
Chapter 49: Water Seven

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 49: Water Seven

Kokoro gave them a letter of recommendation for the shipping company and they went on their way to Water Seven.

It wasn't long before they spotted land.

"Land Hoo!, land hoo!" Usopp yelled.

"We are here!"

"Whoa!! that's soo cool." There is a giant water fountain in the middle of the city!" Said Luffy.

"Man, this looks like a metropolis. No wonder the sea train comes here." Usopp looked at the big city in awe.

"There is a station over there, but where do we dock?" Wondered Nami.

"Hey, you!." They all looked at the source of the voice. There was a man sitting on a small boat next to their ship.

"You are pirates, right? you cant dock at the front entrance! Go from the back! that way." He pointed to his right.

"Oh…thank you…" Nami was surprised at seeing someone talking casually to pirates like that.

"Maybe pirates are a common visit on this island. They also need their ships repaired after all." Added Vivi.

Nami nodded. "I suppose that makes sense."

After entering the city, they were all impressed with what they were seeing.

"This city is soo cool! everything is floating in water!" Said Usopp.

"Even the houses!" Exclaimed Chopper.

"That's not it. The city seemed to have been built over a sunken island." Robin pointed out to the base of the houses.

"Oh!, that's right. There are lots of pillars there" Said Sanji.

"Alright, let's land. I can't wait to find our new crewmate!" Ordered Luffy.


After securing the Going Merry on the docks, they had to distribute their tasks.

Nami had to stop Luffy and Usopp after they tried to run away.

"You two are coming with me!"


"Where to?"

"Well, first we should go find the man that Kokoro mentioned, the one called Iceberg. We can show him the recommendation letter and ask him to repair our ship. But before that, we need to go exchange our treasure for money." Explained Nami.

"What about the rest of you?" Asked Luffy.

"I'm going with Robin to buy some clothes. I still haven't had a chance to buy anything since Arabasta and I'm sure Nami is tired of me borrowing her clothes." Said Vivi.

"I'm going with them! I want some new medicine books and some materials" Said Chopper.

"I want to see what ingredients they have here, so I will go take a look around. " Added Sanji.

"I'll stay here and keep an eye on the ship. There are many pirates around this place." Said Zoro.

"It's decided then. Let's go!" Nami raised her fist in the air.


Chopper was taking his time choosing books, so Vivi and Robin went to a nearby boutique.

"What do you think?" She was wearing a black top, a dark blue skirt, and short boots.

"Thank you, Vivi." Said Robin with a soft smile.

"Is that your way of saying that this is too revealing?" Asked Vivi while looking at her outfit.

Robin chuckled. "No, not for that… is just, I still haven't had a chance to thank you for standing up for me against Aokiji."

"You don't need to thank me for that. He was just being a jerk." Vivi shrugged.

"I know but…He wasn't lying you know…I have done some bad things…" Robin lowered her face.

"Look, whatever you had to do to survive…I don't care. As I said to him, is their fault for putting you in that position. Now…I'm going to need your opinion on more outfits!"

Robin smiled. "Sure, I may buy some things too."

Vivi was glad to see her in a better mood. At least before things went bad again.


After finishing their shopping and reuniting with Chopper, the trio was once more walking through Water Seven streets.

"This place is huge!, I have never seen so many shops together before." Chopper was excitedly looking everywhere.

"Wow, look!, that guy is selling faces!" Chopper approached a street vendor on a boat.

"Those are masks, Chopper." Said Vivi.

"Yes, didn't you noticed a lot of people wearing them on the streets?" Asked Robin.

After Chopper nodded, she continued.

"One of the cities that the sea train visits is Faruo island. There is a costume party going on there. That's why so many people are buying them."

"How do you know that?" Asked Chopper.

"Everyone on the streets is talking about it. It's a habit of mine to listen around as I walk." Explained Robin.

"That's some useful skill you have there" Vivi added.

"Look, there is another bookstore over there." Robin pointed out.

"Whoa!!" Chopper started running towards it.

A masked person passed next to Robin and whispered something to her.

Vivi observed as Robin's face turned pale with fear.

Robin turned to look behind her at

Robin turned to look behind her at the masked figure but it was already gone.

She then looked at Vivi.

"mmmh...something has come up, ill see you back at the ship." Robin gave her a forced smile.

Vivi looked at her with a serious expression. "Go do what you have to do. But remember one thing…this crew will never abandon you."

"....you don't know what you are saying…they are too dangerous. I…I need to go…is best to forget about me." Robin turned and walked away.

Vivi knew that stopping her by force would accomplish nothing. Robin had to face her demons or she would never be able to move on.

'I cannot prevent them from hurting you…but…I will make them pay.'

Vivi looked ahead with a cold gaze.