
Chapter 51: Heated discussion

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 51: Heated discussion

Usopp fell back down into the bed. His face filled with shock.

"No one can fix it no matter what!. I would never have made that decision otherwise." Said Luffy.

"But this ship took us all the way here!, didn't it?" Usopp said angrily.

"It did, but now is only a matter of time before it sinks," Sanji added.

"What are you guys talking about?" Demanded Usopp.

"is the truth! the guy-mechanic said that we won't get to the next island with this ship no matter what!" Said Luffy.

"He said you can't get to the next island.." Usopp mumbled.

"Do you guys always listen to what strangers said?"

"They said that the keel is damaged beyond repair. You know what that means right?" Asked Vivi.

Usopp opened his eyes widely. "The k-keel?...."

"You don't have to take their word for it. You can jump into the water and look at it yourself." Said Vivi, hoping that it would be enough but Usopp was in the denial phase.

"I don't care what those carpenters say! The Merry isn't just a ship, it's our comrade too! You don't abandon a friend after all we went through!" Usopp yelled.

"And…you want to let it die here?!"

"Usopp, you are being unreasonable!." Said Nami.

He turned to look at Luffy with an angry expression.

"This ship is just a tool to you, right?!"

He then started coughing blood.

"Stop, you are going to reopen your wounds!" Begged Chopper.

"What do you know, Usopp? You are not a carpenter. That's why we needed them to take a look for us!" Luffy was extremely frustrated at this point.

"Big deal!, I don't need them. I'll fix the ship myself. I have been doing just fine so far. Well buy some materials from the city and get it done." Said Usopp, who was obviously in denial.

"You are not a carpenter! if the professionals cant fix the Merry, what are you going to do?" Said Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy." Nami wanted to calm things down.

"I don't give a crap about the carpenters! I'm not giving up this ship!." Said Usopp.

"The Strawhats I knew would never give up that easily after some words from strangers!"

Usopp grabbed Luffy by his shirt.

"I misjudged you, Luffy!"

"I made my decision!, I won't change it" Said Luffy.

"Well say our goodbyes to the Going Merry in this city and then well get another ship."

"I won't allow that!" Screamed Usopp.

"Stop yelling at each other!" Said Sanji.

"I cant be as cold bloody as you, Luffy!. I cannot abandon a comrade just like that!" Spat Usopp.

Luffy pushed him to the ground in a fit of anger.

"Don't talk like you know everything, you punk! You are not the only one who cares about Merry!."

'If this continues…is just going to end like….no.'

If words were not going to work, she decided on something more drastic.

"Fine!, if you don't like my decision!. You can le-" Luffys words were interrupted when both, he and Usopp were sent flying by two torrents of water.

Luffy was only pushed back a bit but Usopp grunted in pain as He landed.

"Vivi!, what are you doing?" Cried Nami.

"Sorry about that, but you two need to cool down before someone says something that cannot be taken back."

"I was actually about to do it myself…thanks," Said Sanji.

Vivi then went and picked up Usopp like a sack of potatoes.

'He feels light…' she thought.

"I'm taking Usopp for a walk, well come back later to finish this conversation after He had a chance to calm down a bit."

"Wait, He shouldn't be moving too much." Said Chopper.

"If you are worried, you can come too, Chopper." Said Vivi while moving to the door.

No one tried to stop her. Luffy just stood on the floor where He landed.

Usopp then regained his witts and started complaining but she didn't stop as she made her way out of the Merry and into the docks.

Chopper followed them close by.

"Let me go!. Dammit, you are ridiculously strong !" Usopp keeps trying to free himself to no effect.

"I'll let you go in a moment." Vivi left the docks and went inside some random alley. She then dropped Usopp on the ground.

"Uggg," Usopp grunted. "What was that for?"

He tried to stand back up but was stopped by Chopper.

"Wait, let me check the bandages!"

"Im fine!, I need to go back and…"

"And what?. leave the crew? Because that's where that conversation was going to end." Said Vivi.

"If that's what it takes to save the Merry!" Yelled Usopp.

"How is that going to save the Merry?" She asked.

"I don't know…I'll find a way to fix it…"

"Even if you were the best carpenter in the world, you would not be able to fix a broken keel. You know that, Usopp. You are a smart guy when you are actually using your head."

"I know that…but I can't abandon the Merry…I can't.."

"Merry is probably more important to you than the rest of us. You told me the story many times. Your friend Kaya gave that ship to you, right? You feel like abandoning that ship would be like betraying your friend."

Usopp had calmed down a bit. He then nodded.

"I get that. But just because you care more doesn't mean that the rest of the crew doesn't care at all. Especially our Captain. You probably know Luffy more than anyone else. You guys are always together. Do you really think that He is the type of Captain who abandons his friends when they are no longer useful to him?"

He shook his head.

"I wasn't thinking…"

"No, you were just mad and wanted to vent out your frustrations."

After a few minutes of silence.

"We are not going to stay here all night, right?. This alleyway is a bit scary…there could be bad people in places like this." Chopper trembled.

"Chopper…we are the bad people. Arent we pirates?" Said Vivi.

"Oh!, that's right! I suppose it's less scary if you put it like that!" Realized Chopper.

"Then… let's rest here for a bit and go back to the ship in the morning. Today its been a long day." Vivi felt very tired already.

"Okay, let's do that." Usopp agreed.