
Chapter 157: Old acquaintance

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 157: Old acquaintance

She walked casually through the level 4 hell. The place was in complete silence other than the noise created by the flames.

She frowned. The high heat put her in a bad mood.

"I want to take a bath…"

Making use of her observation haki, she scanned the area. Most of the prisoners in the level were either dead already or close to dying.

But that was not her problem. Magellan was responsible for this in any case, she didn't force him to use attacks with such an area of effect.

She then came across someone that seemed familiar lying on the ground. A big muscular man with a shaven head.

"Still alive, Mister 1? She asked coldly to the man on the floor.

Her voice stored him awake. He was a tough man and would not die just because of some poison or heat.

Mister 1 has survived in this hell for over two years. He spent every day fantasizing about what would he do if he ever came across one of the people responsible for his suffering...one of the Strawhats.

He got on one knee and looked up at Vivi's face. His eyes widened like plates as he recognize the woman in front of him.

"Princess Vivi..." he said with a coarse voice. The man clearly had not talked much in the last two years.

His face was quick to change from surprise and shock to anger and then rage.


"Yes, me. Is there something you want to tell me?" She gave him an innocent smile that pushed him further.

Mister 1 used all his strength to stand back up and face her.

"You and your friends killed Mister Crocodile and send me to this hell!. This is all your fault." He spat.

Vivi looked at him with an impassive gaze.

"No, you are here because you and your boss tried to take over a country while taking thousands of innocent lives and ruining many others in the process. That is why you are here, you can blame no one but your own poor decisions and lack of morals."

She may not consider Arabasta her home but that doesn't mean she can't be angry about what Crocodile and his cronies did.

Number 1 rose his fist up.

"I'm going to kill you!"

He jumped at her and tried to hit her with his metal cuffs.

The whole attack locked almost comically harmless to her but she did not laugh.

Vivi lifted one leg and kicked the big man from the air, pushing him back and almost falling into the pit of flames.

Number 1 stood back up with difficulty, blood coming from his mouth.

"If only I didn't have these damn cuffs on…I could use my ability" He lamented.

"Oh?, you think that's the problem?. Then, let me help you out". As she said that, a mass of water detached from her body and floated in the air between her and Mister 1.

"You are a devil fruit user?!" He looked very surprised by this.

The mass of water is divided into two and immediately starts to morph into two identical copies of herself, marine suit included.

Each clone took hold of one of his arms, not letting him move one inch.

"What do you think you are doing?!" He shouted and tried to free himself to no avail, even the clones far surpass him in terms of phisical strenght.

"Helping you, of course. I'm removing those things".

Mister 1 was confused about why would she help him. His confusion did not last long as the clones made their intentions very clear a moment later.

The clones rose their free hand in the air before turning them into some very thin and sharp blades made of ice.

"W-Wait please!" Mister 1 begged, but the clones could not care for his pleas.

"Thud…clank…" Two hands and one set of cuffs fell onto the stone floor and Mister 1 gave a bloodcurdling scream.

The two clones gave the man an inferent expression before turning back into water and returning to Vivi.

"Problem solved, you can use your abilities again. Congratulations!" Exclaimed Vivi in a very sadistic way. She then frowned at her actions and regained her more calm demeanor.

Even after fusing both fruits together, the 'enhancing' capacities of the God Fruit remained intact in this new version. This was usually a good thing, and it wasn't just limited to physical enhancements but also mental ones like enhanced senses and memory.

But unfortunately, it also enhanced her emotions. The positive and negative ones. If she felt a lot of anger, the God Fruit will enhance those feelings to another level.

She had spent a good part of the last two years learning to control her emotions to a certain degree but if they got strong enough, she could lose control for a bit.

'Damn it, Vivi. Focus!.' She remained herself as she regained control.

Mister 1 looked very pitiful as he tried to cover his stumps to avoid bleeding out and dying. He then gave Vivi a glare filled with vitriol and rage.

"Do you need a hand?...no! Vivi bad! stop that!" She reminded herself.

She decided that enough was enough. She may hate the man but did not enjoy prolonging anyone's suffering.

'Except maybe Spandam…and a few others…'

Vivi moved from her spot and appeared right in front of Mister 1. Before the man could even process what was happening, she gave him a strong kick, sending him into the sea of flames.

She let out a suspire. "Well…at least is over n-"

"Ahhhhh!" Mister 1 started to scream while being burned to death.

"Oh, maybe this one was not the faster way to kill the guy…" Lamented Vivi.

He kept screaming for a good thirty seconds until it finally stopped.

"Sigh…okay…that was unpleasant. Now, let's go find -"

"Ahhhhh!!" Mister 1 started to scream again, this time louder than before.

"You have to be kidding me!" Vivi shouted. "Fine, where are you?!, I'll just shoot you!"

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