
Chapter 95: Back on track

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 95: Back on track

"What are you talking about?, I only ate one devil fruit." Said Vivi.

"It is impossible to eat more than one devil fruit and survive." Added Robin.

"No matter, I cannot explain this thing to you. I'm sure that you will see 'her' soon enough and learn what you need to know. I'm leaving now. I'll advise you to do the same. Marines will be coming to this place very soon to address the situation with Moria."

"Hold on! You haven't fought with us!" Shouted Zoro.

Usopp came running and covered Zoro's mouth.

"Shush!, if the man wants to leave….let him leave!"

"Wait!, you haven't told me what I wanted to know yet!" Cried Vivi but Kuma just ignored her and used his ability to disappear instantly from the spot by reflecting himself.

"It seems like we somehow avoided a very dangerous situation." Said Robin.


The Strawhats went back to the ship and sailed once more.

"How is the Captain doing?" Vivi asked Chopper, the two of them were talking in the dining area.

"Nothing life-threatening, he just placed too much burden on his body by overusing the gears. He should wake up in a day or two" Answered the doctor.

"He should try learning some technique that doesn't destroy his body like that." Commented Usopp.

Nami entered the room with a wide smile, behind her were Zoro and Sanji, who were carrying big chests.

"Put them over there" Nami commanded while pointing to a corner of the room.

"We are not your servants!" Complained Zoro.

"Yes, we are!" Exclaimed Sanji.

"Check this out, guys!" Nami opened the chests to reveal that they were filled with gold and precious stones.

"You actually found Moria's treasure room." Said Vivi.

"Wow!, we are rich!" Shouted Usopp.

"You may want to keep some of that hidden, or the Captain will want to expend it all in food when we get to the next island," Robin advised.

"Right…I have not forgotten how he spent 100 million on Water Seven." Said Nami with a sad expression at remembering the waste of money.

"Oh…before I forget." She went to one of the chests and took out a box.

"What is that?" Asked Chopper with curiosity.

Nami placed the box in front of Vivi.

"You actually found it?" Asked Vivi.

Nami smiled proudly. "They don't call me the cat thief for nothing."

"Being a thief is not something to be proud of." Usopp pointed out.

"Neither is being a pirate, but here we are." Said Robin.

"You ladies must be hungry. I will go prepare you something to eat." Sanji turned around and went to the kitchen area.

"Wait, Sanji" Vivis stoped him. She then opened the box and took a look inside. "This is something that you may be interested in."

"Something that can interest me?" Sanji wondered what could it be.

"What is it?" Usopp looked at the box, but could not see the contents from where he was standing.

Vivi turned the box around and allowed everyone to see it. A strange fruit was inside, it looked like a big strawberry, but it was yellow with red spirals all over it.

"That's a devil fruit!" Exclaimed Robin.

"Whoa!, where did you get that thing?" Asked Usopp.

"I killed the previous owner of this fruit. And Nami managed to find its next reincarnation." Said Vivi.

"Fruits reincarnate?" This piqued Brooks's interest.

"They do." It was Robin the one who spoke. "When a devil fruit user dies, the fruit will usually reappear nearby after some time has passed."

"Who did you kill?" Zoro asked with seriousness but without judgment.

"Just some pervert who was trying to take advantage of me and Nami while we were taking a bath together." Explained Vivi.

"Bath…together…" Sanji's imagination was starting to run wild again.

He came back to his sense when Nami smacked his head. "Stop imagining things! it wasn't like that. We were just taking a bath in the same bathroom…we weren't like… together, you know…" Her face was flushed red.

Vivi decided to spare her some embarrassment by moving the conversation forward.

"Anyways, now we have a devil fruit and five members of the crew who could use it."

She knew that Sanji will want it, but she couldn't just give it to him since Sanji had never shared his dream of becoming an invisible man…for obvious reasons.

"What is the name of the fruit?" Asked Franky.

"I don't know the name but I know what it does. The guy I fought was able to turn himself completely invisible, and I think he could also turn other things invisible too." Recalled Vivi.

"That is the suke-suke no mi!. The 'clear' devil fruit." Sanji rose his voice immediately.

"It seems like you knew about it already." Nami pointed out with suspicion.

Sanji scratch his head. "Well…you know, a while ago I read a catalog of devil fruits and that one seemed interesting, that's all."

"Interesting, uh?" Said Robin.

"Anyways! I really want that fruit! If you guys let me have it, I will owe you!." Sanji got on his knees. "Please!"

"mmm, it would be useful to become invisible to run aw- I mean, fight more effectively." Usopp corrected himself smoothly. "But since you want it soo much…I don't mind."

"I don't want it either. I have enough weapons already!" Exclaimed Franky.

"I have no interest in devil fruits. My swords are all I need." Claimed Zoro.

"And what would you be using it for?" Asked Nami with an intense gaze.

"Well…you know…justice stuff, like fighting evil and so…" Sanji got very nervous at the question.

"He definitely wants to peep…" Usopp gave Sanji the 'disappointed dad ' stare.

"Peep what?" Asked Chopper innocently.

"I will not! I swear!" Defended Sanji.

"You are crossing your fingers." Robin pointed out.

"Ah!" Cried Sanji. "That was a nervous tick."

"Here" Vivi threw the box at Sanji and he grabbed it.

"What? Vivi?. How can you give it to him?" Shouted Nami.

"Because, He will make a promise that he will never use that ability to spy on us, and he will keep that promise." Vivi looked at Sanji with a cold expression. "Because if he doesn't, Robin will crush his nuts. Am I right?" Vivi gave Robin a look.

Robin could barely contain the smile. "That is correct. I will totally do it."

"She will! believe her!" Cried Franky while having some painful flashbacks.

"I promise! With my honor as a man, I will NOT use it to spy!…on Nami, Robin, and Vivi." Sanji said the last part very quickly.

"That was oddly specific!" Voiced Usopp.