
Chapter 75: Old friend

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 75: Old friend

"Yes, sir!" The two young men answered.

One of them ran outside and started fighting Zoro.

Luffy ran out to stop them when the other one got in front of him and kicked him.

"What the hell?!" Exclaimed Luffy. He then extended his arm to attack.

"Soru!" Said the young man while disappearing from the spot.

"That attack!" Luffy was surprised for a second but then took hold of his opponent, who had just appeared behind him, and brought him forward. Luffy then threw him to the ground and got prepared to punch him.

Zoro had also defeated the other one and had his swords pointed at his neck.

Garp started laughing. "They are no match"

"You are soo strong, amazing! I give up." Said the one defeated by Luffy.

Luffy then let him go and got up.

"Luffy, Zoro, it's been a long time. Do you know who I am?" The young man asked.

"Have we met before?" A confused Luffy asked.

"We have! It's me, Coby!"

"Coby?...you mean that short guy with glasses?" Said Luffy.

Coby smiled. "Yes, that's me! I was a crybaby back then."

"You are that Coby? How did you end up in Grand Line?" Asked Zoro.

"I am not a marine officer yet. But when I learned that you two were nearby, I had to come to meet you!" Said Coby.

He then gave a marine salute to them.

"After all, we are here thanks to you guys!"

The tall blond man who fought Zoro was next to Coby.

"A lot of things happened and now we are being trained by Vice-Admiral Garp in the Headquarters!" Explained Coby.

"I see…but wow, you have grown up soo much! it was impossible to recognize you." Said Luffy.

Luffy, Coby, and Zoro started to walk back inside the room.

"We are sorry to disturb your rest. You must be still tired by the whole ordeal in Enies Lobby." Said Coby.

"It's alright! It's been a long time. Let's have a feast tonight!" Exclaimed Luffy.

The tall blond man realized that He has been left behind.

"Hold on a minute! You guys didn't realize who I am?"

Zoro turned around. "Who are you?"

"It's me…ME!" He shouted.

"I don't know. Who are you?" Asked Luffy.

He took off his dark glasses.

"It's me, Helmeppo. The son of Captain Morgan, Helmeppo!."

Seeing their confusion enraged him more.

"I almost drove you to the death penalty, Roronoa Zoro!."

They were still confused.

"I'm the spoiled brat who took advantage of his father's authority to do whatever I wanted!"

"Oh… it's you!." Luffy finally realized.

"Yeah…I remember you now." Said Zoro.

"I still hate you guys!" Said Helmeppo in tears.

"Can't be helped Helmeppo, you have to accept your past" Coby tried to be understanding.

Once back inside, Garp addressed his grandson.

"By the way, Luffy. I heard you met your father recently."

"Uh?. I have a dad?" Asked Luffy who had never met his father.

"Oh?, He didn't introduce himself? I heard that He saw you off at Logue Town." Said Garp.

"Logue Town"

"Luffys dad was there?"

"I wonder what Luffys father is like."

Zoro, Sanji and Nami said.

"What's my dad like?" Asked Luffy.

"His name is Moneky.D Dragon, leader of the revolutionary army." Answered Garp.

Everyone but Vivi, who already knew this, was shocked by the news. Including the marines who were working on fixing the wall that Garp broke.

"Dragon the revolutionary has a son?" Said a marine.

"Luffy is the son of that Dragon?" Exclaimed Coby.

"Then…Dragon is the son of Vice-Admiral Garp?"

"What is with that family?"

The marines could not believe what they just heard.

"Why is everyone panicking?" Wondered Luffy.

"Idiot!, have you never heard about Dragon?" Asked Sanji.

"Your father is crazy famous" Said Nami.

Robin then explained to Luffy who the Revolutionary army was. A force that directly opposes the World government intending to eliminate it.

"And my dad is the leader of those guys?" Asked Luffy.

"That seems to be the case. He is known as the 'worst criminal in the world'. But.." Said Robin, she then looked at Garp.

"His real identity has always remained a mystery. He was only known as Dragon. But that was all. To think that He is the father of our Captain and son of the marine hero…"

Garp scratched his head. "Ops…maybe I said too much. Just forget about it!"


A bit later, Garp decided that it was time for him to go.

"You are my grandson, so I won't capture you! That's what I will say to the marines, so stay here as long as you want!." Said Garp.

"Sir…" The officer behind Garp was sweating. "That's a terrible excuse, let's just say that they got away."

"Well, I just came here to bring those two kids, so have fun and catch up. I'm leaving." Said Garp.

"Okay, bye," Luffy said with a straight face.

Garp suddenly got in front of Luffy and punched him hard.

"That's too dull! Your beloved grandpa is leaving, be a bit more reluctant!"

"Why?!, all you do is hit me!" Complained Luffy.

"I still want to be loved by my grandson!" Yelled Garp.

"What a couple of selfish guys…" Muttered Nami.


After Garp left, Luffy stayed talking with Coby outside while the rest of the crew waited in the room.

"Luffy grandpa was like a storm." Commented Sanji while serving some tea.

"I was more surprised about Dragon. I knew our Captan was not normal, but that is quite the family." Robin pointed out.

"Where did Nami go?" Asked Vivi.

"She went to the pool with Kokoro and Chimney." Answered Robin.

"There is a pool?" Asked Chopper with excitement.

"The is the Galley-La pool for employees. It is located in the back." Said Robin.

"Sanji, don't you wanna go watch the mermaid again?" Teased Vivi.

Sanjis eyebrow twitched. "Please, don't remind me of that…"

"What about you,Chopper? Wanna go to the pool? I still haven't tried my new bikini." Asked Vivi.

"Can we?!, yes!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"New bikini…but…mermaid…Nami is also there…but….mmm" Sanji was mumbling softly and seem to have trouble deciding something.

"Ahgg! I'll go prepare some drinks for you guys and bring them to the pool!" Sanji finally decided.