
Chapter 98: Taken

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 98: Taken

A den-den-mushi rang.

"Hacchin? is that you? It's me Camie" Said the mermaid.

"Sorry, I kinda got lost, where are you?"

"Oh, Camie is it? muahaha!. Do you know who you are speaking to?, this isn't Hacchin."

"Eh?!, you are not?" The shocked mermaid asked.

"It is I…Makuro!, from the famous Idiotic Makuro crew!" The voice said.

"Hey!, don't say idiotic yourself!" Another voice shouted.

"Sounds like something is wrong" Commented Robin.

"Hmph!, what on earth are you doing with Hacchi's den-den-mushi?!" Cambie demanded to know.

"Wait wait! let me have this one!" Vivi hurried to grab the snail from Camie.

"Listen to me!" Said Vivi in a raspy voice. "I don't know who you are…I don't know what you want…if you are looking for a ransom, I can tell you that we don't have money, but what I do have…are a very particular set of skills…skills I have acquired over a very long career…skills that make me a nightmare for people like you…if you let my d- I mean Hacchi go now, that would be the end of it…I will not look for you …I will not pursue you…but if you don't…I will look for you…I will find you…and I will KILL YOU!"

She then gave back the snail to a shocked Cambie and went back to her seat.

"Sorry, I always wanted to do that." Said Vivi with a wide smile.

"What the hell was that?!" Shouted the voice over the den-den-mushi.

"That was so scary! who was that?!" Said a different voice.

"What do we do?!"

"C-calm down! she doesn't know who we are!"

"Yes, she does! you introduced yourself at the beginning"

"Oh! right. I said that we are the Idiot- I mean the Makuro crew! "

"But wait! We have nothing to fear. The 'flying fish riders' are with us now."

"Yeah!, you are right!...now, listen to me little girl!...wait…I think I have been pressing the 'speak' button the entire time."

"You mean they heard everything we said?"

Sounds of rustling and movement came from the snail.

"Give me that!"

The sounds then stopped.

Someone cleared his throat. "Now… let's start again. We have your friend Hacchi in our custody. Go ahead, said something!"

"...Camie" A weak voice came from the other side. "So, you are okay… that's a relief."

"Hacchin!, were you really defeated?" Asked Camie.

"They caught me by surprise. You must not come to find me! I'll take care of those guys myself and come back, don't you worry about me!." Said Hacchi.

"Muahahaha" The voice changed back to the kidnapper. "Don't listen to that. We are going to sell this guy very soon. Octopus fishmen are very rare. He will fetch quite the price. If you wanna save him…we are at Shabondy Archipelago, in the waters 5 kilometers east of grove 44. At the base of the 'Flying fish riders' gang."

"Don't come, Camie!" Hacchi shouted.

"Shut up." The sound of Hacchi being hit was heard. "See ya!" He then hangs up.

"Hacchin…" Muttered Camie with worry.

"This Hacchi voice sounded very familiar…maybe I'm just imagining things." Said Nami.

"Oi, Vivi!, where did that speech come from? that was very scary!" Said Usopp.

"Ah!, that was from a great mov- I mean theater play I saw when I was a little kid. I always liked that scene, but you can only use it during a kidnapping situation." Explained Vivi.

"What kind of plays did your dad take you to?..." Asked Usopp.

"Yeah…that didn't seem very appropriate for a child." Commented Sanji.

"So…what about that takoyaki?" Asked their Captain.

"This isn't the time for that!" Shouted Franky.

"I'm sorry, Luffy. Can I get you the takoyaki at another time? I need to go save my friend." Said Camie.

"Wait a minute, Camie. I don't want to meddle, but if you are going to a dangerous place to save your friend…" Said Nami.

"We will be happy to help." Finished Robin.

"Well, to be more accurate, those guys will help." Nami said, pointing at Luffy and the others.

"Oi!" They complained.

"And in return…you can show us the way to Fishman Island." Said Nami.

"Are you sure? Would you really help me get Hacchin back?" Asked Camie.

"Sounds fine, but who is this Hacchin anyways?" Said Luffy.

"He is the one that runs the takoyaki shop where I work. We make the best takoyaki in the world!" She claimed.

This got Luffy pumped up. "Alright! We are going to save the takoyaki even if it costs our lives!"

"It sounds like is okay with them. So…where do we go?" Asked Nami.

"Let's see…" Cambie pulled out a map.

"Grove 44. It is an island at the very east of the archipelago. If we just head towards the Shabondy Archipelago, we should reach this place on the way. Five kilometers before we reach the archipelago proper. We just have to head west and leave the rest to the fish." Explained Pappag.

"Let me call them." Camie jumped around with her tail until she reached the side of the ship. "Hey!" She called.

Moments later, several fishes came to the surface.

"We'll like for you to give us directions!" Shouted Camie. Then started to communicate with the fish using barely audible sounds.

"They are scared of these flying fish guys so they won't get close, but they will show us the way." Said Camie.

"Wow, I didn't know mermaids could communicate with fish, that seems like a very handy ability to not get lost in the sea." Commented a very excited Nami.

"Look!" Said Chopper.

The fish started to move around and make a lot of noise.

"They are drawing an arrow on the water's surface!" Exclaimed Usopp.

"Brilliant!, we just follow that direction then." Said Nami.

"Wow!, you are amazing Camie!" Complimented their Captain.