
Chapter 31: trials

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 31: Trials

"Under the ship?" Zoro moved to the rail in order to take a look.

The ship started to tremble and then they all felt it rise up.

"Hold on! what is happening?!" Nami was holding to the rails while Chopper was screaming.

They then were able to see that the culprit was a gigantic crab that was now carrying the Going Merry on its head.

"Where is it taking us?!" Yelled Chopper.

The crab started moving, taking them deeper into the sea.

"Everyone! Abandon the ship, is not too late!" Screamed Zoro.

"And the ship? If they take the ship.."

"I'll stay to protect it! you guys go!" Said Zoro.

"Don't jump out! It looks like they were prepared to stop our escape." Robin pointed ahead. There was a large group of ferocious-looking sea creatures following them.

"Even if we jump, we won't survive…" Said Nami.

"There is nothing we can do but wait. But I would recommend that you are prepared to fight." Suggested Vivi.

"Do you know where they are taking us, Vivi?" Asked Chopper.

"Well." She looked pensive for a moment. "According to what that Beret man said. We are to be judged by the priests of this God Enel. And they live on that forbidden island, right?."

Nami's face turned paler. "No…not there…"

Zoro grasped his swords. "If they come for us… we have to kill them first."


As soon as the crab left them on some sort of altar, they started to get attacked by sky sharks.

Zoro was the first one to start fighting them and fell into the water.

"Zoro!" Yelled Chopper.

"Those things are strong, even Zoro seems to have trouble with them." Said Usopp.

"What are we going to do? at this rate, we are going to die before even the priests get here!." Nami was panicking.

"Calm down, Nami. There is no way Zoro would lose. Look!" Vivi pointed at the water as Zoro jumped out. He then landed back on the ship.

"There are a lot of them down there. We won't be able to swim to the shore like this. Do we even know where we are?" Said Zoro, looking slightly winded.

"All we know for certain is that we are somewhere in Upper Yard. And this structure looks like a sacrificial altar." Answered Robin.

"So, what do we do? the ship's bottom is damaged, we cannot put it back in the water like this. Chopper, can you try to repair it somehow?" Said Zoro.

Chopper nodded, not looking very confident.

"Wait, where are you going?" Asked Nami after seeing Zoro preparing to leave.

"I'll go into the forest for a bit. Luffy and others will come looking for us, is best if you stay here."

"Why do you want to go into the forest?" Asked Nami.

Zoro smiled. "Well, God is on this island, right? I want to go meet him."

He then looked up.

"Looks like we can use these vines to reach the shore without touching the water."

"Would you mind if I joined you?" Requested Robin.

"Sure, but don't get in my way." Said Zoro.

"What? Robin is going too?" Asked Chopper.

"Yes, I'm sorry but I want to explore this place a bit. Considering how ancient this altar is, there must be some more ruins around this island. There may even be some valuable treasures."

Nami's eyes semed to change into money signs.

"Treasure?!....I'm going to!!"

"You too?!" Chopper was getting afraid of being left alone.

Vivi looked at him.

"Don't be afraid Chopper. I'm staying here too. Well, protect the ship together."

'There is no way I'm leaving Chopper alone to face the priest.'

"Really?!" Chopper felt relieved.

"Ok, we are leaving the ship to you two, take care of it." Said Zoro before taking hold of a vine and jumping away.

"Please, take care." Said Robin.

"Well be back soon." Nami waved at them.


After the three of them left, Vivi went down into Usopp's workshop to make some preparations, and Chopper got started repairing the ship.

Once she was done, she went back to the deck and waited. She didn't have to wait long.

"There is someone coming!" Chopper said with panic.

Vivi heard the sound of wings and looked up. A big bird was carrying a man with wings and a spear.

"Chopper, come back here" Ordered Vivi.

The bird go close to the ship and the man looked at them.

"Only two sacrifices. A girl and some small animal…how boring" He seemed genuinely disappointed.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Mister Priest. But you will only be facing me." Vivi looked at him while holding her hands behind her back.

He gave a cruel smile. "Well, at least you are quite arrogant. I like it."

"Vivi?" Chopper looked at her, not sure of what to do.

"Chopper go to the storage and bring all of the barrels of water we have to the deck."

Chopper was surprised to see Vivi like that, she is usually very kind and easygoing but now she looked serious and authoritative.

She turned to look at him. "Now, Chopper."

He nodded and went inside the ship.

"Let us start your judgment then….My name is Shura, I will be your executor" He said.

Vivi just stared at him for a moment before giving Shura a smile that made his blood run cold.

"I am Nefertari Vivi, nice meeting you."