
Chapter 85: Surprise visit

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 85: A surprise visit

Vivi and Nami finished washing and got into the bath to relax a bit.

"Ah…this feels good. But I can't wait to be back at the ship." Said Nami.

Vivi then saw Nami tensed up.

"Wait!... I think there is someone else here."

Vivi smiled, she had sensed the presence since He came in but has been waiting to see how long it would take Nami to realize.

"Grrr" A feline noise was heard.

"Stay in there, Nami." Vivi stood up and went to leave the bath before the pervert decides to grab Nami.

"Vivi what are yo-" Nami was interrupted when she saw Vivi being grabbed and violently pushed against the wall by something invisible.


"Grrr" The invisible man growled next to Vivi's face. "What do I do with you? I wanted the other one."

Vivi was completely naked with both her wrists pushed against the wall, but she seemed completely calm.

"Oh…you are hurting my feelings, Mister Invisible. Do you not find me attractive at all?."

"No..t-that's!..." This was clearly not the reaction that He was looking for.

"What's wrong, am I that ugly?. Why don't you take a good look?" Vivi said seductively. She then gave Nami a look and this one seemed to understand the meaning.

Nami started to get out of the bath very slowly, trying to not gain the attention of the invisible man.

Vivi felt the hold on her wrist become stronger and the face of her aggressor becoming closer to her.

"No!, I like them weak and shyer….you will not do as my bride!."

The hold on one of her wrists was released and then she felt a hand grasp her neck with a tight grip.

"Oh well…I hope you enjoyed the show at least. Because its going to be the last thing you see." Vivi's expression changed to one with a mixture of anger and disgust.

Her body turned completely into water, allowing her to release herself from his hold and without giving him much time to understand what was happening, she embraced the man until her water body had him completely covered.

The invisible man gasped for air but only got water in his lungs. Like those before him, He panicked and started to run around, smashing against the walls while trying to remove the water from his head.

Nami took the chance to gain some distance and quickly put some clothes on.

"Oi!, what's going on in there? is everything okay?" Usopp and Chopper entered the bathroom in a rush, only to find a barely clothed Nami and a blob of water moving around in the back.

"What is that?!" Shouted Chopper while pointing at the moving water.

"A bathroom ghost!, wait!...where did I put my crucifix?" Usopp started to look through his bags.

Nami smacked him on the head. "That's not a ghost you idiot!. Thats Vivi. She is fighting some invisible guy that attacked us."

"An invisible man?" Asked Chopper before looking back at the 'fight'.

"Now that you mentioned it…I can see a human shape inside the water. Looks like an adult man"

"Eh?...you are right!" Realized Usopp. "So is not a ghost, phew, what a relief. I honestly didn't have much trust in that crucifix..."

The invisible man collapsed on the floor of the bathroom and stopped moving. Vivi reformed her body while leaving a small part still covering his head.

"Are you hurt, Vivi?" Asked Nami with concern.

"I'm fine. What are those two doing here? this is the woman's bathroom." Said Vivi, who was now standing in front of them, completely naked.

Usopp and Chopper seemed to be in shock, unable to look away.

"I…ehm…" Usopp said eloquently.

"What are you?..." Nami then realized. She looked back at Vivi and then at Usopp and Chopper.

"Get out of here!" Nami probably kicked them out and closed the door.

"Seriously Vivi, you need to be a bit more ashamed!. Please, get dressed." Admonished Nami

Vivi chuckled and went to get her clothes on. Once she was finished, she felt that the aura of the invisible man had finally gone silent, signaling his dead.

Nami gasped. "Look!" She pointed at the no-more invisible man as He became completely visible.

"He looks like a bad patchwork of feline and human." Vivi retrieved her water back and started to walk away.

"Is He dead?" Asked Nami.

Vivi just turned around and nodded. "Before we leave this place, I want you to raid the pantry."

Nami was surprised by the request.

"You want me to steal food?"

"When a devil fruit user dies, his fruit gets reborn into the closest by compatible fruit available." Explained Vivi.

"You want to get his devil fruit?" Nami gave a glance at the dead man.

"Not for me, of course. The fruit will be easy to spot. All devil fruits have unusual colors and spiraling patterns on their surface. Considering how big the pantry of this place must be, there is a very high chance that the fruit will be reborn there. Can you do it?"

Nami nodded. "Of course. Leave it to me!"


The four of them left the bathroom area and started to walk through the castle halls.

"An invisible man…I still find it hard to believe." Commented Usopp.

"You saw today a skeleton who came back from the dead." Vivi pointed out.

"And all of those weird things in the forest!." Said Nami.

"I actually took a look at the dead man before we left." Said Chopper. "It looked like someone took two bodies and sew them together. It seems hard to believe, but all of those scars…"

"The ones we saw in the forest also had those scars, like someone had sewed them together!" Remembered Nami.

"Now that you mentioned it…the servant that hated the plates also had scars like that." Said Usopp.

"It looks like the Doctor has been doing some human experimentation. What do you think, Chopper?" Asked Vivi.

Chopper had a serious expression. "That would be….No, If He is experimenting on humans like that, It would make sense for him to do it in secret. Those practices are not only unethical but extremely illegal."