
Chapter 333: Vivi vs Mom Part 2

Dialogue: "sample" Thoughts: 'sample' Author notes: -sample- Disclaimer: One Piece and all its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 333: Vivi vs Mom Part 2

Her massive body was launched into the air.

The torrent of water transformed into countless blades made of ice that shot towards Big Mom, impacting all over her body.

The blades were able to inflict superficial cuts.

If it was just one, Big Mom would shrug it off, but there were thousands of them.

"It hurts!" She screamed in agony, unleashing her Emperor aura and pushing everything away.

The countless shards of ice reformed into a new body for Vivi, and this one stared up as Big Mom floated on top of a cloud.

"So she called them already…."

"Zeus, Prometheus! Kill that woman! She hurt me!" Big Mom was now acting like a child; her previous berserk state was nowhere to be seen.

The miniature sun called Prometheus was thrown down at Vivi while it transformed into a massive ball of fire.

'20 seconds…' Vivi calculated the time it would take for the first wave of water to arrive. This one came from the river surrounding the island.

Until that arrives, she won't be able to overwhelm this creature as it can evaporate water at an extremely fast rate.

"Ice block!" She created a wall of compressed ice all around herself to block the attack.

Prometheus impacted the ice, and it held for several seconds before a small part started to melt away with a loud fizzing noise.

Unfortunately for Vivi, since her ice was not cold, it would not decrease Prometheus' temperature as it kept increasing.

'10 seconds…'

"Burn her down!" Big Mom yelled with childish joy.

"Yes, Momma!" Prometheus smiled and continued the assault.

Her ice was growing thinner as more and more water evaporated in the air and moved away faster than she could call it back, due to the tremendous temperature.

'5 seconds…'

This continued until her ice barrier ran out. She compressed her body and covered it with armament haki.


"Die already!" Shouted Big Mom from the top of her cloud.

"You are done…" Said Vivi.

"What?!" Big Mom saw at least a dozen gigantic columns of water collide against Prometheus.

They came from all around them.

Vivi had called for water from the river that surrounds Onigashima, and it had just arrived.

Prometheus burned the approaching water, evaporating it before it made contact with him.

But maintaining this tremendous temperature was consuming a large amount of his stamina, and as soon as he started to feel tired, the temperature descended little by little.

The water did not stop coming. Vivi was moving millions of tons of river water.

The vapor created by the interaction was starting to form massive clouds above them.

Soon enough, Prometheus felt the water starting to touch his flaming body.

"Nooo!" He shouted. "Momma, help!"

"Let him go!" Big Mom screamed, but there was nothing she could do to stop this.

It all happened too fast.

Prometheus found himself submerged in an endless amount of water. His flames went out, and then, with nothing else to protect him… he found himself being crushed under millions of tons of pressure.

"Nooo!" Big Mom felt the connection with her homie being severed as it died.

Despite being separate entities, Prometheus was created using her own soul so she could experience some of his pain as he died, followed by a sense of emptiness.

A side effect of losing a piece of one's soul.

Something that she had inflicted upon the citizens of her island… now she was suffering it on her own flesh.

Vivi resurfaced on top of the torrent of water that now hovered in the air. "You didn't like that, huh?" She had a teasing smile. "I'm just getting started."

"Zeus!" Big Mom screamed with rage.

The cloud homie charged at Vivi to get closer before unleashing a series of lightning bolts.

Vivi quickly submerged back into the water but felt a wave of pain as the electricity touched the water.

'Ugg…. I hate lightning…'

This was the most powerful weapon that Big Mom held against her.

A direct impact against her current body would be problematic.

Her mind went into overwork, trying to find the best way to deal with this enemy while taking the least amount of damage.

But then she felt something she was not expecting.

She felt a connection with Zeus.

And it only took her a second to realize why that was.

'Of course, that thing may be a living being now, but the fact that he is a cloud never changed.'

She would have smiled if she had a physical form right now.

Vivi reformed the mass of water into one hundred bodies and hid her consciousness in one of them.

She just needs to gain momentum for this.

"Rain lightning on her, Zeus!"

"Yes, Momma!"

The cloud unleashed a series of lightning bolts that started to impact on all the decoy bodies she prepared, while the real one focused on the cloud itself.

Focused on the connections she had with Zeus, Vivi fought to gain control of the water in his body.

"Ah!, Momma!" Zeus stopped his attack and spoke with a panicked voice. "Something is wrong, Momma!"

"Uh?, what is it?" Big Mom could not see anything unusual. The Vivi clones were just being destroyed left and right, but that was it.

All of a sudden, Big Mom saw the dark cloud getting smaller and smaller while this one screamed in agony.


Zeus became compressed until a small cube of ice was formed.

With nothing to hold her, Big Mom fell from the sky.

Vivi smiled.

"Another one down..."