
Chapter 296: Infiltration

"Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 296: Infiltration

Brulee disappeared from the room and as she did so, the mirrors that were placed all over the massive corridor, started to vanish at an alarming pace.

At the very least, they didn't all disappear at the same time, this gave her a short window to act.

Vivi moved as fast as she could towards the closet mirror she could reach and jumped inside before it disappeared. It seemed like Brulee had underestimated her speed.

After breaking through the glass, Vivi found herself in a pure white room filled with sweet ingredients. It looked like some sort of storage area.

Lots of noises were coming from the other side of the door.

"Hurry up you fools"

She walked towards the opening and took a peek outside.

A massive chamber was in front of her, and a cake almost as big as the room was being built inside. Over a hundred men and women ran around the place, preparing different parts of the cake.

"No!, this frosting is not right. Needs more butter!" An old man who looked like the head chef was yelling at a group of people.

"Sorry chef!" The men said.

"Fools!, dont apologize." A bizarre-looking man approached them. He had long blue hair and a ridiculously long tongue. He also wore a yellow jacket, a red top hat, and lots of different candies as decorations.

The chef's face went paler after seeing this man approach.

"Lord Perospero!"

"This has to be the best cake that Mooma has ever eaten! If we fail her…you know what will happen!" The man known as Perospero shouted at them. 

Vivi recognized him. That was Big Mom's eldest son. Although he was not the most powerful, he was still very dangerous and held a high status among the family.

She considered for a moment what to do. This is not the place where she wanted to go, but it would still present a great opportunity to leave an impression on Big Mom that she would not forget any time soon.

"Okay, let's destroy this thing." Vivi walks out into the main room.

"Who goes there?!" One of the chiefs turned around as he heard her speak.

"Ah!" a quick slap to the face sent him tumbling down and left him unconscious.

She could guess that most of these people were not here for their love and loyalty to that whale and were likely being threatened to cook for her, so if possible, she would leave them alive.

"Hello!. I'm just here to destroy that cake so if everyone can be kind enough to leave, you won't get hurt." Vivi announced as she walked closer to the desert.

The cooks stared at her with shock. No one has ever dared to mess with Big Mom's food before. Not even her most beloved children could survive an offense like that.

"What is this? Who are you?" Perospero glanced at Vivi.

"Wait…I know who you are!."

Vivi was not interested in having a conversation with this weird character so he transformed her fingers into claws and jumped at him.

"You dare?!...candy wave!" Perospero released a formless mass of candy from his hands and this one covered the space where Vivi was.

The candy made contact with one of her legs and it started to spread so she quickly detached it and moved back.

However, the rest of the candy continued spreading and touched several of the working chefs of the place.



They all screamed as the candy started to coat their bodies completely, turning them into some sort of candy statue.

"That will also be your fate!...candy shower!" he created a candy bow and shooted hundreds of arrows in the air.

These ones then descended upon Vivi at great speed.

She reformed her missing leg and pointed a few fingers forward.


The tips of her fingers transformed into small pieces of ice and shot forward much faster than the bullets from a normal gun.

Before the arrows reached her, she disappeared from the spot and flew into the air.

Perospero did not have time to dodge and several bullets impacted his chest.

His paramecia ability allowed him to transform his entire body into candy but those ice bullets were enough to harm him.

If Vivi also had time to coat them with haki, they would have completely pierced his body and most likely killed him.

Perospero started to panic as soon as he saw he was bleeding. He was not used to fighting strong opponents like some of his siblings were.

"Candy armor!" He hurried to create a thick layer of hard candy around himself to be protected from more projectiles.

"Blunderbuss!" Vivi levitated over Perospero's head and manifested a big single cannon rifle before immediately shooting black ice pellets at her target.

"Ahh!" Perospero yelled in pain as the bullets were able to break through his armor.

"Let's end this…geppo!" She made a series of air jumps and arrived next to him.

The bizarre man was covered in blood from all of the bullets and his armor was broken in pieces.

"S-stay away from me!...Candy maiden!" He created a giant mass of yellow candy in front of him that transformed into an 'iron maiden' type of structure. A medieval device meant to inflict a slow and painful death for those trapped inside.

The candy maiden opened and tried to swallow Vivi, but this one was able to easily escape by atlering the shape of her body to suit her needs. There was no advantage in keeping a human form all the time.

Vivi transformed into an elongated water form and passed by the medieval cage, reaching once more her target.

"Noo!" Perospero tried to reform his armor in a desperate attempt to protect himself, but Vivi was quicker.

She turned her right arm into an ice blade and stabbed him in the stomach.

"Urgg!" He groaned in pain.

But her attack had just started.

The ice inside his body transformed once more. The single blade became a dozen thinner ones, spreading all over his insides and destroying his vital organs.

A paramecia user had no defense against an attack like this, and thus…Perospero died with his eyes open and blood pouring out of his mouth.

The dozens of chefs in the room stared in horror at the spectacle. They all saw the members of the Big Mom family as invincible Gods, and now…one of them has just died in front of their eyes.

They glanced at Vivi with dread, wondering if they were next.

"What did I tell you? get out of here!" Vivi screamed at them.

They did not need to be told twice. Not even ten seconds later, the room was empty.

"Okay… let's take care of this cake." 

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