
Chapter 8: Meeting a bananadile

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 8: Meeting a bananadile

"Even a Princess is powerless in these circumstances. It was too easy to work here. There are soo many idiots. Especially those rebels and that sand-digging old man." Said Crocodile.

"I thought you were leaving..." Vivi said in a low voice, not sure if Crocodile had heard her.

"Wait, you mean the old man in Yuba?." Asked Luffy, fearing the worst.

"Oh, yes that one. What a stupid old geezer. He keeps digging into an oasis that died long ago. He thinks He can overcome the sandstorms over and over." Said Crocodile with a cruel smile.

"What did you say?!." Yelled Luffy.

"Tell me Strawhat, do you think sandstorms will attack the same town over and over by chance?." He then proceeded to create a small sandstorm in the palm of his hand.

"YOU!, YOU DID THAT!" Luffy screamed, looking beyond enraged.

Water then started to come through the floor.

"Oh no, the room is going to be filled with water. Vivi, please find a way to open this cage!." Pleaded Usopp.

"Do something! get us out of here!" Said Luffy.

Vivi turned to look at him.

"Are you begging for your life already, Strawhat? Pathetic." Taunted Crocodile.

"If we die here, who is going to stop this bastard?!" Luffy said with conviction.

The smile on Crocodile's face disappeared.

"Don't get too conceited, Litle man. You never had a chance to defeat me."

"Come." Crocodile then called.

A bananadile came from a hole and stood in front of his owner, waiting for instructions.

"If you are going to leave and try to stop the rebellion, now is your last chance, Princess." Said Crocodile.

The bananadile started to walk slowly towards her.

"It's massive…" The creature in front of her was big enough to give King Kong a run for his money. And there were several more of them waiting to come into the room.

"Beat it, Vivi!" Exclaimed Luffy.

"Don't be stupid, Vivi is not a monster like you! that thing is huge." Said Usopp to Luffy.

"Look out of the window, there are more lining up," Said Nami.

"Waiting their turn for food." Commented Zoro.

"So, you want to fight. Fine, kill all of them. The key will be in one of their stomachs." Chocodile chuckled.

The banandile gave a roaring sound.

'I thought crocodiles hissed…' She could not help the thought, but this was not the time.

The beast approached and showed her his teeth.

"Fine. I'll fight you!." Said Vivi while taking out her two peacock slashers and holding one in each hand.

She started spinning them fast and prepared to launch her attack.

"Go, Vivi!" Cheered Luffy.

"Here we go!." She threw the sharp jewels as fast as she could and they both hit true at the snout of the beast.

The moment it made contact with the tough skin, the jewels cracked and broke into hundreds of pieces, leaving only the two strings attached to her index fingers.


There was a moment of silence.

'That weapon sucked....'

The bananadile roared again, opened its mouth, and tried to swallow her whole.

At least, Vivi was fast enough to get out of the way in time. But then, the beast made a quick turn and Vivi found herself facing an incoming tail swing. It hit her hard and send her flying with a loud crunch as her ribs cracked.

"Vivi!" Yelled Nami.

"That thing is so fast!" Said Usopp.

"Vivi, run. Is going to eat you," said Luffy.

She heard the sound of a den den mushi in the distance as Crocodile and Robin was leaving but she had no time to worry about that.

She looked at the cage where her friends were being kept and then looked at the giant beast.

'This may work.'

The pain in her body was getting lower and she was able to move again, just in time to dodge another attack. She then took off running straight towards the cage.

"Vivi? what are you doing? don't bring it here!." Said Usopp, not wanting that beast any closer.

Smoker rose his face to stare at the princess.

"Not a bad idea."

Vivi used the string that was left of her weapon and attached it to one of the cables coming out of the cage, then waited for the monster to approach.

Once again it tried to bite her but she moved and ended up biting the top of the cage. It then gave an angry roar and started to rotate around.

Vivi knew that a tail swipe was coming so she used the string to help herself onto the top of the cage before the tail impacted the cage.

"Did it work?." Asked Vivi.

They examined the cage.

"It did not do much. The bars are still in place, but the wall is slightly cracked." Said Smoker.

"If you can make that thing hit the same place I may be able to fishing breaking it." Said Zoro while standing up.

"I'll try." Vivi went down once more to serve as bait.

"Careful, there is another one." Nami pointed out.

Vivi looked to the side and indeed, as Nami said, there was now a second bananadile approaching fast.

She had to dodge its bite by moving to the back of the cage and then she was blocked on both sides by the beasts.

Vivi got back on top of the cage when a tail sweep came from above and almost hit her but ended up hitting the top of the cage instead, this made the cracks on the walls bigger.

"This may be enough, stand back." Zoro took out his swords and got into position.

"Three sword style: Onigiri!"

Vivi jumped out of the cage as the wall was destroyed, unfortunately, she landed next to a third bananadile who had come out of the hole without her notice.

'Shit.' She thought as the giant beast opened its mouth to eat her.

Before its teeth could reach her, the banandile went flying in the air and landed on its belly, not moving.

"That's not how you treat a lady, you dam beast!." Said a familiar voice.

"Sanji! Good timing!." Called Vivi, glad to see her friend.

Vivi realized that they were now surrounded by bananadiles, there were at least six more.

"Don't you worry, Lady Vivi. I'll take care of these beasts." Said Sanji with a smile.

But before he could attack any of them, one of the beasts went flying against a wall.

"Finally!, we are out!." Yelled Luffy in enthusiasm.

In a matter of seconds, all of the beasts were knocked out.

"I could not even deal with one of them…" Said Vivi, feeling depressed.

"Don't beat yourself up, these guys are monsters." Usopp tried to console her.

None of them had time to relax though since the room was getting filled with water to the point that it was reaching their waists now.

"I'm not feeling very well…." Luffy seemed to be ready to pass out.

"This is seawater!." Said Smoker in alarm.

"The walls are cracking!" Exclaimed Nami.

The tunnel started to collapse as a wave of water filled the room they were in.