
Chapter 78: Franky

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 78: Franky

"It seems like has no intention of seeing you guys anymore. Are you trying to recruit him?" Asked Iceberg.

"Yes, how did you know? I decided to have him as our shipwright."

"He probably noticed that…" Said Iceberg.

"You mean, He doesn't want to come with us?" Asked Luffy.

Iceberg shook his head. "On the contrary, He is not confident enough that He would reject your offer, that's why He is hiding."

Seeing the confused expression on Luffy, Iceberg continued.

"In his mind, I'm sure He wants to go with you out into the sea. The fact that He is entrusting his 'dream ' ship to you, should be proof of how much He appreciates you all. However, He believes that He has a duty to stay here forever."

"A duty?"

"Nothing more than a silly tenacity if you ask me…If you really intend to take him, you will have to take him by force, that is the only way to set him free."

"Can we?, really?"


Luffy and some of the other crew members went into the city in order to look for Franky. Vivi decided to stay put since she didn't want to see the 'spectacle'.

But it didn't take long before the 'spectacle' came to her, as Franky landed legs up with no pants against the rubble of the abandoned dock, giving everyone a good look.

Luffy landed on the ship while holding the only piece of clothing that used to cover Franky.

"Franky!" Luffy shouted. "Thank you for the ship. It's the greatest, well take care of it!"

Franky smiled. "Yes, I wish you all a safe trip…now, can I have back my -"

"If you want this back!." Luffy showed Franky his black speedo. "Then, become our crewmate!"

"Don't be silly! you can't make me join your crew by taking my pants."

Franky adopted his signature posture, exposing himself further.

"Kyaaa!" A random girl shouted.

"He is adopting that pose with no pants!" A member of his family was impressed.

"He's horrible! horrible!" Another girl cried.

"I underestimate him!, He is so resolute." Luffy was also very impressed.

Vivi was looking in a different direction. "Can someone give me a warning when He stops showing his junk?"

"Vivi!, don't say 'junk'!" Nami admonished.

Vivi notices that Nami keeps stealing glances in that direction.

"Would you stop looking at it?!"

Nami looked away with a blush. "Well, I was just curious."

"He is the man of men!" Luffy proclaimed.

"No…He is just a pervert." Said Vivi.

"If I am allowed to be a bit violent, I may be able to help a little." Offered Robin.

Vivi felt dread as she knew what Robin was about to do, but could not stop her.

"Dos fleur!...grab!"

Two of Robin's hands appeared on Franky's legs…and then took hold of his manliness.

Franky let out a bloodcurdling scream.

""Heee!!. Robin, what are you doing?" Said Nami while not taking her eyes off the scene.

"She grabbed them!" Luffy looked horrified.

"They'll be smashed, Robin!" Cried Chopper.

"Robin!, I want him to still be a man when He joins, don't take them off!" Requested Luffy.

"It hurts just looking at it!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"If you want a group of pirates to back off in front of a treasure, you better give a good reason." Said, Robin.

"I can't go with you guys even if I want to! I have stuff to take care off in this island!" Said Franky.

"Besides, I quit being a shipwright, that ship is the last one I make. It was my wish. my 'dream ship'."

"Wait Franky." Iceberg approached him. "That one cannot be your 'dream ship' yet. You said before that your 'dream ship' will travel through the oceans and overcome many hardships, and once it reaches the end of the sea…you could call it your 'dream ship'. If you want that dream to become true, you will need to sail with that ship and take it there."

Franky looked down. "I…I changed my mind on what I want to do…"

Iceberg looked at him. "What is what you are trying to do on this island?...whatever you are doing here now, is just atonement. You are still blaming yourself for the death of Tom. But He already forgave you and gave you a new road to take."

Iceberg looked back at Franky's family.

"You took those punks from the backstreets of the city and made them bounty hunters and protected the city from dangerous criminals. You are trying to atone yourself by protecting the place that Tom loved."

"Thought most would not see it that way…"

"Of course not!....that was never my intention!" Franky denied it.

"You quit doing what you loved and subdued your will to live…is that what you want to do forever?. Even if Tom and I forgave you, nothing will change until you forgive yourself, Franky. You can live your own dream."

A bag was thrown next to Franky.

"Is your luggage, Big Brother! For your journey." Someone from his family said.

"You guys planned all this?" Asked Franky.

They threw themself on the ground. "We are sorry Big Bro! We are just thinking of your happiness!"

"You guys…everyone" Franky started crying and pretending that it was Robin twisting his balls.

"Robin, adjust your power! they will come off!" Said Luffy.

"He is crying!" Said Chopper.

Robin looked at them and showed them her hands. "I stopped a while ago. I think He just needed an excuse."

Franky kept crying.

"Can you guys survive without me?."

"Well do our best, Big Bro!."

"Yeah!, well protect this city in your place"

"Leave it to us!, Big Bro!"

Zoro and Sanji came back running.

"Luffy!, the situation has gotten worse!" Said Sanji.

"Your grandpa is coming back! They are looking for us" Said Zoro.

"Ehh? why?. He said we could stay here for a while!" Said Luffy.

"Who knows?!. Maybe He got orders from a superior. But in any case, we need to leave now!" Said Sanji.

Luffy threw Franky his speedo.

"Here you go. Now, get on my ship! Franky"

"What a cheek. You guys are amateurs who can only do a poor job. It would be a pity if this masterpiece didn't have a proper shipwright. Fine!, ill take care of it. I'll be the shipwright for your crew!" Exclaimed Franky.