
Chapter 42: Downfall of a God

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 42: Downfall of a God

"Phew...I wasn't sure if that was going to work." Vivi gave a sigh of relief. She then turned to look at her friends and smiled after seeing they were all fine.

"You guys finally came back!" She looked at Zoro and Robin.

"Princes? what happened to your body?" Robin asked what everyone was wondering.

"Uh?" She made a confused expression that looked very adorable with her current appearance.

She turned her hand into a water surface that acted as a mirror and observed her face.

"Oh...I see."

"Well? are you going to explain?" Asked Nami, getting impatient.

"When Enel attacked me, I didn't have time to sink all of my body underground so He probably destroyed a good part of it. That's why my body has been resized like this." Vivi explained.

"You are not going to stay like that forever, right?" Wondered Nami.

Vivi shook her head. "I should be back to normal after reabsorbing enough water. More important than that..." She looked around and finally spotted Luffy fighting Enel.

"You were right, Princess. It looks like Luffy has a good chance against Enel. How did you know?" Robin inquisitively looked at her.

Vivi shrugged. "Just an educated guess. Everyone knows how rubber is resistant to electricity."

Robin didn't seem completely convinced but didn't ask any more questions while the others seem to be fine with the answer.

"What's a rubber?" Asked a confused Laki.

"He seems to be having a hard time hitting him. " Zoro made an observation while watching the fight.

"His priests used that mantra technique to read our movements. I bet Enel can use it too. I wouldn't worry too much, our Captain will find a way." Vivi said.

"Gomu Gomu no!....baka…" Luffy's expression completely changed and became more…aloof.

They all watched as their Captain closed his mind and started avoiding all of Enel's attacks.

"Of course!, if He is not thinking anything, Enel cannot predict him." Praised Nami.

But after Enel stopped attacking, Luffy just stood there, not moving. He then shook his head and his normal expression returned.

"Damm…because I turned into a dumbass, I could not attack."

"You idiot! Give me back my praise!" Nami got angry.

"What about this! Gomu Gomu no…octopus…" He extended his limbs but left them dragging on the ground, like tentacles.

"Another strange technique. Your Captain is quite resourceful." Laki was impressed.

"No, I'm sure He is just winging it," Zoro concluded.

Luffy jumped in the air and aimed down at Enel. "Gomu Gomu no…octopus rampage!"

His attacks had no particular aim and started to bounce all over the place, eventually, some of the punches and kicks started to hit Enel.

"Ugg!" Enel lost his balance but managed to catch himself before falling. However, this gave Luffy an opening that He immediately saw.

"Now!. Gomu Gomu No!....Bazooka!"

Enel spat a mouthful of blood and staggered backward.

"W-wait…" Enel rose his hand up but Luffy was already doing his next attack.

Luffy's right arm twisted like a coil as it was stretched backward.

"Gomu Gomu No!...Rifle!"

The punch landed right on Enel's guts, making him vomit more blood and fall.

"Dammit !. I am so close to my dream…why…"

'This can be bad. If Enel runs away to his ark, He could destroy the island from afar and there would be nothing we could do then.'

"Luffy!, don't let that coward God ran away." Screamed Vivi.

"Vivi? you are alive!" Luffy exclaimed.

Enel spat. "Who is running away? I AM A GOD!" Lightning started to surround Enel.

"Captain!, finish him off" Yelled Vivi.

"Yeah!, come on Luffy!, I wanna get out of here!" Begged Nami.

"Finish the job, Captain." Said Zoro.

"You are the only one who can do this, Captain!." Added Robin.

Luffy's gaze focused on Enel once again. He extended both his arms far back and started to twist them.

"Leave it to me!"

"Three hundred million volts!.....Jormungandr!" A colossal snake-like creature appeared above Enel.

The creature then proceeds to coil itself around Enel in a protective manner.

"Gomu Gomu no!...." Luffy brought forward both his arms as they twisted around and shot toward Enel.

Luffy then made a backward motion, making both his arms turn at a steep degree and travel to Enel's sides.

His fists went through the lightning serpent and buried on both sides of Enel's head.


The God did not have time to scream. The snake exploded into many lightning particles and dispersed.

When Luffy retreated his arms, Enel stood in place with white eyes before his body collapsed.

Silence returned once more to the ruins of Shandia as everyone stared at the fallen God. Waiting to see if He would rise once more.

"Is…it really over?..." Laki finally asked with hesitation.

"God Enel's voice has gone quiet." It was little Aisa the one who answered.