
Chapter 325: Who?

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 325: Who?

She could feel her aura…Big Mom had come to Wano.

'Did she chase me all the way here?.'

She seemed crazy enough to do something like that.

'But why did she go straight for Kaidou?...wait, those two were part of the same crew, right?.' She recalls reading something like that.

That would explain why Kaidou has not come for them after all the commotion they have caused so far. He must be busy dealing with that mad woman.

It was best to assume the worst-case scenario and assume that those two are going to join forces against them…

"That's going to be tough…having to fight two Emperors…"

Vivi walked through the park and got closer to the pond where Sanji and Drake were fighting.

She smiled when she saw how well Sanji was handling his opponent.

The chef made good use of his ability to disappear from sight and even cover his aura from detection. He then reappears somewhere else and pushes his opponent with a clean kick.

There was not much that Drake could do to contend against that so it was having a terrible time. The only reason they were still fighting was because Drake seemed to be extremely tough in his dinosaur form and even after taking several of Sanji's attacks, he remained in decent shape.

His sister Reiju and Chopper were also facing a skilled opponent. 

"Who is that tiger guy?...it reminds me of that Pidgeon guy…"

His clothes were completely different. But this mixture of a man and a tiger was using a fighting style that reminded her of the CP9, and more specifically…

"Rob Lucci…no, that one is dead. And I don't think he would ever wear that tacky red suit." Viv commented.

"I heard that, you bastard!" The red-suited tiger man gave her a side glare.

"Vivi!" Chopper was on his Kung Fu point form.

"Vivi." Reiju did not show much of a reaction to her arrival. She must have already known she was coming. Her observation senses were almost as good as her own, without using her devil fruit.

"Do you mind if I help out?. We need to wrap this one up very quickly." Vivi offered.

"Is something up?" Reiju noticed that Vivi's expression was less relaxed than her usual one.

"Yes, we have a big problem…a very big one. But first…" She used her version of soru to move forward and punch at the tiger.

This one jumped back.


A blast of compressed air in the form of some red fangs flew at her.

Out of curiosity, she blocked it with one of her arms, using ice to reinforce herself.

The fangs pierced a few centimeters into the ice. 

"Not bad…that could have gone through some very thick steel armor."

But what called her attention about that attack was something else.

"That was a variation of the shigan, wasn't it?" Vivi asked.

"Hmph!, so what if it was?" The tiger scoffed.

"I'll show you something better!"

His muscles grew three times in size and he jumped in the air. His body enveloped itself in energy.


The giant tiger flew at her with his jaw open and his massive fangs ready to rip her apart.

"If you are also a marine agent…you should have known better than to do that…"

Vivi pushed her right arm forward and let him take a bite.

The tiger swallowed her entire arm and bit her at the height of her shoulder.

His jaw closed and he attempted to rip her entire arm out.

"Vivi!" Reiju called.

"Is okay…she is fine." Chopper stood calmly next to Reiju.

Sanji's sister glanced at the doctor for a moment. She had only seen Vivi display her abilities once so she didn't know exactly how resilient she was to damage like that. 

But seeing her crewmate so calm was reassuring.

"Attacking Vivi in such a way was probably the worst thing he could have done…" Chopper frowned. He knew what was coming next.

"What do you mean?, seems very effective. His entire body is reinforced with haki and that technique from the Marines is probably making his skin tougher than most steel armors."

"On the outside, yes. But reinforcing the interior of your body is impossible. He doesn't understand how Vivi's power works. Bitting her arm is useless…she has no arms."

"What do you mean she has no arms?, she clearly has two." Reiju was somewhat confused right now.

"Oh well…I thought you were going to last longer." Vivi looked disappointed.

The tiger roared and clenched his jaw, trying to rip her apart. 

He expected a lot of resistance from her part but instead, he was able to easily separate the arm from the rest of her body and swallow it.

Or at least that is what it looked to him. What he didn't notice was that Vivi had moved her entire mass inside his mouth and traveled down his throat.

"Gupl…what?...where is she?" The tiger man looked down at the floor, but there was no trace of the blue-haired girl.

"Where is the blood…"

He had just ripped her arm off but there was not a single drop of blood.

"What did she do?" Reiju did not have time to see it.

"You may want to look away." Chopper frowned. As a doctor, he did not enjoy seeing people being killed, even if they were their enemies. 

The tiger growled in pain and held his stomach. Something was moving inside.

"Argg!, what is this?!"

His belly started to grow more and more.

"Noo!" The tiger gave out a bloodcurdling scream as his entire body exploded. 

His flesh and bones rained over the park as a giant ice maid rose from his remains.

The crystalline figure of Vivi was now standing ten meters tall (30 feet).

Her pristine clear skin was covered in blood and she made a disgusted expression.


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