
Chapter 69: Facing a Vice-Admiral

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 69: Facing a Vice-Admiral


They all heard a loud noise on the other side of the bridge where Luffy was fighting. Chunks of the walls were breaking apart and falling into the waters.

"That sounds like quite the fight!" Said Usopp.

Franky was intensely looking in that direction. "Lucci is ridiculously strong. If Strawhat wasn't holing him back in that place for soo long, I don't know how many of us would have died."

"He is going to win…right?" Asked Usopp with hesitation.

Vivi bonked him on the head.

"Don't say stupid things. Of course the Captain is going to win."

Suddenly, part of the Bridge of Hesitation exploded into smoke and fire. Separating the section where Luffy was from the rest.


"They destroyed half the bridge!"

"They are coming this way!" Warned Vivi.

"All ships: battle formation around the Bridge of Hesitation. We have confirmed the location of the pirates. Including Nico Robin." The broadcast announced.

"They want to take Robin again!." Zoro prepared himself for battle.

"Hey!, look," Said Usopp while pointing ahead.

They walked to the end of the bridge that remains intact. On the other side is the tower used to enter the Bridge of Hesitation where Luffy is fighting Lucci. Part of the wall was destroyed and they could see what was going on inside. They could see their Captain facing Lucci.

"We are here, Luffy!" Yelled Usopp.

"We all go to the bridge safely!" Yelled Franky.

"We got Robin safely too!" Yelled Sanji.

"Beat that guy up so we can get out of here together!, Captain!" Yelled Vivi.

Luffy looked very tired but still smiled at them before turning his attention back to Lucci.

As they turned around, they saw two giant warships, one on each side of the bridge. They got close enough for people to disembark.

The broadcast was heard again.

"We do not need people with a rank below lieutenant commander to go to the front. Assault unit consisting of 200. Captains and commanders only. Take care of the targets immediately. Those are your orders."

"Did He say, Captains? Isn't that the rank of that Smoker guy?..and there are soo many of them!" Said Usopp with clear fear in his voice.

"Yeah. That's proof that they are scared of us." Zoro smiled.

"CHARGE!" Someone commanded and the marines jumped into action.

"Keep them away from the ship! If they damage it, we will never be able to get away!" Said Nami.

"I'll never get caught by them again!" Said Robin with determination.

The battle became chaotic very quickly. Many of the marine captains were devil fruit users.

One of them transformed into balls. Another one rusted one of Zoro's swords.

"Watch out, they have devil fruit users!" Warned Franky.

"We do too!" Robin was choking some marines.

"Blast!" Vivi used her ability to push a big group of marines off the bridge.

"I wonder how many of those had abilities?" She asked in a teasing way, enraging the other marines.

"Quick!, go help those men! And stay away from her. I'll be her opponent." A coming voice was heard and all the marines made way for this man.

He was a tall man with a dark red mohawk and a pointy mustache. Purple striped suit with a marine white coat over it and a giant katana on his hip.

'I think I vaguely remember this guy. But He is definitely a Vice-Admiral.'

"A Vice-Admiral comes to fight me personally. Should I be honored?" She asked.

"No." He said. "The honor is mine, Princess Nefertari Vivi of Arabasta."

When He said those words, most of the marines around him gasped in surprise and proceeded to stare at her. It seems like most of them didn't know who she was, other than a pirate.

"I'm not a princess anymore, Mister. I left that life for this one."

"Yes, so I heard, much to my disappointment. You won't remember me, but I met you and your father when you were little. We escorted you to an important meeting with another nation." He shook his head.

"No matter, the time to talk has passed. You made this decision. I hope you won't regret it."

He adopted a fighting position but didn't take out his blade.

"Oh!, I just remember you. Your name is Momonga, right?" She said.

The man smiled. "I'm glad you remembered my name, Princess." Momonga disappeared from his position and the next instant was in front of Vivi.

She covered herself with her arms as Momongas blackened fist impacted her arms with a loud crunch and made her fall and move backward but she barely avoided falling.

'Tsk, armament haki. That hurt soo much!'

She reformed her arms but the damage persisted. Armament haki was not that easy to counter.

'My regeneration will have to do the rest. But I can at least move them for now.'

Momonga did not give her time to recover as He attacked again with another punch.

She used her soru to dodge the attack and moved behind him.

"Shotgun!" She extended her fingers and created dozens of water bullets.

"Ugg." Momonga was hit and his white coat was lightly damaged but it didn't seem like it injure him that much.

"I see you learned one of our techniques. But you are still quite green with it."

Momonga didn't use anything other than soru, geppo, and armament haki against her but that was enough to make him the hardest opponent she has ever faced.

'This guy is dangerous. He is around the same level of strength as Lucci, but with haki on top of that. If He was really trying to kill me and used his sword, I would be so fucked…'

She tried to exchange blows but that just ended up in broken bones for her.

'I'll have to use that…'

"You are quite resistant, I'll give you that. But you can't win. Give up already!"

She didn't answer and let Momonga approach her. He came once again chagrin at her, hoping to knock her out with the next attack.

She avoided the attack and launched herself at him. She then placed her arms around his waist and held him tight.

"What are you doing?" Asked Momonga.

She moved her left hand up.

'I wanted to save the last charge to kill Lucci…oh well, it may be fate that He gets to live a bit longer.'