
Chapter 283: Nekomamushi

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 283: Nekomamushi

Over the next 12 hours, they worked tirelessly to save as many lives as they could.

Thanks to Trafalgar Law's incredible surgery skills, even the most grievously injured ones, were able to survive long enough to receive Chopper's antidote.

In the end, they saved the lives of every single person on the island.

The mink had still received many causalities during the six days spent fighting against Jack the Drought.

Beepo and the rest of Law's crew were found locked in some underground cells. Jack had kept them alive in an attempt to lure Law to the island. But after receiving some distressing news from Dressrosa, he was forced to leave his post.


" Even though we were nothing more than strangers to you…you saved our lives. You managed to save us." Wanda cried tears of joy.

"We will never forget this debt for as long as we live. One day, we will repay it to you." She hugged Nami.

"Oi, don't get too handsy with my girlfriend!" Vivi yelled.

"Careful with what you say, Wanda. The last females who said those words ended up…" Usopp glanced at Vivi.

"But that guy Jack…he grinds my gears. To do cause all of this…one day, I'm going to pay him back." Promised Luffy.

"So, what's next? Law got his crew back. How long are we going to remain here?" asked Zoro.

"My crew is in no condition to move for the moment. Their injuries were not life-threatening, but they'll need at least a few days to recover before being able to travel again" Explained Law.

"And I still haven't found my friend." Said Kinemon.

The crew looked at each other. This country was almost decimated because Kaidou believed they were hiding a samurai. How could they possibly ask for it?"

"Have you guys seen a samurai around these parts? Our friend over here lost his companion a while back." Luffy pointed at Kinemon.


" What the hell!"

"Have some tact!"

The crew yelled at him.

Wanda stared at Kinemon.

"So you are samurai from Wano…I thought your clothes looked familiar. "

She looked at him for a while.

"You will need to talk about that with one of our Kings."

This was not the reaction they were expecting. They thought she was going to be angry at them for asking that, but she almost looked…relief.

"Wait, Kings?, as in more than one?" asked Nami.

Wanda nodded.

"We have two. Master Nekomamushi rules during the night and Master Inugarasi rules during the day."

"Why divide it like that?" Asked Robin.

Wanda made a troubled face.

"They…they don't get along, so one rules while the other sleeps."

"They don't get along?." Kinemon said in a low voice.

"Ohh, it's them… I found it strange why they insisted on having them on separated buildings so far away from each other." Said Chopper.

"Their injures were the most severe ones by far…they will take some time to even recover consciousness. " 

"So, we have to wait until then?. " asked Vivi.

"I cannot leave until everyone is stable at least." Said Chopper.

"If we are going to spend some time here. I have a question…" Luffy looked very serious.

"Yes?..." Wanda got a bit nervous.

"Do you have meat? where is it? And, who will cook it for me?"Luffy asked with a straight face.


Three days later, they received news that one of the Kings had awoken and we're on their way to meet up with him. 

"Sorry for dragging you along, Carrot." Said Usopp.

"Is okay Mister Usopp. This is also my duty." Answered the female bunny mink who was escorting them. 

They travel on top of some massive animals until they arrive at their destination.

The whale forest, Guardians residential district.

"Whooaa!, when looking at it from this close, that whale tree looks amazing! I wanna go inside." Luffy exclaimed.

"You will. That's where our King lives." Said Carrot.


When they got closer to the gates, the group spotted several strong-looking mink standing guard.

At the center, there was someone they were bit familiar with. A jaguar-type mink they had seen a few times in the past days. 

"Saviors!, I thank you for coming. Allow me to express my gratitude once again."

He and the other guardians, all bowed to the Strawhats and thanked them together. 

"I am Pedro, Captain of the whale forest guardians. I'll escort you to see our Master. He is currently enjoying a bath but I'm sure he won't mind."

"A bath?!. I told him to stay in bed!. Hurry up and take me to him!" Chopper shouted.

"Eh?…amm., yes….follow me." Pedro guides them inside.

They found the giant cat relaxing inside a bath while singing, eating, and drinking sake.

"Nya!, this sake is the best!" The cat clamored.

"I told you to not leave the bed! A bath now could reopen your wounds!. And you are drinking alcohol?!. That will interfere with the medicine I gave you." Chopper screamed at the giant cat.

"Ah, Doctor!. " Nekomamushi smiled.

"Don't worry so much. I'm a freedom-loving cat."

"Wow!, this is the biggest cat I ever seen!" Luffy said.

"Yeah, that's one giant puss-"

"Vivi!" Nami covered her mouth.

"Don't ignore my instructions!" Shouted Chopper.

The cat went to get out of the bath.

"I'm sorry Doc, but even the doctor's orders are nothing but-....whoa there!" he almost fell when he made to grab onto one of the rails of the bathtub.

"Nothing but words on the wind…I need to get used to not having a left hand anymore."

He looked at Luffy.

"So…you are the Strawhats. I promise you to repay this debt. Despite how I look, my words are worth their weight on gold."

"We can also accept gold." Nami blurted out.

"Nami, what are you saying? that's so rude." Said Usopp.

"Right, we just save a county. How can you request a reward for a good deed?!" Franky looked outraged.

"What are you, a paladin?... I mean…we are pirates, right?." Said Vivi.

"Ah, yes…I sometimes forget." Answered Franky.

The cat chuckled.

"Nya, you have an interesting crew."

His eyes then moved to the samurai in the room.

"A samurai…a real samurai from Wano if my eyes are not failing me. You seem familiar..." Neko squinted his eyes at seeing Kinemon.

"I am a retainer from the Kozuki family. My name is Kinemon. We have come here in search of a warrior from our country called Raizou. Has he come here by any chance?" 

"Oi, be more tactful!. These people almost died because someone wanted to find a samurai!" Shoutrd Usopp.

They all looked at Nekomamushi, waiting to see what kind of reaction was he going to have.

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