
Chapter 147: Hiring a guide

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 147: Hiring a Guide

"Huh?" Luffy took a long look at the clown in prisoner clothing.

"Ah…is just Buggy…" He said with disappointment.

"Hey! You have some nerve to come here and make fun of me! Do you have any idea what the last two years have been like for me? I have been trapped in this hell because of you!." Then enraged clown screamed at Luffy.

"How is this Luffy's fault? You got yourself arrested at Loguetown because you and that other woman attacked him!" Exclaimed Nami.

"Yes, you have no one to blame but yourself." Started Sanji. "By the way…what happened to that beautiful woman that was with you?"

"Captain, maybe this clown can help us. He is been here for a while and has tried to escape many times." Suggested Vivi.

"That's right!. You need to help us. My brother Ace has been taken prisoner in this place." Said Luffy.

"Why should I help you?!" Yelled the clown with rage in his eyes. "You are one of the people I hate the most in the world! along with Shanks."

"Tsk!, fine then. We just have to ask someone else." Luffy turned around and started to walk toward the nearby cells.

As soon as he did so, Buggy's eyes fell upon the armband tied to his left arm.

"Hold on right there!" He jumped on Luffy to stop him.

"What's wrong with you all a sudden?!" Luffy threw the clown off him.

"I'll help you find your brother!. That's what you want, right?" Asked the clown.

"You'll help us?" Nami rose an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Yes. All I want in return for my services is that armband you are carrying." Said Buggy, not taking his eyes off the shiny object.

"I don't trust this guy." Sanji looked at the clown.

"You only want this thing?" Luffy removed the armband and held it out.

Nami examined it for a moment. "I remember this one. Is one of the things I stol-...recovered from Moria's treasury."

"Why do you want it so badly? It must have some secret." Said Vivi.

"I don't care about that!. All I want is to save my brother." Luffy threw the armband to Buggy. "There you go. Help us get to Ace and you can keep it."

Buggy smiled widely while holding the armband tight in his hands.

"Of course!."

He suddenly noticed a hand on his shoulder and was startled.

Vivi had disappeared from her position and was now behind him. She got her face close to his and whispered in his ear.

"Our Captain has put a lot of trust in you, clown…but I will watch you closely. If you even think about betraying us and running away without keeping your part of the deal…I will kill you myself."

Buggy recovered from the initial spook. He turned his face to look at Vivi and was about to yell at her but then…he froze.

A pair of bright white eyes were staring at him. He felt a fear like nothing he had experienced before…those eyes were not just staring at him, they were staring at his very being…his mind…his soul…he felt like a tiny bug about to be stepped on by a giant foot.

Buggy started trembling uncontrollably and Vivi removed her hand from his shoulder.

"What did you do to him? Your eyes got all shiny all of a sudden." Asked Luffy.

Vivi gave Buggy another look. The clown was kneeling on the floor while still trembling.

"I just gave him a friendly warning."

"I see…" Luffy's gaze returned to Buggy. "Well?...stop trembling already!. Which direction do we go now?"

Buggy tried to speak. "T-The…T-h-h-a-a…w-w-a-a…"

"Yes, he is much more useful like this…thanks, Vivi." Nami's words were loaded with sarcasm.

"Mmmm…I didn't think he was going to get that scared…" Vivi sighed.

"Can you at least point?" Suggested Sanji.

The clown started pointing to his left with a shakey hand.

"Good, let us go then!" Exclaimed Luffy before taking off.

Vivi stood next to Buggy.

"You go first, clown. And hurry up, unless you want to experience that again."

These words finally go to Buggy, he quickly stood up and started running in the direction that Luffy had just left.

"Where does this lead, exactly?" Asked Nami after running for several similar corridors.

"Level 2…" Said Buggy with difficulty.

"Level 2?." Asked Luffy. "But they told me that Ace was probably held at level 4 or lower !, we need to go there!."

Buggy shook his head.

"You can't. Unless you use the Warden's elevator, but that's impossible. We need to cross one level at a time."

"Fine!, and where is the entrance to this level 2?" Luffy demanded to know.

Buggy pointed forward.

"Over there!"

They reached a walled area with a giant door.

"Behind these doors are the observation towers that the marines use to keep an eye on the level 1 prisoners. I don't know the proper entrance but we can access it from here."

"Stand back, everyone." Luffy's right arm started to smoke as he threw it back.

"Gomu Gomu no…Jet Riffle!" His fist collided against the colossal door and smashed it into smithers.

"What?!" The shocked voice of several marines who were guarding the area was heard.

"It's the intruders!"

"Quick! call for reinforcement!"

The guards shouted.

Behind the destroyed door was a big office. The three guards were standing up in front of some chairs and behind them were some very narrow windows that they use to observe the area below.

Two of the guards took out their weapons while the third was reaching for a den-den-mushi.

Nami was the first one to move forward with her clima tact in hand.

"Thunder lance tempo!"

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