious pirates before relocking eyes with Robin. Immediately understanding, the historian's grin widened as her gaze briefly flicked to them as well.

  "I should be thanking them as well." Robin mused. "For taking that weight off of your shoulders. It's so good to finally see you really happy, without all of these worries gnawing at you."

  "Remember, you're the one that found them, after all." Vivi teased. Robin didn't answer with words, only placing her hands on the princess's shoulders, signaling that she felt it best to simply enjoy the moment where both women enjoyed peace both inward and outward. Though they were still being assaulted by the sounds of rattling rain and snoring pirates, both merely served as a reminder as to how Vivi's plight was finally brought to an end.

  Only one bittersweet spot marred the scene for Robin as one of her recent decisions came to mind, but she kept it to herself as she glanced back at the Straw Hat pirates before returning her gaze to the princess seated before her.

  The rhythmic sounding of heels on wood sounded through the corridors of a Marine ship as a tall, athletic woman stalked through it, waist-length pink hair and a billowing Marine longcoat trailing behind her. She passed by door after door without so much as a glance, clearly intent on a specific goal. She soon came to that goal, a door that appeared rather plain, aside from a bronze nameplace at eye level marking it as the quarters of "Sergeant Major Tashigi". A few raps on the wood was enough to invoke a heavy sigh from the other side, a few increasingly heavy footfalls, and finally the door swinging open to reveal a haggard-looking blue-haired woman.

  "What do you wa..." Tashigi started in a harsh growl, only for her question to fade into an embarrassed squeak upon realizing who exactly she was talking to. "Oh! Ah... my apologies, Captain Hina!" The young woman straightened up as she gave a reflexively crisp palm-inward salute, the professionalism of the practiced gesture contrasting with her mussed hair and rumpled clothes.

  "Oh, Tashigi, relax." Hina laughed, "This isn't a professional visit." As Tashigi looked up at her in confusion, Hina caught sight of what she had been curious about, something she had overheard some of Smoker's men discussing, despite their obvious attempts to hide their conversation. Despite Tashigi wearing an overly baggy flowered top with her typical blue jacket draped over herself, it was clear that the young officer did indeed possess a massive pair of breasts. The giant, plump flesh torpedoes pressed out against her shirt, with a pair of small wet stains on the fabric to mark the peaks of both.

  "Cap... ah, Hina, I'm sorry, but can this wait? I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to deal with these... things from now on." Tashigi said, gesturing to her chest for emphasis.

  "Oh dear, you think that those are actually permanent?" Hina started, prompting a sudden, surprised look from Tashigi. "In that case, you have all the more reason to come along." The Sergeant Major gazed up at the Captain as if she had suddenly found a new lease on life, her face instantly brightening to being nearly radiant.

  "I-I don't have to live like this? Really?" Tashigi asked, her voice hushed as if she were afraid that the possibility of an affirmation would be startled away if she rose her voice at all.

  "Your view of your breasts seems a little too negative, hun." Hina started, frowning slightly before she went back to grinning. "But don't worry, that can be fixed, too." Before Tashigi could respond, Hina grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her room and began guiding her down the corridor, leaving her only enough time to shut the door to her quarters as she left it behind.

  After a moment, Hina let go of Tashigi's hand, and the Sergeant Major fell into step behind the Captain as they left Smoker's ship and headed across the dock where it was moored on their way to Hina's ship. As she walked, though, Tashigi was acutely aware of her blimplike breasts as they danced about under her top like a pair of puppies, spreading damp stains all over their covering as milk leaked out; on a couple occasions, Tashigi froze briefly in terror as she felt a breeze across her nipples, signaling that her squirming breasts had worked their way past the bottom of her shirt and into the open air for a moment. Her face flushed pink whenever they had to walk past any of the other Marine soldiers, despite, or maybe even because of, the fact that they were making a visible effort not to look at her chest.

  Despite Tashigi spending half of the trip certain that she was about to die of embarrassment, the two women soon arrived at Hina's ship without incident, and made their way up the gangplank and onto the vessel. Not having spent much time on the Marine Captain's ship, Tashigi could only continue to follow the imposing woman as she strode into the corridors belowdeck, delving deeper and deeper inside until finally reaching the door to the brig. A Marine solder was standing guard next to the entrance, who immediately straightened up once Hina was in his line of sight.

  "Captain Hina!" He announced with slight surprise, giving a sharp salute as he did. "There has been no activity from the prisoner."

  "Good work." Hina noted, clearly uninterested. "The Sergeant Major and I will be conducting an... interrogation on the prisoner. We are not to be disturbed."

  "Of course, Captain!" The soldier responded, turning to open the door for his superiors. The two women began to pass through the entryway, when Hina stopped and turned to the soldier one last time.

  "Oh, and anything you hear in this room you are to keep to yourself." Hina's facial features instantly became hard, her eyes boring into the guard's suddenly pale face. "If any of this gets out, I will be angry. Hina... angry." The odd use of third-person speech went without comment as usual, the soldier only able to provide an answer by lifting his free hand to his head in a considerably shakier salute.

  Appeased for the moment, Hina led Tashigi into the brig and shut the door behind them. Tashigi was confused for several moments, wondering what Hina had to show her in the brig, when she turned around, and saw the one prisoner currently held in the room. Her face immediately went pink as one hand reflexively went up to her chest.

  A pillar at the far end of the room stretching from floor to ceiling had a woman chained to it, with mussed, chin-length blond hair falling about her face like a curtain. Her breasts were massive, even larger than Tashigi's, hanging down to her thighs and dripping milk into a slowly growing pool of cream surrounding her. However, unlike Tashigi, her butt was gigantic as well, nearly as large as her breasts, the fleshy cheeks engulfing the pole she was attached to. The four wobbly masses joined forces to bunch up the woman's yellow lemon-print dress around her waist.

  "So, have you been enjoying your stay, Miss Valentine?" Hina playfully asked as she stalked up to the bound former agent. The blonde turned her head up to face her captor, her eyes defiant, but with a hint of embarrassment.

  "The service here is lousy." Miss Valentine retorted, but was unable to hold back a gasp as Hina pressed herself against the side of one of the blonde's mammoth breasts.

  "Not to worry," Hina chuckled, her face steadily closing in on Valentine's,"You're about to be serviced right now, because I've been feeling quite horny lately. Hina... horny." Her grinning face mere centemeters from Miss Valentine's, Hina suddenly closed the remaining distance, claiming her prisoner's lips with her own.

  Hina broke off the liplock after a couple moments, and turned her attention to Miss Valentine's bloated teats, taking one roughly in each hand. She squeezed and groped the soft mounds, promptly coaxing both thick rivers of milk from Valentine's nipples and sensual moans from the bound woman herself. Tashigi could only stand frozen by the door, face a vivid pink as she watched the display, unable either to say anything or even turn away from the lurid scene.

  "Like that?" Hina purred, Valentine responding with an approving moan. "Well, that's too bad. You are a prisoner after all; can't let you get too comfortable." With that, Hina pinched Valentine's left nipple, unleashing another gout of milk; however, the Captain wasn't done yet, as she began pulling, stretching out the blonde's pink nipple. With a blur of motion, Hina's other hand swiped across the captive flesh, her outstretched index finger warping around the taut nub, forming a black metal ring clamped tightly around Valentine's nipple.

  Another pinch, another lash of her limb, and both of the prisoner's nipples were being  squeezed intensely by tight metal bands. Miss Valentine groaned in discomfort as her nipples began to flush purple with the pressure on them, and her boobs trembled with their one outlet for releasing their supply of milk blocked off. Hina simply grinned, and continued mashing Valentine's breasts about, causing the milk within them to slosh about noisily as it tried and failed to escape its plush, fleshy prison.

  "Tashigi!" Hina finally barked out, bringing the Sergeant Major in question to snap relexively to attention, blush still on her face. "Come over, please; you're here for a reason." Tashigi reluctantly started towards the two women, but reached them without much wait despite her slow gait, and was soon standing next to Hina and Valentine.

  "Now, Sergeant Major, please tend to the prisoner in my place." Hina commanded, stepping back from Valentine as she gave Tashigi a nudge toward her. Tashigi's eyes went wide as she got her first close-up look at Miss Valentine and her immense tits, thick purple nipples jutting straight out at her.

  Despite her initial misgivings and the heat radiating from her now cherry-red face, Hina's order and her own nagging interest began to win out, and Tashigi reached out to grab to Miss Valentine's protruding nipples, the action coaxing a gasp from the blond prisoner. She began pulling the thick nubs about, squishing and kneading the fleshy pillows, almost mechanically at first, but with a slowly rising vigor. Valentine continued to groan from the sensations, the milk gurgling in her tits effectively held back by the rings binding her nipples.

  Tashigi suddenly yelped and briefly let go, surprised by a pair of hands that had latched onto her own sizeable breasts from behind. Before the female Marine could react, the dextrous fingers began groping her fattened teats just as she had just been doing to Miss Valentine. Warm breaths fell behind her ear and on the back of her neck, sending tingles down Tashigi's spine.

  "Mmmm... these came from the princess as well, correct?" Hina purred from behind Tashigi. The blue-haired Marine froze in surprise for a moment, but nodded, and she could practically feel the Captain's smile behind her growing wider before she continued. "Miss Valentine here provided some information on the subject earlier; turns out that her extra padding came from little Vivi as well. All you need to do to lose the extra tit weight is to milk it out, like this!" Tashigi yelped again as Hina squeezed her breasts roughly, unleashing rivers of milk from both nipples, but was soon hit by a pang of more delighted surprise as she noticed her bosom receding slightly at the same time.

  "You really haven't tried this earlier?" Hina inquired, still milking Tashigi's teats enthusiastically. "I just can't see how you could've kept your hands off of these wonderful pillows. Hina interested." As the Marine Captain continued her milk geysering ministrations, Tashigi leaned forward as the sensations brought her to whimpering, and reflexively returned to grabbing and groping at Miss Valentine's pillowy breasts. She quickly grew so distracted that she didn't even notice one hand pulling away from her heaving bosom until it settled on the front of her waist.

  "Yah!" Tashigi yelped as Hina opened the front of her trousers and began pulling them down, taking her flower-print panties with them. She couldn't bring herself to stop her ministrations though, even as the hand Hina kept on her own tits kept milk gushing out onto Valentine's sealed boobs. Soon, Tashigi's lower garments were pooled around her ankles, and Hina moved on to caressing her slight rear and already sticky pussy, causing the younger woman to reflexively waggle her bottom around in invitation for more.

  "Enjoying it, are you?" Hina chuckled, suddenly pulling away from the Sergeant Major and walking back to Valentine, "Well, how about you try giving the same pleasure to Miss Valentine as well?" Tashigi stopped her ministrations on Valentine as Hina, who had apparently shed her clothes while she was out of the Sergeant Major's sight, reached the prisoner, undoing the chains that held her to the column. Miss Valentine looked up at Hina in confusion, the Captain responding with a quick authoritative glance that effectively cowed her into staying quietly cooperative as Hina lifted her up, and sat down under the spot where Valentine previously stood.

  With one hand, Hina held Miss Valentine up by her giant, plushy rear, the former Baroque Works agent using her Devil Fruit powers to reduce the weight of her body to nearly nothing; Valentine's legs spread wide open, the puffy, moist valley between them facing straight towards a dumbstruck Tashigi. However, Hina's expectant look spurred the young woman on, carrying herself on all fours with her blue-haired head dipping between the blonde's legs to begin lapping at the honeypot that lay there.

  Miss Valentine's already pouring juices splattered over everything nearby as Tashigi took her tongue to the blonde's nether lips, high-pitched wails filling the room as Valentine voiced her rising pleasure. Tashigi soon found herself oddly fascinated by Valentine's pillowy ass as well, bringing one hand up from the milk-soaked floor to caress the plump cheeks hovering just below her face level. As the moments went on, Miss Valentine's cries grew more and more insistent, until her body stiffened in orgasm.

  "Aiiieee!" rang out the high-pitched squeal, Miss Valentine's back arching as she delivered it, though Hina was still able to keep her inhumanly light body balanced on one hand. At the same time, Tashigi was forced back from Valentine's pussy as it erupted in juices and a powerful stream of milk. The white cream geysered out from between the blonde's legs, splattering against the ground and even managing to propel her upwards slightly, so that she was hovering a few inches above where Hina had held her. For the final shock, as the milk poured out of Miss Valentine, her immense ass began to shrink down; as the moments passed, the former agent's hovering body quickly lost mass as her butt, formerly large enough to fit the rest of her torso in each cheek, made its way down to its original size.

  Miss Valentine's screeching gave way to heavy breathing as her orgasm finally died down, her body falling back to Hina's palm as her jetting juices were no longer enough to hold her feather-light form up in mid-air. Her bottom had stopped just short of shrinking all the way down to its former size, and was still plump, but in a considerably more realistic way. Valentine soon found herself on the floor again, as Hina put her down, only to immediately gesture Tashigi over.

  "Good work, hun; you should really get a reward for such an effort. Now, come here." Hina purred. Tashigi, too engrossed in the situation to even think much about it anymore, crawled over to the Captain and settled down into her lap. Valentine, meanwhile, dragged herself to the spot Tashigi herself had previously occupied, the prisoner's exhaustion and disorientation caused by her intense orgasm effectively preventing her from escaping, even if she were to try. Tashigi soon found her legs being spread open by Hina, with Valentine crawling between them, the two women reversing their positions from what they were a minute earlier.

  "Hnngg!" Tashigi grunted as the blonde's tongue met her most intimate treasure. Held in place by Hina, the Sergeant Major could only squirm as her pussy was bombarded by pleasure, electric tingles going up her spine with every lick. As Tashigi began to lose herself in the sensations again, Hina reached around to her still bloated breasts, taking hold of a plushy handful of pale flesh. Tashigi could only moan again as her pink-haired superior began milking her relentlessly, spraying Miss Valentine down with fresh flows of thick cream.

  With nothing to concentrate on but the sensations running through her body, Tashigi squirmed about, whimpering as the two other women combined their efforts on her. During the occasional moment where lucid thought broke through her pleasured haze, Tashigi marveled at how quickly she had gone from being horribly embarrassed at even the thought of being in a sexual situation, to thouroughly enjoying the attentions of both her superior and the prisoner of said superior. She hadn't quite managed to reconcile the two mindsets before Miss Valentine's efforts pushed her over the edge into orgasm.

  Tashigi's back arched as the waves of pleasure crashed through her, her entire body trembling as her ecstatic cries filled the air. Her breasts and pussy unleashed torrents of liquid, drenching Miss Valentine further with juices and milk, forcing the blonde back as her features became completely enshrouded in a liquid white curtain. Eventually, Tashigi settled down, the overwhelming ecstacy that gripped her fading back to nothing, leaving her nude, sweat- and milk-coated body draped on top of the seated Hina.

  A slight nudge from behind prompted Tashigi to wiggle her way off of Hina's lap, making her way next to Miss Valentine. As she crawled along, she suddenly realized that the weight pulling on her chest was once again what she was normally used to; she looked down, her face brightening as she found her breasts still larger than they started, but by little enough that they wouldn't be a hindrance. She glanced up at Hina, finding her superior eyeing both Valentine and herself as her toned legs spread, revealing a as-yet untouched pair of nether lips.

  "I hope you enjoyed yourself, Tashigi." Hina started as she licked her lips. "Now, it's your and Miss Valentine's turn to tend to me."

  Three days had passed since Crocodile's defeat, and all of the Straw Hats had been up and about for most of it, all save Luffy. Vivi was concerned at first, but Robin had reminded her that, despite the antidote she had passed off to Vivi's father in anticipation of Crocodile's poisoned hook, the rather nasty toxin he used would take some time to recover from. Adding that to the undoubtedly monumental effort it took for the pirate captain to bring down Crocodile in single combat, Luffy's particularly long sleep wasn't a major concern quite yet.

  The rest of the pirates were occupied with indulging their various interests and managing to avoid getting into trouble, even if only barely in the cases of some. Chopper had his hands, or hooves, Vivi figured, full with overseeing the recoveries of Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp, typically only leaving their sides to produce what medicines he needed from the raw materials in the palace's medical supplies or to make a brief check to ensure that his less injured crewmates were healing properly. Usopp and Sanji took the extra time to obtain extra supplies for the ship's maintenance and food stores, and Zoro tended to sneak out whenever Chopper wasn't fussing over him to find some way to train himself in spite of the bandages enshrouding him.

  Nami and Robin had come across the palace's library and since kept themselves occupied with the lifetime's worth of reading material there. Nami had at first stuck with the books of sea charts and Robin the historical tomes, but the two women quickly found common ground over the less practical literature. Vivi, for her part, did her best to get to know all the Straw Hats over that time in between making various preparations, assisting Chopper with his treatments, her compliments to the man-reindeer being met with the usual mixed signals, chatting with the other men whenever they weren't otherwise occupied, and spending what time she could with Robin and Nami.

  It was by amazing coincidence that all of the Straw Hats, Robin, and Vivi were all present when one Monkey D. Luffy finally returned to consciousness. The rubbery man was immediately stretched between the trio of desires of greeting his friends, locating his iconic straw hat, and finding food. The first two were dealt with quickly enough, but he was having trouble finding the last.

  "Luffy, you just need to be patient," Vivi giggled, her amusement partially from trying to reconcile this image of Luffy with what she saw of him in the catacombs as he faced down Crocodile. "I'll go let Terracotta know. I'm sure she's ready to prepare a banquet for you and rest of us as we speak."

  Sometime after the banquet, three pairs of bare feet padded across the stone floor as Vivi, Robin, and Nami entered the Royal Palace's bathhouse, their bodies each wrapped in a fluffy white towel from chest to mid-thigh. Not too long before Luffy had awoken, Vivi had idly mentioned how the Palace's Royal Bathhouse only operated in times of rain, prompting Nami and Robin to suggest practically as one that the three should visit it. Vivi was quietly pleased that her two lovers were so quick to connect, despite how little time they had spent together thus far, and immediately agreed to the plan.

  For the first few minutes after entering the room, Robin and Nami ran their gaze all about the overly ornate area, marveling at the sheer grandeur of it all. The bathhouse was immense, easily large enough to fit the entire population of a small village and then some, with the high, vaulted ceiling that contained the steamy air held up by several wide marble pillars. The centerpiece of the room was the bath itself, which was just as overly spacious as everything else about the area, and was provided water by a pair of giant golden dragon statues that constantly pumped water from their mouths.

  "This is quite impressive." Robin commented as she continued to examine the area.

  "Yeah, that's for sure." Nami added. "This is bigger than a lot of the villages I've seen."

  "Uhh, yeah." Vivi stammered, not quite sure how to respond to the praise directed at the symbol of her family's standing. "Let's get to bathing, shall we?"

  Within a couple minutes, the three women had each found a place in the bathhouse to occupy. Vivi and Robin sat on small stools near the center pool, taking turns washing each other's backs, and Nami lounged nearby in the bath itself. The calm air permeating the area prompted a relaxing idle coversation among the trio as they made use of the room. Suddenly, Nami turned around in the water to face Vivi and Robin.

  "Hey, you two, how about you come over here? The water's great!" The navigator called with a grin. Vivi and Robin thought about it for only a couple of moments before deciding to take Nami up on her suggestion, the two women striding over to where she sat. Vivi hesitated for a moment upon reaching the bath, remembering her recently obtained Devil Fruit powers and Robin's warning against standing water, when she felt Robin's hand on her shoulder.

  "You don't need to worry too much about water this shallow. If it makes you feel better, though, if we sit on the edge with just our legs in the water, there won't be any noticeable effects." The advice stemming from Robin's greater experience did comfort Vivi, and the pair did just that. Keeping their towels wrapped around themselves, Robin and Vivi sat on the pool's edge, with their legs submerged from the knees down.

  "Whew," Vivi sighed, "I'm going to have to get used to these new limitations. I've always loved the water; I'd rather not start avoiding it completely now." At that Nami turned around to face her, a catlike grin spread across her face.

  "That so? Well, I think I'll help you out with that." No sooner had she spoken than Nami whipped her arms out to Vivi and Robin's backs, shoving them forward and grabbing the towels to pull them off of the feminine forms they covered. With twin splashes, Vivi and Robin fell into the bath on either side of Nami, their seated position making the water come to partway up their chests as they settled on the bottom, their suddenly bare breasts bobbing on top of the water.

  Both Devil Fruit users felt their strength ebb away almost immediately upon falling into the water, quickly reduced to only being able to make small movements at best. Vivi yelped reflexively, a cold burst of shock and dread hitting her as the unfamiliar sensation of being paralyzed took hold. Still able to move her neck, Vivi looked over at Robin, who seemed considerably less concerned, and simply lifted her eyebrow in a look of puzzled amusement directed up at Nami.

  "Sorry to startle you like that." Nami started, moving forward to prop Vivi and Robin's mostly limp bodies up against the wall behind them, preventing them from sinking underwater entirely. "Every sexual encounter I've had with either of you two, your Devil Fruit powers put me at a disadvantage; I figured I'd turn that around this time."

  "Interesting." Robin approved, her face going playful. "Do we have anything to worry about from you, kitten?" In response, Nami's grin widened as her gaze fixed onto the raven-haired beauty.

  "Well, you might, Robin." Nami purred. "After all, you surprised me when I was sleeping; I have to get you back for that." The navigator had already waded over to Robin while she was talking, and leaned forward to mash her lips against those of the historian in a passionate kiss. As Nami pulled back, Robin proved to apparently be fully able to feel her body despite being unable to move it, as she began to moan loudly in response to the piratess taking a firm hold of her breasts, roughly kneading the plush flesh and splashing about the water surrounding them.

  "Enjoying that?" Nami hummed. "You have a lot more ahead of you, ya know." The hand that wasn't groping Robin's chest went down to between her legs, tentatively massaging around her nether lips. The raven-haired beauty quickly recognized the teasing ministrations for what they were, and couldn't help but moan pleadingly in an attempt to prod her sensual tormentor on.

  After several long, agonizing moments, Nami finally went to continue her efforts on Robin, a short, sharp splash of water punctuating her arm diving deeper between the older woman's thighs. Robin let loose a pleasured gasp as Nami's dextrous fingers explored her pussy, unable to do anything else as the fiery piratess did as she pleased with Robin's increasingly inflamed lower lips. Vivi continued to sit nearby watching Nami and Robin, her body growing hotter as she watched the scene, but remained unable to do anything about it.

  "Mmmm... I love watching your reactions." Nami said, before turning towards the nearby princess, fixing onto her with a mischievous grin. "How about we see yours?" Nami swiftly pulled her hand away from Robin's chest, setting it on Vivi's plush breasts instead, coaxing a small, high gasp from the fully pink-faced princess. The navigator promptly set her enthusiastic hands to groping and kneading the squishy, milk-filled mounds, bringing out a new series of mellifluous moans from Vivi's lips.

  Nami couldn't help but squirm a bit herself as the cute wails sent shivers of arousal straight to her core. Wanting to move on, Nami shifted her hand from Vivi's breasts to between her thighs, stroking the plush, sensitive lips there and stoking the heat in the princess's core. The bathhouse was filled with three different flavors of pleasured moans as Nami intimately massaged both Robin and Vivi at once, her own arousal fueled by their reactions.

  Despite pure arousal flooding her body, Vivi maintained enough presence of mind to look down at herself, noticing a small white droplet clinging to her nipple. Her eyes suddenly widened, and though that was more from Nami having just brushed a particularly sensitive spot, Vivi also realized that, with her boobs still bobbing on top of the water, some of her powers might still be available to her.

  The next time Nami turned back to face Robin, Vivi's face tightened in concentration as her breasts plumped outward slightly, their skin growing taut as milk pumped into them. The princess continued her efforts as one of her nipples began to throb, cream beading out down its length before combining into a single, semi-solid stream. The milk extended away from Vivi's chest, the white tendril flowing through the steamy air towards Nami's backside.

  "Ah!" Nami yelped, the creamy construct having reached her groin, and began swirling around her rapidly enflaming pussy. She turned her gaze behind her to take in the new development, and the grin returned to her lips as she realized what was happening. She turned back toward Vivi, eyes briefly fixing onto the milk gushing nipple before flicking back to the young woman's face.

  "Hmmm... so you still can use some of your powers, eh?" Nami chuckled, her attention returning to the milk-laden princess and her attentions on the young woman redoubling. Vivi was nearly overwhelmed by pleasure as a long, intense moan escaped her, but she maintained the milk stream caressing Nami, and at the same time noticed a look of concentration come to Robin's face as well. A single arm appeared from the nearby wall of the bath, shaking slightly with apparent strain as it reached for Nami's butt.

  This time, Nami wasn't particularly surprised when Robin's newly created hand clasped on to her rear, though she did begin squirming more. The historian squished and kneaded Nami's ass about, plush flesh bubbling between her slender fingers. In return, Nami turned back to Robin, leaning her face in so that she could begin sucking on Robin's nipples, sloshing water around as Nami shook Robin's plump breasts about.

  The three women continued to pleasure each other, Nami tending to Robin and Vivi's pussies and Robin's nipples, and Robin and Vivi likewise caressing Nami using their powers, albeit weakly. The steamy air was filled with moans that grew louder and more intense by the second, and water was being splashed about more and more as Nami grew more intent in her ministrations and squirmed about as she responded to those of the two Devil Fruit users.

  Nami eventually won out, and Robin and Vivi groaned in orgasm, unable to do anything else with most of their bodies paralyzed. The milk stream Vivi was using to caress Nami dissolved into a rain of milk that dissipated into the bathwater below, and Robin's blossomed arm vanished in a burst of glowing flower petals. After several long, wailing moments, Robin and Vivi's orgasms died down, and they settled motionless against the wall of the bath.

  After Nami managed to quell her own arousal, she stood up, and moved to pull both Robin and Vivi out of the water, laying the slack-bodied women on top of their towels. Once done, Nami sat back down on the edge of the bath, looking down at the prone forms of Robin and Vivi with a grin of satisfaction plastered across her face.

  "I could get used to that." Nami said.


  A short while later, Vivi and Robin were in the former's private chambers, where she and Robin sat on her bed, chatting between themselves. The topic of conversation shifted between the various events of the last several weeks, from Vivi's ongoing practice with her Devil Fruit powers, to Robin relating her recent stay in Rainbase, to both women discussing their experiences with and views of the Straw Hat pirates.

  "And that's where Nami ended the story." Vivi finished a particularly long narration.

  "Wow." Robin replied, her voice tinged with no small amount of amazement. "I knew that Luffy had beaten Arlong before coming onto the Grand Line, but I didn't know anything about the story behind why he did it."

  "He's certainly not an average pirate." Vivi agreed, and both women chuckled at memories of some of Luffy's more decidedly non-pirate-like antics. Once they stopped, Robin fell silent as she went into deep thought.

  "Robin, is something wrong?" Vivi asked. Robin roused from her contemplations, and turned a regretful look towards the princess.

  "Vivi, you know I can't stay here, right?"

  Vivi's heart suddenly became a cold, hard lump in her chest as the statement struck her, and for a moment, she had no idea of how to react. She could only sit at the edge of her bed staring into Robin's sorrowful face, her mouth shuddering open as she struggled to find words to fill it with.

  "Robin, you know that you can trust me to not tell anyone about you being here. No one in my family or the palace staff will say anything either." Vivi pleaded, her arms barely restrained as they gestured about wildly.

  "Vivi," Robin asserted as she took hold of Vivi motioning hands and softly held them between the princess and herself. "I know I can trust you; you're the first person I've met in a long time who could make me believe there was anyone in the world I could trust. But it only takes one wrong person finding that I'm here, and you, your family, and probably even your entire kingdom will suffer for it; I've seen it before. I can't let that happen to you."

  "Of course." Vivi whispered, her head lowering in defeat. Robin responded by creating an arm next to Vivi, which placed a finger against her chin and tilted her head back up so that the two women were staring into each other's eyes once more.

  "Vivi, I'll never forget you." Robin reassured the princess. "For the longest time, I had no idea what I would do if it turned out that the Poneglyph I was looking for wasn't here in Alabasta. When I found out that it really wasn't, for a moment, I wanted Crocodile to just kill me and end it all. It wasn't until I thought about you, about your determination, your dedication to protecting your people, that I realized that I should keep going, continue on this path that I've chosen, with or without any definite leads. Thank you."

  With that, Robin leaned forward, taking Vivi's lips in hers in a deep, blazing kiss that the princess found herself instinctively melting into. Tongues and lips clashed as the two women struggled to release the heat that had been building up in each of them solely in response to the other's presence. At some point, Vivi found herself seated in Robin's lap, her pale, slender legs wrapped around the older woman's waist; from the amorous haze enshrouding her mind, Vivi wasn't sure whether Robin had swept her into that position or if she had leapt at the raven-haired beauty herself.

  Soon enough, Robin's hands worked themselves under Vivi's skirt, and were happily exploring the alabaster globes of her bottom. Vivi responded in kind, her nimble fingers delving under Robin's waistband and immediately going to work caressing the plush, tanned cheeks that lay beneath it. Eventually, the pair pulled apart, their lips coming unstuck from each other with a loud, wet 'smack', and smiled at each other, knowing that that was only the beginning.


  Vivi yelped in surprise as she found her shirt being ripped off by several copies of Robin's arms that had sprung from the bed, leaving her upper half bare. She got over the shock quickly though, a sultry grin coming to her face as she ran her hands over her newly naked chest; at the same time, her nipples steadily swelled and lengthened into big, pink thumbs that both begged for the attention of a pair of lips and were irresistable to the lips of anyone fortunate enough to lay eyes upon them. Robin herself was certainly not immune, immediately diving forward to plant her face into Vivi's plush, pale pillows and wrapping her lips around the milk-dispensing nubs that crowned them.

  The rythmic sounds of sucking and gulping reverberated through the room as Robin noisily drew Vivi's bounty from her, grinning as her blue-haired lover moaned and gasped to her sensitive nubs being put to the use they enjoyed the most. Despite Vivi's apparent preoccupation, though, Robin felt a tingling running through her body that indicated that the budding Devil Fruit user still had the presense of mind to do something with the milk Robin was currently drawing from her.

  It started in her lips, the tingling that had been flowing all through Robin centering in on them before giving way to an insistent pressure. The red flesh of her lips swelled outwards as the milk worked its magic, quickly becoming what could easily be called face-pillows. The historian brought her hand up to her mouth to gain an idea of her new size, finding her new lips to easily fill it. After taking a moment to feel the plump flesh, Robin drew her hand away to look down into it, her eyes widening slightly as she found a thick, red lipstick mark covering her entire palm.

  "Mmm... very nice. I do good work, don't I?" Robin looked up to find Vivi smirking at her, her chest thrust out. "Now, I just have to see how those lips feel."

  Suddenly, Robin felt Vivi's hand on the back of her head, pushing her forward until her face was pressed up against the younger woman's mountainous chest, her newly weighty and plushy lips wrapped around Vivi's equally impressive nipple. The raven-haired woman returned to sucking the sweet cream from the rubbery pink nub, reveling in the liquid heat flowing down to her stomach. Robin continued this for several serene moments, and welcomed the inevitable weight that grew in her chest as if by clockwork.

  The historian's breasts pulsed rhythmically, each shudder pouring more mass into her swelling bust and lessening the gap between it and Vivi. Soon, that gap closed, and the still plumpening flesh had a new task of forming a pair of oversized, squishy pillows mashed between the two women. Robin's steadily swelling nipples pressed into Vivi's toned stomach, leaking milk of their own as the pressure on her increasingly compacted breasts grew.

  Finally, Robin released Vivi's nipple with a 'pop', letting the plush mound wobble back into place. The historian's head lifted back up as she gazed into Vivi's eyes once more, grinning as the swelling of her breasts slowed to a stop, ending with soft flesh filling all of the space between the two women and billowing outwards over a foot to both sides of their sandwiched position. After a moment of locked eyes, Robin leaned forward to plant a kiss on Vivi's lips, the two pairs of breasts compressing into each other even more.

  Vivi briefly lost herself in the onslaught of passion, when her attention was stolen as several hands took hold of her arms and sides and began pulling her backwards. Immediately recognizing the limbs as Robin's, the princess allowed herself to be guided into a lying position on the bed. Vivi soon found herself on her back facing upward, happily taking in the sight of the raven-haired historian positioning herself above the younger woman, her new massive, tanned breasts dragging across Vivi's body.

  Robin leaned in for another kiss, the smouldering attention of Robin's currently plush, oversized lips nearly managing to distract Vivi from the copies of her lover's arms that were pulling her skirt off, as well as the identical arms pulling Robin's own skirt away. The two women were completely free of clothing by the time the historian broke the kiss, who then flashed a wink at Vivi before turning herself around above the princess's prone form, her face leaning in toward the sticky juncture between Vivi's thighs.

  "Mmmm, sweet as always," Robin purred after a delicate, teasing lick to her young lover's nether lips. "I'm going to get a really good taste of you tonight, Vivi." Vivi gasped, as much from the intensity with which Robin breathed her name as the intensity of the licking being dealt to her pussy. Still, she managed to recover enough to spy her lover's rear wiggling above her head, and grabbed onto the enticing hips so she could pull her face – and eager tongue – up to Robin's nectar-dripping flower.

  Though she wanted to keep up her assault on Vivi's nether lips, Robin couldn't help but let out a gasp as the princess responded with a similar attack. The historian went right back to the feast before her, but, while her inflated lips were great for sucking and massaging, it made using her tongue difficult and awkward, and Vivi's swift, enthusiastic licking was beginning to outdo her own efforts. Despite the pleasure rippling through her, Robin managed a small smirk, deciding that it was time to stop holding back.

  Out of the corners of her eyes, Vivi noticed two arms emerging from her bed on either side of her, slender hands reaching for her upthrust tits. Lithe fingers took hold of their plush targets, squishing Vivi's breasts about for a few delightful moments before stopping to position their palms above the princess's nipples. Just from the offhand glimpse she caught of the positioning and gestures of Robin's hands, Vivi could guess that a plump pair of lips was swelling into existence on both of the extra hands's palms without even getting a good look at them.

  Thanks to that, Vivi had managed to prepare herself somewhat as the hand-mounted face-pillows closed around her thick nipples, though she still couldn't hold back a small gasp. She paused her ministrations on Robin's pussy to glance down at her chest; the twin pairs of lips were hard at work, squishing her thick, pink nubs between their plushy masses and occasionally pulling them upward, stretching her boobs into rounded cones, but not attempting to draw milk from them. Vivi gave a small smirk as she turned her gaze to Robin's own breasts, which still hung from her chest to envelop part of Vivi's torso and partially rest on the bed underneath her; two could play that game.

  With the milky fruit user's original tits in use, Vivi instead concentrated, both feeling and watching two more fleshy mounds puff into existence below her usual set. The princess's plump nipples then bulged slightly before twin streams of milk flowed slowly out of them and into the air, forming two creamy tendrils that reached out for Robin's thick nubs. The white liquid swirled around Robin's nipples and areolae before flowing into the historian's massive flesh pillows through the milk ducts. Vivi's smirk widened as she heard a gasp come from above her, and she continued forcing milk in through Robin's nipples, enough to make her boobs bloat just a little bit more.

  With only a though, Vivi's milk streams began squeeze Robin's fleshy nubs, pumping back out the milk that had just been poured into them, coaxing a groan from the raven-haired beauty as her breasts shrank back slightly. The pattern established, the princess continued her ministrations on Robin with gusto, streaming milk into her lover's nipple, before squeezing it back out again. Vivi listened in delight to the historian's musical moaning, giving her own when Robin's extra hands began massaging and groping her breasts to add to the created lips's playing with her nipples.

  After several blissful moments of the women teasing and counter-teasing, both soon decided to take the other over the top, lunging as one at each other's clit, taking the little love nub between their lips and unleashing every trick they knew the other loved. Both women's bodies began to shiver as they struggled to contain the pleasure that worked to overwhelm them completely, the quivering intensifying by the second. Despite their efforts, though, neither Vivi nor Robin could hold out for long against the concentrated love and attention of the other.

  "Eeeeeyaaaaaaahhhhh!" The two screamed as one. From thrown-back heads to curled-up toes, both women quivered as the oceans of orgasmic pleasure surged though them. Two torrents of fluid sprayed from between two pairs of legs, both drenching a deliriously happy female face. For several beautiful moments, the shared orgasm kept Vivi and Robin intimately bound together, but it could only last for so long eventually fading away as the two lovers returned to lucidity.

  A slow, measured clapping ringing through the room quickly caught the attention of both Vivi and Robin, who mirrored each other as they turned to find a certain orange-haired navigator standing near the entrance to the room. Robin's eyebrow raised at the sight of the newcomer, deciding that either Nami was more familiar with stealth than she had thought, or that being around Vivi had caused her to lower her defenses even more than she had thought. Vivi, however, was clearly delighted by the sight of her fast friend, fixing the piratess with a wide grin.

  "It was a good thing I decided to sneak in here," Nami purred at Vivi and Robin, already striding across the room to the bed they were lying in, "I would've hated missing a display like that." For a moment, Vivi was acutely aware that it wasn't long ago that she would've been embarrassed half to death by that same situation. Even though it helped that the princess already knew Nami well from their short time together, being watched at her most sexual by someone as attractive as Nami and receiving such a complimentary statement from her now sent chills of delight running through Vivi's slight form.

  "Well then, how about you join us? I'm sure it would be just as bad to miss out on being part of a display like this, right?" Vivi playfully shot back, inwardly pleased at how easy it was becoming to be so upfront. She scooched back a bit, leaving a spot next to the bed's edge open to her new friend. Nami quickly accepted the offer, hopping into the unoccupied space, glancing to Vivi and then Robin with a grin on her face.

  "If you don't mind, though," Nami started, "I'd like to start with a massage for you two; make sure you're up for another round and all." Guided by a feather-light touch by Nami's hands, Robin and Vivi lowered themselves onto their fronts on Vivi's bed, sighing happily as their sensitive breasts squished into the soft comforter. Once Nami was satisfied by the position the other two women had taken, she went to work, bringing a hand to each one's back, and began working the tight, lithe muscles.

  Vivi sighed again as the firm yet gentle caresses relaxed her, Nami's warm hand switching back and forth between rubbing below and between her shoulder blades, to her upper back, to the small of her back, and occasionally giving a teasing stroke across the upper curve of her butt. She briefly noticed Nami leaning down so that her face was next to Robin's head, but thought little of it, and returned to enjoying the navigator's ministrations. Soon, the princess was completely engrossed in the feelings playing across her shoulders and back, so much so that she didn't notice the mattress underneath her shifting as Robin pulled herself up to her knees.

  Vivi was momentarily confused when she felt Nami's hands leave her alabaster flesh, but that soon gave way to her eyes widening in delighted surprise as she felt several very familiar hands replaced them on her shoulders and back, the piratess's hands quickly finding a spot on her calves instead. As she delighted in the near full-body massage she was being treated to, the princess quickly noticed that the hands at her shoulders had more weight behind them, signaling that they were Robin's originals. Vivi sighed again as she gave herself over to the army's worth of stimulation her lover had turned all of her attention to treating the young woman to.

  Of course, Nami was no slouch either, strong hands working over the subtle muscles of Vivi's legs with a sensual grace that sent tingles running through her. The navigator soon redirected her efforts to Vivi's dainty feet, working the pale flesh there for several moments before moving back up to her calves, then up to her toned but soft thighs, slowly working her way up, up, up, tantalizingly close to the treasure between her legs, then retreating back to her feet to start from the beginning. The princess was soon moaning, both in appreciation of the combined attention of the two women, and in frustration at their teasing, only letting her go so far, always slowing down or pulling away before orgasm.

  After several agonizingly sensual minutes, Nami and Robin turned to each other, a mutual wink signaling that both women had the same idea in mind. Vivi relaxed thoughts turned to confusion when the massaging hands stopped, when her whole body suddenly went stiff as three tongues suddenly went to work on her, two at her plump nipples, and one between her legs. Pleasure shot through her body as Nami and Robin coaxed it from her overly sensitive breasts and pussy, and teetering on the edge as Vivi was already, she didn't last long against the onslaught.

  "Ohhh... aaaaaaahhh!!" She screamed as both her nipples and nether lips unleashed geysers of fluids, soaking her bed with milk and Nami's face with her feminine juices. Nami grinned and closed her eyes as she allowed the torrent to wash over her, her hands coming up to grab Vivi's soft, pert bottom, squishing it about as the princess rode out her orgasm. From her perch above Vivi's back, Robin watched the waves of milk spread out across the comforter, occasionally reaching down to scoop up a palmful of the warm cream to drink.

  Eventually, Vivi and her expressive liquids settled down, though the princess herself was left breathing heavily and her nipples and pussy twitching sporadically. Robin eased herself off of Vivi, managing it with no difficulties despite her still massive breasts and lips, and both she and Nami scooched themselves off the bed. The two women stood next to each other as Vivi slowly regained her bearings, and quietly discussed what to try next.

  Unknown to the pair, though, the princess managed to rouse herself in fairly short order, and soon began quietly concentrating her powers and planning what to do with them as she remained lying face-down on her bed. Vivi's breasts gurgled lightly as milk slowly flowed into them, both the comforter underneath her and her own body muffling the sound so that Robin couldn't hear it. She paused for a moment as the two nearby women's discussion of retrieving the milking machine tempted her, but Vivi decided to go with her own plans anyway.

  "As fun as your ideas sound, I think it's my turn to tend to you." By the time Nami and Robin had heard Vivi's statement, the princess was pulling herself upright, having wiggled her way to the edge of the bed, facing where the pair stood. Having already gained momentum over the past few moments, Vivi's milk powers surged into her breasts like a river, the plushy masses still swinging upwards as they rapidly inflated to being well over twice the size of the rest of Vivi's body each. To show that the twin tits still had some respect for gravity, they came back down, slamming into the floor next to Vivi's bed with two muffled 'thump's.

  As Robin and Nami stared in awe at the princess's mountainous boobs, Vivi managed to climb atop them, and was soon looking down on both women from her spread-eagle perch. Being firmed up from the milk filling them, the breasts gave in only slightly in response to the princess's body weight atop them, and that same pressure caused her door-width areolae and head-sized nipples to bulge outward. After one last pause to finalize her plan, Vivi grinned down at the pair who had just given her so much pleasure.

  "Better be ready, you two; I have a lot to repay you for." Vivi chirped. With that, her left nipple bulged before it released a river of milk that flowed slowly through the air, taking a curling path toward Nami and Robin. As the creamy tendril drew close, it split in two, one wrist-thick half swirling towards the navigator, one making its way to the raven-haired historian. Both women simply watched the streams close in on them, breaths held in anticipation of what the princess had planned.

  They didn't have long to wait, as both tendrils picked up a sudden burst of speed, lunging at specific parts of their target. The one going for Nami dove for her chest, splitting again into two finger-thick streams as they splashed into the piratess's nipples, squirming into her melon-sized breasts through the milk ducts and forcing them to begin bloating uncontrollably. Robin's tendril lashed behind her, plunging between her ass cheeks and pouring into the tight opening there, steadily plumping her rear into two huge, jiggling masses.

  Nami and Robin moaned as one as sensitive spheres of flesh swelled, Nami grasping her inflating bosom from underneath, and Robin pressing her slender hands wrist-deep into her squishy bum. Milk continued pumping into the two women's bodies, and Nami soon had a particularly top-heavy figure, with breasts that obscured her torso past the knees, despite only the slightest bit of sagging. Robin quickly arrived at an exaggerated hourglass as her expanding rear combined forces with her already milk-swollen bust, but her ass shot past even that, soon reaching the point that her butt was as large as the rest of her body combined.

  The milk flow finally stopped then, and both piratess and historian were pulled to the ground by the weight of their bloated flesh mounds, Robin settling between her plushy cheeks like an oddly designed bean bag chair, and Nami dropping to her knees, leaning against her oversized chest. The milk tendrils had pulled out of both women, but remain close by, simply hovering a few feet out of their reach as if waiting for something. Vivi grinned at the pair, then at their inflated bodies.

  "You realize what having my milk inside you means now, right?" Vivi smirked, and, before either woman could either consider the question or respond, the milk inside them began swirling and rippling as if alive, coaxing a gasp from both of them. Nami squirmed against her wiggling breasts, liquid dripping from between her legs as pleasure assaulted her, and Robin writhed on top of her pillowy ass cheeks, enjoying the plump flesh being kneaded and massaged from the inside out.

  The milk tendrils took that moment to strike again, though instead of a specific point, the thick cream spread to envelop the entirety of Nami's breasts and Robin's ass, leaving both with a thin covering of milk white. That milk began working the flesh it was pressed against as well, leaving Nami and Robin with inflated, sensitive flesh orbs being tended to both inside and out. A symphony of moans steadily arose as two women grew ever more unable to hold back, their bodies heaving more intensely by the second.

  Before long, orgasm hit Nami hard, and a long husky moan erupted from her as she arched her body against her immense tits, juices spraying from between her legs. Robin followed moments later, a drawn-out "Mmmmmm!" working out from between clenched lips, her body stiffening against the curve of the giant ass she was lying on top of, and a combination of juices and milk pouring from her pussy. Eventually, spasming bodies calmed, and Nami and Robin relaxed against their plushy flesh, basking in the afterglow of Vivi's ministrations.

  "Not done yet..." Vivi's teasing voice cut into the two women's rest, bringing them to turn to Vivi as best they could, trying to determine what was coming next. The princess's pink nipples began twitching, when a grin came to Robin's face as she got an idea. A copy of one of the historian's arms appeared on Vivi's enormous right breast, just outside the areola, which reached inwards, the extended fingers poking at the end of the princess's head-sized nipple. With only a bit of prodding, the fingers sunk into the nipple, the rest of Robin's hand following behind until it was immersed in Vivi's giant breast to just past the wrist.

  Vivi moaned sweetly at the intrusion, but wasn't deterred, only her right nipple ceasing its sharp twitching. Her left nub ceased its activity soon after, but only because it instead began to open up to allow a milk white bubble to work its way out. As the creamy mass came into view, Nami and Robin realized that it was shaped just like Vivi's head, and soon gave way to a pair of shoulders that slowly worked their way out of the fleshy prison that held them. Once its arms were free, the Vivi-shaped blob of milk escaped the princess's nipple without much difficulty, coaxing a sigh of relief from her. Another milk clone followed the first out of Vivi's slightly smaller left breast, than another, the princess lookalikes numbering a half dozen before Vivi's breast was back to a normal size.

  Having shifted her weight onto her still massive right boob, Vivi watched her six milk clones surround Nami, stationing themselves one to each bulbous breast, and another to the thick, throbbing nipples capping them. The fourth moved next to Nami's face before closing in for a kiss, the next lied down underneath the piratess to tend to her nether lips, and the last one moved to massage the navigator's legs and feet. Robin was stunned by the sight of several Vivi clones tending to Nami, momentarily forgetting to keep plunging her hand in and out of Vivi's nipple, not helped by the mezmerizing sound of Nami humming out her pleasure at the all-encompassing ministrations as best she could through the milk-formed lips pressed against her own.

  "Robiiiiin..." Vivi sang, swinging Robin's attention back to her.

"I have more milk clones in here..." Vivi tapped on her overstuffed breast for emphasis, "...for you, but their way out is blocked. What can be done about that?" Robin flashed a grin at the young woman between heated breaths, relenting as she pulled her milk-dripping hand free of the stretchy pink nub.

  Vivi's face screwed up in concentration as her nipples began twitching again, once more stopping once a milk-formed version of her own head popped out. The clone wiggled her arms free,  and then another pair of arms, and finally yet another, the milky version of Vivi that finally worked her way out of the bulbous nub possessing two extra arms underneath each of her originals. The new clone examined the appendages that the woman she was derived from did not share, then flexed them a bit, as if to determine how to control them, before turning back to the original Vivi's still massive nipple.

  The second milk clone was already starting to come out, her head already fully visible. The first clone moved to use her six arms in concert to help pull the second one free, making her 'birth' much quicker; as she stood up straight, the second clone revealed four extra breasts on her torso, arranged in two pairs under her usual set. The two milk clones regarded each other briefly, both giving a slight grin before the first clone used her many arms to give all of the second clone's breasts a simultaneous squeeze.

  Still, both turned back to the nipple capping the now-smaller breast behind them, briefly noting that the original Vivi had to dismount her giant breast and move back onto her bed. The next milk clone soon began working her way free of her fleshy prison, and was out shortly once the other two helped ease her way along. The third clone looked normal, until she raised her arms, revealing that, in place of hands, she had two massive pairs of plushy lips, each half again as large as her fist.

  The three milk clones watched as one more milk-formed Vivi began to emerge from the flesh-and-blood princess's thick nub. After her shoulders came free, it because clear that clone #4 was much wider than the others, Vivi's nipple stretching wide to accomodate her. With the first two again helping, the final clone was soon out, allowing the princess's breast to shrink back to its original size alongside her left one.

  The new clone had no additions or radically altered parts, but her figure itself was a major departure from the lithe form the original Vivi usually sported. Her lips alone were plump masses, the upper lip the thickness of a thumb, and the lower one over twice that. Looking further down, the clone's bust was massive, obscuring her torso down to her navel, and her hips and ass were equally plump, held up by thick, milky thighs.

  The original Vivi grinned from her spot on her bed as the four altered milk clones sauntered over to where Robin was lying on her massively inflated rear. The hourglass-figured clone took a position behind the historian, positioning her face next to Robin's, planting her thick lips against the raven-haired beauty's own face-pillows and rubbing her plush, rounded curves against all of the tanned flesh she could manage. The many-boobed clone moved toward Robin's front, rubbing her sextet of breasts up and down the Devil Fruit user's torso. The six-armed clone sidled around the expanse of Robin's ass, her many hands kneading and caressing the massive, sensitive pillows with abandon. The remaining milk-formed Vivi climbed onto Robin's rear and settled herself against the historian's side, planting her lip-hands onto the thumb-sized nipples; the plump suckers immediately began subjecting Robin's nubs to an intense suction, clearly intent on taking back all of the milk held behind them.

  Robin was immediately reduced to moaning from the milk clone's ministrations, barely able to handle the caressing of her giant, sensitive ass and the lips draining milk through her equally erotically charged nips. Of course, with the pillowy lips of another milky Vivi smothering her own, the moans were reduced to muffled "Mmmm... mmm!"'s, though they sounded just as sweet to Vivi's ears. The many-breasted clone occasionally interrupted the efforts of those two, forcing them aside to briefly replace the heavy lips assaulting Robin's breasts or face with the squishy embrace of creamy breasts coming in from all sides.

  Meanwhile, the half-dozen milk clones tending to Nami had yet to let up, despite the piratess having orgasmed numerous times, her juices splattered liberally across everything near the sweet juncture between her legs. The clone tending to Nami's nipples had gone from merely rubbing and licking the plump nubs to pulling them until they were stretched out double, allowing only a gush of milk to escape before squeezing the fleshy valves closed, Nami herself trembling in need from the brief teases of relief. The clone underneath the navigator, no longer satisfied with merely licking the treasure between her thighs, had stretched her milky tongue into a long tendril, and was happily thrusting it in and out.

  The other four milky Vivis had stepped up their game as well, massaging their chosen parts with a sensual ferocity that kept Nami's entire body overloaded with pleasure. Her massive breasts rocked as two clones writhed the entirety of their creamy bodies against them, and her legs were only kept from thrashing about from the clone using her arms and tits to rub down the full lengths of both toned limbs. Even Nami's attempted screams of pleasure were drowned out by the liquid lips locked onto her own as the clone kissing her had escalated to ravenous frenching.

  Princess Nefertari Vivi gazed out in satisfaction at the sexual display she had created, eyes settling lovingly on Nami and Robin in turn. Unable to pull her eyes away from the sexual plight of either of the two woman before her to join in, Vivi instead forced her breasts to start gushing milk. Rather than spraying out, though, the cream ran in streams across her skin in all directions, down, sideways, even straight up along the curve of her breasts; within moments, Vivi was covered in a thin coating of her own milk from her neck down.

  Driven on by the muffled moans and screams hovering their way over from Nami and Robin, Vivi mentally commanded her milk to ripple and surge against her body. The princess's soft breasts and butt jiggled about as the cream swirled against them from all directions, prompting a few breathy moans from her. Every inch of her skin sang in delight as the milk caressed it, and with the cream paying extra attention to her pussy, Vivi's arousal rapidly boiled up to heights alongside those of Nami and Robin.

  At the same time, the milk clones tending to the other women slowed down their efforts, switching to more teasing ministrations meant to keep them hot but just short of orgasm. Vivi's own heat built as she watched Nami and Robin twitch and squirm as the pleasure stormed through them, yet release remained just out of reach. Fortunately, it wasn't long before Vivi felt herself growing close to the edge, and mentally had her clones redouble their efforts.

  Both Nami and Robin immediately went stiff and their eyes rolled into their heads, barely able to withstand the full attention of the milk clones on them. Nami felt a pressure poking in on the tip of her nipples as a milk clone's creamy digits flowed into them, and Robin's massive ass was squished about even more intensely than ever, and, as impossible as it seemed to the historian's clouded mind, the plump lips at her nipples redoubled their suction, and milk surged out of them even faster.

  "Eeeeeeyyyyyaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" erupted from all three women at once as massive orgasms washed across each one like a tidal wave. By that point, Nami and Robin were beginning to enact impressions of tidal waves themselves; Robin unleashed a geyser of milk and juices from her pussy that rocketed halfway across the room, and Nami's nipples promply became milkspouts, spraying the white cream behind them at everything in their line of sight. As the milk splashed around Vivi's bedroom, Nami and Robin's expanded parts began to shrink down, soon leaving the two women sprawled out in puddles of their recently released milk and juices, Robin on her back, and Nami on her front.

  Vivi smiled warmly at the dazed pair, and widened her gaze to take in the rest of the room, especially the puddles, splatters, and streams of milk that covered nearly everything in sight. After a moment of mentally cataloguing everything, the princess closed her eyes in concentration, and all of the milk in the room, save that which made up her clones, lifted from the surfaces it had spattered against, hovering in the air before slowly floating toward Vivi. The floating streams of cream occasionally brushed by Nami or Robin, the contact deliberate, but more comforting than sensual.

  Droplet by droplet, the milk found its way back to the woman that created it, floating towards her breasts before dissappearing back into the nipples from which it came. Vivi's bust steadily swelled back up as lost liquid was restored to them, and Vivi soon had to return to the edge of her bed as her breasts bloated to the point that they rested on the floor even from that height. The massive mammaries reached forward an equally impressive distance that nearly matched Vivi's height.

  The milk clones left their stations surrounding Nami and Robin to return to the princess, strutting up to the once again head-sized pink nipples crowning her milk-flooded breasts. One by one the creamy copies of Vivi, some altered with forms altered from the original, most not, pushed their way headfirst into the tip of the great nubs, each one dissappearing into the alabaster mounds and swelling them up even more. Soon, two pairs of pure white dainty feet being sucked into fleshy pink cylinders signaled the exit of the last milk clones, leaving only Nami, Robin, Vivi, and Vivi's  now bed-sized breasts to occupy the room.

  The princess looked over Nami and Robin from her spot atop her breasts, wondering what she should try next. However, she quickly decided that the two women before her were too exhausted to endure any more lovemaking for the moment. About halfway through that thought, Vivi's sight dimmed to black, not having realized how much the tryst had taken out of her as well. And so the three women rested.

  In the dead of night, the three women eventually managed to rouse themselves and return to the room allocated to the Straw Hats, finding them preparing to start a meeting. The men of the crew warmly greeted the trio of arriving women, glad that they didn't have to either go out to look for them or leave them out entirely. With everyone relavant present, the group began.

  "Well," Zoro started off, "it's time we leave here and move on." Vivi was left stunned by the blunt statement, unaware that she had had quite that little time left with them. A few complaints piped up managed to give her a little hope, though.

  "Do we have to leave already?" Chopper objected. "This place is great!"

  "Yeah," whined Luffy, "I want to stay for another feast!"

  "We can't do that," Sanji cut in, despite being clearly conflicted as his eyes briefly flicked over to Vivi and Robin. "The Marines know we're here, and they're looking us along with any Baroque Works agents that might be left. We're lucky enough that Vivi and Robin knew of such a good place to hide our ship, or we wouldn't even have had enough time for Luffy to recover. We really shouldn't push it."

  "I hate to agree to leaving," Usopp added, "but he's right. If we don't go now, we might not be able to."

  "Then it's settled." Nami finished, glancing over at the man-reindeer and rubbery captain, who had both bowed their heads in equal parts dissappointment and defeat.

  "Actually," all of the pirates present were suddenly drawn by an unexpected voice entering the conversation: Robin's. "If you don't mind, I would like to join you." The faces of everyone present, save Vivi, contorted in surprise, Sanji visibly swooning as hearts appeared in his one visible eye. Luffy was the first one to recover.

  "Yeah, of course you can join! Another crewmember, awesome!" The captain cheered, his infectious zeal instantly quelling any would-be arguments against the decision.

  "Alright, alright, that's great," Nami chimed in, flashing a friendly grin at Robin to assure her that the dismissiveness was only due to the seriousness of the situation. "but we need to work out how we're going to do this."

  The next morning, Robin found herself on the Going Merry alongside what was now her new crew, looking across the ocean as the small pirate ship made its way out of the river that it had been hidden in. All around her was the controlled chaos of the pirates readying the ship for sailing, most of the actions practiced enough that they were performed with no prodding, though Nami occasionally had to bark out an order to accomodate some change in the ocean or air that only she seemed able to sense.

  Of course, the pirate ship wasn't leaving Alabasta right away, and Robin briefly thought back to the night before. After she and the Straw Hats had outlined a plan to get past the Marine patrols, Luffy had evidently noticed the wistful look Vivi's face sported after learning the pirates had their minds set on leaving, as the captain had bluntly asked if the princess had also wanted to join them. Vivi responded by going frozen, locked between conflicting mindsets, and Robin had suddenly realized that the young woman had likely not even considered the option until that point.

  Recognizing that Vivi wouldn't be making a decision right away, the pirates had singled out a particular shore that they would be able to pass by as they left, instructing the princess to meet them there if she wanted to join them. Robin knew better, though, and she couldn't stop a bitter smile from briefly flashing across her face. Not only did she have no choice but leave her young princess, but she had to be teased by the hope of an arrangement that might've actually worked, if not for the fact that Robin already knew that the very qualities that she appreciated in Vivi would prevent her from going through with it.

  Even the historian's extensive practice at hiding her emotions was tested to its limit as pirates and princess said their goodbyes, just before the Straw Hats would use the Supersonic Duck Squadron to make the trip to their ship considerably faster than the trip from it. One by one, Luffy and his gathered friends wished the best for Vivi, as well as expressing hope that she might take them up on their offer. Robin could only stand frozen until the procession had reached her; the rest of the pirates were already looking away by that point, having started toward their individual mounts, but Robin neither realized nor cared, launching herself into Vivi anyway and allowed all of her emotions, all of the love built up over the past weeks, her gratitude towards the young woman, and the heartache of being forced to leave her behind to flood through her lips and into those of her royal lover. Despite the initial shock, Vivi had quickly melted into the arms of the raven-haired beauty, accepting the outpour of affection before returning it in kind.

  In the present, the Going Merry sliced through the water, on its way to the shore where Vivi might be found. After some time of smooth sailing, though, their good luck faltered as a Marine vessel happened upon them. Fortunately, it wasn't captained by anyone particularly dangerous, but the incoming projectiles were still worrisome, and it took the combined force of most of the Straw Hats to keep the cannonfire at bay.

  Eventually, their destination was in sight, as was a certain turquoise-haired princess and her unlikely steed, and Robin's heart fluttered at the sight of Vivi having donned truly regal attire for the first time since the historian had met her. Exquisite white fabrics billowed around her legs, up to where golden bands cinched the garment against her form just above her hips and below her chest, and a lavender cloak rippled behind her. Neck, wrists, ears, and hair were adorned by glimmering golden jewelry that accentuated the young woman's beauty without distracting from it, all adding up to form a breathtaking image.

  Vivi reached over to Carue, more specifically, to a device he was carrying, and lifted a microphone from it to her mouth. Robin gave a sad smile as she realized what was coming, but her spirits lifted a bit knowing that Vivi at least seemed confident in the decision she had undoubtedly made, and would be happy with it.

  "Thank you all, for everything you've done, especially you, Robin!" Vivi yelled. The volume was just enough that it was easily audible over the distance that separated her from the Going Merry, and the Straw Hats grinned upon hearing the princess. Luffy was already pointing Chopper to the helm so he could turn the ship towards her.

  "I want to go with you... but I can't! I love my kingdom, and it needs me now!" The pirates all stopped in their tracks, apparently only Robin having guessed that outcome. They recovered quickly, though, and turned to hear whatever else the princess had to say.

  "But... if we ever meet again... will still consider me your... friend?" Robin noticed that Vivi was gazing straight at her for the last part, and had to noticably stop herself from ending with a different word.

  "Of co-" Luffy called out before Nami rushed to stop him, slamming her hand over his mouth.

  "We can't answer her!" Nami half-whispered, "The Marines are too close now; if they get any evidence that connects Vivi to us, they'll probably see her as a criminal, too!" As obvious as Robin felt that was, she certainly couldn't blame her new Captain; it had taken some effort to stop from yelling out in reply herself.

  Robin joined her new crew in searching for a method of saying goodbye that their pursuers wouldn't recognize, when most of them hit upon it at once. A thick 'X' mark left on the forearm of each Straw Hat, including Vivi and Robin, originally hidden by a cloth, and meant as a precaution against Mr. 2's body mimicking powers, but was now left uncovered due to seeing no use. All seven pirates lined up on the deck, the cannonfire raining around them unimportant until they achieved their task.

  On the shore, Vivi ran her eyes over the pirate ship, watching its occupants seemingly ignore her. Her violet eyes watered, tears starting to come down her face in streams as her friends remained silent to her plea, the short time spent together clearly too little to make a lasting impression on them. Even Robin hadn't acknowledged the princess, conjuring up feelings of her heart being replaced by a block of ice. Vivi inwardly cursed herself for deciding to stay; she had been presented with a perfect opportunity to stay with her raven-haired lover, and she had cast it aside. Surely, Robin hated her now.

  She looked up one last time, and her face instantly went from the depths of sorrow to the heights of joy, her tears quickly trading out the emotions fueling them. Along the aft of the Going Merry, the Straw Hat pirates stood in a line, all holding up one arm to reveal a black 'X' mark on their forearm. Immediately understanding, Vivi raised up the arm bearing an identical mark, Carue doing the same.

  Vivi suddenly felt a pull on the hand remaining at her side, bringing her to look down for the cause. Her already face-spanning smile somehow grew even wider as she found a tanned arm emerging from her hip, its slender hand clasped around her own. She returned the gesture with a squeeze of her own, and though, like the other Straw Hats, Robin's back was turned to her, Vivi could feel the warm smile that the historian directed towards her.

  A span of minutes that took all too little time in Vivi's mind passed, and the Straw Hats were eventually forced to abandon their improvised farewell to defend their ship. The princess could only wish her friends luck in silence as she watched the Going Merry sail out of sight, the hand on hers remaining even several minutes after the pirates had dissappeared over the horizon before finally vanishing.

  Some time later, the pirates had eventually escaped the Marines that were after them, and managed to return to their usual carefree state. Though the mood was tinged sullen due to no longer having Vivi around, the pirates managed to return to their usual activities. Zoro dropped near one of the ship's railings and fell asleep, Sanji vanished into the kitchen, and what Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper would be up to next was anyone's guess.

  "Well," Nami said as she regarded Robin, "come on into my room. Guess it belongs to both of us now." The grin that the navigator flashed to show that she had no problems with the arrangement was met by Robin's own, and the two made their way into the ship. A few turns in the somewhat cramped halls, and the two women had reached their destination.

  "Here we are; make yourself at home." Nami offered, gesturing for Robin to enter. As the two woman set foot inside, they stopped short as they noticed a trio of barrels placed in the corner of the room. Though they were both instantly suspicious, it was short-lived, as the pair quickly noticed a card fastened to the front of the nearest one, 'Vivi' written on it in elegant, flowing script, and both women nearly jumped to retrieve it. Using a series of hands created by her powers, Robin got at it first, the raven-haired historian immediately opening the note to read it, Nami coming in by her shoulder to look as well.

  'Dear Nami,

  Once again, I want to thank you for everything you and your crew have done for me and my people. Of course, considering the time we in particular spent together, I thought I'd leave a bit of, well, myself with you to remember me and Robin by. I created this batch of milk especially with your needs in mind, so it will never spoil. Drinking it swells your breasts, but it can also soak into your lips or butt to expand them if you have them in contact with the milk for at least a minute. I would have given you more, but I wanted to make sure your ship was able to set off.

  I'll never forget you, Nami, and from what Robin told me, she won't either. I truly hope we'll see each other again.


  Nefertari Vivi'

  Robin felt a small pang as she realized that the note was undoubtedly written while Luffy was still recovering, before Vivi had learned that Robin would be leaving alongside the Straw Hats, but seeing words written and milk produced by the princess helped quell that. The historian turned to Nami, who had fixed a catlike grin at her.

  "So, you've been talking about me to Vivi, hmmm?" Nami purred. "I think I can imagine what some of those conversations might have been about." Robin said nothing with words, but her eyes quickly went seductive, telling the whole story with only a look. Nami responded by lifting up the lid of the nearest barrel, grabbing an empty coffee mug from a nearby desk, and dipping the container into the creamy liquid to fill it.

  "Let's see if I can come up with some new memories to remind you of me." Nami smirked as she brandished the cup of milk at her new, undoubtedly quite special, friend.