
Chapter 326: The Emperor arrives

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 326: The Emperor arrives

"You!" Drake shouted.

"You damn pirate!. You killed Who's who!"

"I killed who?" Vivi was confused.

"Who!" Drake shouted.

"This tiger guy..." Vivi tried to point but his body was all in small pieces.

"I think he means that this name was Who," Reiju said.

"What kind of name is that?" Vivi frowned.

"Who's who!" Drake shouted.

"My lovely Vivi!" Sanji came running as he saw her.

She reduced her size to her normal one and cleaned the blood from herself.

"Okay…that b-"

"Ahh!" Sanji fell down. Blood poured out of his mouth.

"Sanji!" Chopper came running.

"Vivi…clothes." Reiju pointed down at her.

"Right, hehe…I keep forgetting." She created her previous black attire.

"Sorry, Sanji!"

"Uhgg…" Sanji turned over and remained lying down on his back. He raised his right hand and gave her a thumbs up.

"No…thank YOU!"

"Let me take care of this other guy and then we can go." Vivi looked at Drake.

"W-Wait!" Drakes's demeanor immediately changed. He reverted his transformation and returned to his human form.

"What is it?, I don't feel very patient at the moment." Vivi said.

"I'm not your enemy!." Drake exclaimed.

"Really?, you aren't one of Kaidous's men?" Reiju joined the conversation.

"I…I am working undercover. I just pretended to join his crew to act as a spy." Drake felt forced to confess. He knew that otherwise, he was going to end up like the other man.

"A spy for who?" Asked Reiju.

"The World Government…that is all I can say," Drake muttered.

"Ah, yes. Those guys are well known for NOT being our enemies." Vivi chuckled.

"Just a few minutes ago I had a nice conversation with three Government agents dressed in white who resembled the ones from the CP9."

"The men who kidnaped Robin?" Sanji recovered from his 'issue' and approached the group.

"You found those guys here?"

"I don't think they were from the same group. They wore white suits and were much stronger than those from Water 7." Vivi said.

"White suits…those must have been the agents from CP0 who came recently to Wano," Drake commented.

"CP0?. There is a zero too?" Sanji asked.

"They are one of the most secretive branches…" Drake said.

"And you are not with them?" Asked Chopper.

Drake negated with his head.

"What about this guy…" Vivi pointed at the pool of blood.

"Who…" Drake said.

"That guy!" Vivi pointed again.

"Who?" Asked Reiju.

"Who!" Drake said again.

"The guy I just killed damn it!" Vivi was losing her patience.

"His name is Whos Who!" Drake shouted.

"His name is actually that?..." Sanji raised an eyebrow.

"Was…" Reiju corrected.

Drake sighed.

"He used to be a member of the CP9 but was dismissed and imprisoned after failing a mission. Then he escaped and became a pirate who eventually ended up joining the Beast Pirates."

"Oh…a former agent." Chopper said.

"And we can assume that you are also from some important secret branch…the World Government would not send a nobody to spy on a Sea Emperor." Reiju glanced at Drake.

"I cannot reveal my branch…but if you take me to your Captain, I may be able to tell him more," Drake said.

"And how do we know that would not report our location to Kaidou?" Vivi asked before taking a step forward and getting closer to him.

"I…" Drake thought about it but had no way to guarantee that.

"Why didn't you join us when that tarot guy did," Vivi asked.

"Because that would destroy my cover!. But if I don't do this now…you are going to kill me." Drake admited.

"Maybe we should let the Captain decide this…" Chopper looked troubled.

Vivi didn't like the idea of letting this man go with her friends. But she knew that if she just killed him like this, Luffy would not be pleased.


 "Fine…take this guy with you and let the Captain him decide."

Vivi leaned over and whispered the location of the current hideout to Reiju.

"That's where you need to go. I'll see you guys there a bit later."

"You are not coming with us?" Asked Chopper

"Not yet, I need to find Nami and…" Vivi stopped talking and opened her eyes widely.

"What is this…"

They all looked up. Dark clouds had appeared out of nowhere and turned everything dark all of a sudden.

"Oh no!" Drake started to sweat profusely.

"What is it?" Asked Sanji.

"It's him!, he is coming here!" Drake shouted.

"Sanji…take your sister and Chopper and leave," Vivi said with urgency.

"You are going to face him?" Drake looked at her like she was crazy.

"Who's coming?!" Chopper shouted.

A strong gust of wind washed over them.

The dark clouds started to move away…and revealed a gigantic claw that descended from the skies.

"That must be…Kaidou." Vivi said.

A massive head covered in clue scales appeared from the clouds. The creature then flew down and moved through the air.

"Is that a dragon?!" Reiju exclaimed.

"Yes!, that's Emperor Kaidou zoan form!. We need to escape this place before he kills us all!" Drake shouted.

Vivi's body started to transform.

"Awakening…Undine form!"

Her body became translucent and her lower half became a torrent of water.

"Vivi, what are you doing?!" Sanji shouted.

"We need to leave."

"He won't let us run away. Or he will at least follow us all the way to the hideout. Someone needs to stay here and distract him for a few minutes." Vivi's white eyes turned to look at them.

"Don't waste the time I'm buying you and leave NOW!"

Her arms transformed into torrents of water and she pushed the group away from the park.

"Come Kaidou!. I'll face you!"


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