
Chapter 56: Objective

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 56: Objective

"REJECT" As soon as the dial was activated, Lucci spat a mouthful of blood and went flying against a wall with so much strength that He passed through without much resistance, landing somewhere outside the mansion.

At the same time, Vivi's arm was completely disintegrated by the backlash. She took no real damage as she had changed her arm completely into water right before she activated the dial.

She quickly reformed it and stored the dial inside her pocket.


"That can't be!"

"Lucci lost?!"

The three members of the CP9 stopped fighting and stared in shock at the hole left by their leader when He crashed into the wall.

"We need to leave!, we have no more time." Kaku recovered from his shock and gave orders.

"Wait!. Robin!" Luffy made an attempt to grab Robin.

"Captain!. You have to let her go!. Trust me!" Yelled Vivi.

Luffy turned to look at Vivi with a confused expression and the CP9 didn't waste the chance.

"Get in!" Blueno opened a door and they all went inside, disappearing from the room.

"Vivi!, why did you say that? Now Robin is gone!" Luffy was very angry now.

"You have to trust me, Captain. I'll explain later. Now, we need to leave this place befo-"

The ground shook as several explosions started to take place all over the mansion.

"So, this is what they were talking about. We need to leave, now!" Said Zoro.

They grabbed Iceberg and Paulie and left the place in a hurry before the flames consumed everything.


"Mister Iceberg!"


The people outside the mansion were trying to put out the fire, and many of the approached them as they came out of the house.

"Is the Strawhats!"

"Get them!"

The member of the Galley-La company took out their weapons the moment they saw Luffy and the others.

"Stop!" Iceberg ordered.

"The Strawhats are not responsible for this"

Seeing the surprised expression of the men. Paulie decided to talk.

"What Mister Iceberg said is true. We have been deceived. The Strawhats were used as scapegoats."

"Then who are the ones responsible?." Someone asked.

"Well…we don't know yet. They were wearing masks…" Paulie didn't have the guts to tell them that their former friends and comrades were the ones responsible and they were all played for fools.

"Oi!, guys!" Nami and Chopper came running to them. Usopp was also with them.

"Usopp? when did you get here?." Asked Zoro.

"After leaving the Going Merry in one of the inner docks I went into the city to look for you guys. Then I saw the mansion explode!" Explained Usopp.

"Sanji was also here." Said Nami.

"Yes, we saw those guys in black escape with Robin. One of them looked injured. Sanji went to follow them while we waited for you guys!." Said Chopper.

"Witch way did they go?." Asked Luffy.

"That way." Nami pointed in the direction of the docks.

"They will probably leave using the Puffing Tom. The Aqua Laguna is almost here. Leaving with a ship would be suicide." Commented Iceberg.

"We don't need to chase them. We know where they are taking Robin. Right?" Vivi looked at Iceberg.

"Enies Lobby most likely. Is one of the stops of the Puffing Tom and the main reason the World Government allowed it to be built in the first place."

"Then, we just need to-" Luffy was interrupted by a new arrival.

"Wait!, please!" Several members of the Franky family came running.

Luffy immediately frowned.

"What are you guys doing here?!. I'm not in a good mood right now!"

They rose their hands in the air.

"We didn't come to fight! They took Franky!"

"What?" Exclaimed Iceberg. "They really knew then…"

"Why should we help you? after everything that you have done to us?!" Yelled Nami.

Usopp didn't say a word, but He was giving them an angry look.

"Strawhats…if the Marines got their hands on Franky, you need to rescue him no matter what!" Iceberg proclaimed.

"Why should we do that?" Asked Zoro, not finding the logic.

Iceberg sighed. "I suppose you have the right to know…the reason for the World Government to come after me is that they want the blueprints of an ancient weapon called Pluton. My master was the previous owner of those blueprints and it cost him his life…"

"But you didn't have them," Vivi pointed out.

Iceberg nodded. "I gave them to an old friend, Cutty Flam, who now goes by the name, Franky."

"So, those guys took him because they want that weapon." Said Luffy.

"They will do anything to get their hands on that weapon. But if that happens it will bring nothing but ruin to this world. That's why I'm asking you to rescue Franky too."

Luffy was still hesitant.

"Please." The Franky family members all kneel on the ground.

"We are sorry for what we did to your crewmate. You can take our lives if want as an apology. But please…save Franky!"

Luffy looked at Usopp for a moment and this one nodded.

"Well…if you ask like that, we can't say no, can't we?"

"You are going to need all the help you can get to invade that place. Is one of the most fortified Marine installations in the world." Said Iceberg.

"We have a lot of members who can help. And also two tamed sea kings that can travel even with the worst weather! We are going to get everyone ready. Well, meet you at the docks." The Franky family said before rushing out.

"If you are going to kick those guys' asses, we want to come too!" Paulie and many other members of the Galley-La company approached.

"Yeah! We need to teach those traitors a lesson!" Yelled Tilestone.

Paulie had eventually told a few of the Galley-La members the truth and they were enraged.

"You are going to need another method of transportation. I have just the thing for you." Iceberg stood up. "Follow me."