
Chapter 73: Recovering

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 73: Recovering

It's been two days since the incident at Enies Lobby. The Citizens of Water Seven have been busy repairing the damage caused by the Aqua Laguna while the Strawhats were busy recovering from the battles.

They were temporarily residing inside the Galley-La company building. There were residential areas for employees.

"Yokozuna, just stay outside!" Yelled Kokoro.

The giant frog has been trying to get inside their room for a while but was unable to fit through the door.

"So…" Kokoro said. "Is everyone awake now? Some of you guys have been sleeping for the last two days. You must have been really tired."

She looked at Luffy, who was stuffing his face with food.

"Oh!, the Pirate King is more energetic than ever."

"Is not that…He just hates missing his meals after a fight." Clarified Sanji.

Once Kokoro gave Luffy a closer look, she understood.

"He's eating while sleeping?" She said with shock.

"Yep, that's our Captain alright!" Said Vivi, who was sitting at a table with Nami.

Kokoro looked at their table.

"The log pose should be ready in a few days, what are you guys going to do?"

"What can we do? we don't have a ship anymore! I offered Mister Iceberg the one hundred million we had left to build us another one. He said that there was no need. But I can't help but worry…" Said Nami.

"I wouldn't worry about getting another ship. Im sure He has something planned for us. I'm more worried about how long is going to take." Said Vivi.

"What do you mean?" Asked Kokoro.

"We just assaulted an important World Government facility. There aren't many places that we could have escaped to. How long until marine warships arrive here, looking for us?" Vivi said.

"That's true…it is rare we haven't seen any marines already." Said Nami.

Vivi had the feeling that this was the handiwork of Luffys grandpa.

The door opened. Robin and Chopper came in.

"We're back! I examined Franky's family injuries. And I didn't take my eyes off Robin!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"Good job, Chopper!" Sanji praised him.

Robin chuckled. "I won't go anywhere anymore."

A minute later, the door opened again. This time it was Franky with his two square hair girls.

"Au! Are you guys being SUPER? Meh…not all of you are here but, no matter. I have something important to tell you!"

They all greeted the cyborg and then started to listen to what He had to say.

"On an island with a never-ending war…" Franky started.

"What is this, some boring story?" Complained Sanji.

"Shut up and listen! The setting is important too! As I was saying… on this island, there was a tree that never fell. Even when people started wars where bullets rained. Or if everyone died and left the island in ruins. People still went back to the tree and used it to rebuild towns and nations."

"There are a few legendary trees like that in the world. The strongest one is the Treasure Tree Adam'."

"A magical tree!" Chopper was excited.

"Parts of this tree will appear once in while on the black market. I have always wanted to buy some of them. But I never had enough money to do it. Until some pirates appeared, carrying loads of cash around…"

"You bastard! You used our money to buy that crap?" Shouted Sanji.

"Wait, just let me finish!... I once decided to not build any more ships. But before I realized it, I was already drawing blueprints again because I wanted to catch up to the person I admired the most…"

Franky looked at them.

"My dream is to make an amazing ship that can cross any sea, and with the treasure tree, I have enough wood and a blueprint ready. I'll begin to build the ship today. When it's ready…would you guys sail with the ship I made?"

"EH?" Chopper was shocked.

"Wait…you want to give us the ship?" Sanji wanted to make sure what He was hearing.

"That's right! What would make me the happiest, is to have someone I respect sail with it! And I got the money from you guys anyways…" Answered Franky.

"The ship used by the previous Pirate King. Gold Rogers Oro Jackson was made using this wood too. I'll make a terrific ship for you guys!."

"Well, our Captain is sleeping. But I'm sure He would be happy to accept your offer." Said Vivi.

"Super!" Shouted Franky.

"I guess…in the end, you and Tom are the same kind of shipwright." Said Kokoro.

"Yes…I can finally understand Tom's feeling when He died with his pride." Said Franky.

"Oh? you are such a nice guy after all. Thank you." Said Sanji.

"Yess!, we are getting a new ship!" Yelled Chopper.

"We can now go to the next island!." Cried Nami.

"We have company." Said Vivi. She has been feeling an extremely strong signal for a while, followed by several much weaker ones.

"What do you mean?. It must be Zoro or-" Sanji was interrupted when the wall exploded into pieces.


"Who goes there?"

They all went immediately on guard when they saw the marine's attire.

"You are the Strawhats crew, right?" The old man who broke their wall demanded to know.

Vivi got in front of them.

"Vivi, move!" Demanded Sanji.

"Calm down. I don't feel any hostile emotions from him." She said.

Garp gave her a look.

"Oh?, you can use haki…not bad….Anyways, I brought someone who I want Monkey.D Luffy to meet"

Vivi pointed at the back. "Your grandson is over there, sleeping…and eating."

"Grandson?" Sanji looked very confused.

Garp laughed. "Yes, that is something He learned from me! I'll go wake him up."

The old man disappeared from the spot and before anyone could react, He was next to Luffy.

'Fast…even though they are both Vice-Admirals. He is several times faster than Momonga.' Vivi thought.

"Wake up, Luffy!" Garp smashed his fist against Luffys head, breaking the table in the process.