
Chapter 43: Party

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 43: Party

"Wiper!" Laki went to help her comrade, who woke up and was struggling to get up.

"I should go get Chopper. I left him behind so He wouldn't become collateral damage." Vivi started to walk but was stopped by Zoro.

"I don't think you can carry anyone with that body. I'll get him."

"Fine" She turned to Luffy. "Captain, can you go help the old knight?" She pointed at Gan Fall.

"Hey!" They heard the voice of Sanji and saw him and Usopp approaching.

"What happened here?" Asked Sanj after seeing that everyone was injured.

Zoro, who had come back with Chopper was about to explain.

"We had to fight tha-"

"Wait!, more importantly." He rushed to Nami's side.

"Have you been injured, my lady?"

Nami sighed.

"I'm better than the rest."

"Where is my water Goddess?" Sanji looked around until his eyes met Vivi's.

"Hi." Vivi waved at him.

"What happened to…to…" Sanji was at a loss for words.

"Well..its a bit of a long st-"

"To your beautiful figure!" Sanji finished.

"Ah…" Now it was Vivi the one at loss for words.

Nami smacked him on the head.

"You pervert cook! Do you have any idea what we went through!"


After the battle was over, they were all invited to recover at the Shandian village.

Chopper didn't take long to wake up and went into full doctor mode, patching everyone up.

Gan Fall went to inform the Skypieans what happened with Enel. Since, this time Enel didn't have the chance to destroy their island, they were mostly oblivious to the fight that occurred at Upper Yard.

That night, even though everyone was tired and injured, they decided to celebrate.

"Should we be doing this?, even with Enel gone, we are still at war with the Skypieans." Said Wiper to the chief.

"Take it easy Wiper. In the past, the warriors had their reason for war. For our generation, the sky is our home. The earth has never rejected anyone, it was us who rejected each other." The elder said.

"Indeed." Gan Fall approached them.

Wiper gave him a glare but said nothing.

"This land has suffered enough bloodshed already. It is time we seek peace. Besides" He looked at the bonfire and all of the people dancing around and singing.

"No one is in the mood to fight right now."

"Party!!" Luffy yelled.

"Here, have something to drink." Laki sat down next to Vivi and handed her something that looked like a beer. Vivi had already recovered her real size after drinking a good amount of water.

"Oh? thanks." She took the drink.

"I haven't had the chance to thank you properly…you saved my life twice, and if it wasn't for your Captain we could never have gotten rid of Enel….so, thank you. If only there was a way to repay you…"

Vivi gave her a flirtatious look.

"You know…there may be a way…"

Laki, who immediatly understood her meaning. blushed fiercly.


Vivi laughed.

"Relax, I was just joking. Here" She patted her side.

"Sit down with me and have a drink."

She did so and the two of them started talking and drinking.

Laki then got close to Vivi and whispered in her ear.

"You know...if we go to my tent, I can thank you properly..."

Vivi was shocked at her chance demeanor after just a few drinks.



"Ah, there you are!" The next morning, as soon as Vivi left the tent, she heard someone calling and looked around until she spotted the little Aisa running to her.

"Were you looking for me, Aisa?" She haven't had a chance to speak much with the little girl so she had no idea why could she be looking for her.

"Yes, Luffy and the other guys have been looking for you all over the village and He asked me for help…" Aisa then looked behind Vivi, at the tent that she just left.

"What were you doing in Lakis's tent?"

Vivi could not help but flush slightly.

"Oh..you know…just chatting. So, Luffy is looking for me, right? Can you take me to him?." Vivi tried to change the subject.

"Sure! follow me," Aisa said enthusiastically.

After they walked for a bit, Vivi realized that this could be a good opportunity.

"By the way, Aisa. There is something I have been meaning to ask you."

The little girl looked up at Vivi.

"Me? what did you want to ask me?."

"You can use mantra like Enel and his priests, right?"

"You mean the voices?, yes, I can hear the voices of people's hearts. At least that's what the elder chief calls it."

"Do you think, you can teach me how to do that?"

"Teach you? "Aisa looked thoughtful for a moment. "I don't really know how I do it. But if I close my eyes and concentrate, I can hear things."

Vivi talked with Aisa for a bit and the girl did her best to explain the feeling of using her ability.

It wasn't much since Aisa uses that ability by instinct, but at least she now had some starting point to start practicing observation haki.

They soon reached her friends.

"Hey, Vivi!. Where were you? We have been looking for you for an hour." Luffy complained.

"Sorry, I was just-"

"She was chatting with Laki inside her tent." Aisa spat, leaving everyone staring at Vivi with suspicious stares, except for Luffy.

"Ah, you were talking with your friend. That's fine then!"

"Talking…uh?. All night?" Nami gave her a teasing wink and Vivi blushed slightly.

"Congratulations, Princess." Said Robin nonchalantly.

Even Zoro gave a chuckle.

"Sigh…can we talk about something else?" Pleaded Vivi.

"Wait...you guys mean that...." Usopp looked at Vivi with shock.

They all then heard someone collapse on the ground with a loud thump.

"Oh no!!, Sanji has passed out and it's bleeding out of his nose! We need a doctor!" Yelled Chopper.