
Chapter 29: Illegal immigrants

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 29: Illegal immigrants

The winged girl introduced herself as Conis and her father, who appeared shortly after riding a strange vehicle, as Pagaya.

"Conis, how does this work? it has no sails or paddles." Nami seemed to be very interested in Pagaya's vehicle.

"It works with dials." After seeing the face of confusion on their faces Conis added. "Right…you don't know what they are. Why don't you all come to our house? We have many dials there and it will be easier to understand."

"Can I try riding this?" Asked Nami.

"Of course, let me explain to you how it works." Pagaya gave Nami a detailed explanation and this one seemed to understand quickly.

After driving for a few minutes, the group decided to start walking to Conis' house but Nami wanted to ride a bit longer and promise to catch up to us later.

"I wanted to ride it too…" Luffy looked depressed.

"Give it up Captain. It would be too dangerous for you to fall into the middle of the sea. Besides, I'm sure there is a lot of interesting stuff to see in here." Vivi tried to cheer him up.

They went through a very long set of stairs while Pagaya showed them several things about Skypiea, like the cloud-cutting factory where clouds were cut into blocks and used for construction.

After a five-minute walk, they arrived at Conis' house.

"Welcome to our humble home, please come in." Conis opened the door for them.

Once they got comfortable, Conis started to show them several types of dials.

They were basically sea shells with many different effects.

Luffy and Usopp started playing around with a tone dial that was capable of recording and reproducing sound.

Vivi found the artifacts very interesting. They were capable of reproducing many effects from the modern world that she was familiar with, but the normal residents of this world weren't.

Like the light dial that could absorb sunlight and then function like a lightbulb. The wind dial could collect wind and act as a propeller by expelling the wind with great strength.


"I'm getting worried, it's been an hour already and Nami hasn't come back," Sanji said.

"Father…will she be alright?" Asked Conis with concern.

Pagaya looked thoughtful. "I have a bad feeling. We didn't have time to warn her about the Holy Land"

"Holy Land? what is that about?" Asked Luffy.

"It is a forbidden place in Spypiea. Is the island where God lives and is very close to this island…. I'm worried that She may have gone there." Said Conis.

"God lives there? A forbidden place?" Luffy was getting intrigued.

"Yes, that is God's land, and it's ruled by the almighty God Enel. No one is allowed in there without God's permission." Explained Conis.

Luffy was making a face that they were all very familiar with.

'He is definitely planning on going there…' They all thought.

"But…even if she goes there. God will forgive her, right? He must be a great guy." Said Chopper innocently.

Conis made a complicated expression.

"Angering God is very bad…"

"Well, we don't know if she has even gone there, but we should go out and look for her." Suggested Sanji.


They all went back to the beach to see if they could stop Nami.

"Let's get on the ship and navigate around the island, we should be able to spot her." Said Usopp.

They all boarded the Going Merry except for Luffy, who was still talking with Pagaya and Conis at the beach when a group of people dressed in military clothes started to approach them.

"Who are those guys?" Asked Luffy.

The leader of the soldiers approached Conis and her father.

"Heso!" He said while doing a salute.

Conis and Pagaya returned the greeting.

The soldier then turned to Luffy.

"You! You are those citizens of the blue sea who entered Skypiea illegally!."

"What?, Illegal trespassers?" Pagaya and Conis turned around to look at Luffy with shock on their faces.

"There is no point in denying it. We already got the report from the Watchers gate. This is a picture taken with a video dial."

He showed Luffy a picture of the Going Merry with them onboard.

"There must be a mistake, Captain McKinley! They are good people!" Pagaya pleaded with the soldier.

Meanwhile, at the ship. The crew was discussing the matter.

"What does He mean by illegally trespassing? we didn't do anything like that." Asked Sanji.

"He is probably talking about the entrance fee that we didn't pay." Concluded Robin.

"But…that old lady said that we could pass!" Usopp was outraged.

"Stop arguing and just admit your wrongdoing! The situation is not that serious. Trespassing is only a class eleven crime. Just pay the fine and you will be declared normal tourists." Said the Captain.

"We just have to pay a fine? well, that's not too bad…" Usopp sighed in relief.

"How much is it?" Asked Sanji.

"Ten times the entrance fee. In your case, for eight people it would be eighty billion extols."

"How much is that in beri?" Asked Usopp.

The Captain looked pensive.

"Let's see. If I recall correctly, the exchange rate was ten thousand extol to one beri."

"So..that would be…." Usopp was trying hard to count with his fingers.

"Eight million." Answered Vivi already knowing that they didn't have that much money.

"That's too much!!" Complained Sanji.

"Then you should have paid the entrance fee. That would have been only eight hundred thousand." Said the Captain who was starting to lose his patience.

"That's still a lot just for an entrance fee. We risked our lives to get here!" Sanji was getting angry.

"Guys!!, look! It's Nami!" Chopper was looking at the sea.

"Nami!!, you are safe!!" Sanji already lost his anger and was happy again.

"Nami!, those soldiers say that we have to pay a fine for illegally entering the island!. Can we afford to pay eight million beri?" Yelled Usopp.

"Oh? we can solve this by paying eight million beri?" Said Nami with a smile.

She then changed directions and started to go towards the Captain of the soldiers.

"Guys? what is she doing?." Wondered Chopper.

"Why is she going faster now?" Zoro was getting a bad feeling.

Nami pushed the waver as hard as it could go and when it was close to the coast, she made it jump and smashed the keel of the waver on the Captain's face.

"That's too expensive!!" She yelled.