
Chapter 139: Easier this time around

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 139: Easier this time around

"Brace yourselves, fellas, this is the man that we came for!" A marine lieutenant instructed his subordinates.

Luffy turned his gaze to Sentomaru.

"Don't tell me you are going to get in my way again! I don't want to cause trouble as it could get in the way of our departure."

Sentomaru looked angry.

"Departure?, you are not going anywhere, Strawhat! I'm going to capture you here and now, then we will get all your crewmates too!...get him Px-5!"

The Pacifista extended his right palm and light came out of it in the form of a laser beam.

Luffy moved his head slightly to one side in order to dodge it.

"Too slow…"

His right arm started to smoke. "Gear 2…."

The Pacifista opened his mouth and charged its strongest attack.

Luffy disappeared from the stop and reappeared in the air, right above the robot.

"Gomu Gomu no…Jet Pistol!"

He launched a lightning-fast punch that impacted the Pacifista's head, smashing it against the ground with tremendous force, breaking it completely.

Sentomaru could only stare in shock at what he saw.

"Was that armament haki?…" He said softly.

While this was happening, Vivi was facing another one while carrying that giant bag of food that Luffy had left her with.

She moved forward her right hand and her entire arm detached from her body before turning into a ball of water that keep growing in size until it was many times bigger than her own body.

The pirates watching this had their eyes open like plates.

"Where is all that water coming from?!"

After it was done growing, the ball divided into two parts and those started to change shape until they became two exact copies of Vivi.

The Pacifista started moving his gaze from one Vivi to another. Eventually, it must have decided that they were all targets anyways and shoot his hand laser at the one on the left.

Both clones moved away using 'soru', one jumped toward the Pacifista's head while the other one aimed for his legs.

The robot opened its mouth and changed a giant laser, aimed at the clone in the air but was forced to stop charging after the other clone had cut one of its legs using a water blade and made it lose its balance.

The clone on the air moved her mouth like she was talking but no words were heard. She extended her right arm, aiming at the Pacifista's face, before her arm exploded into hundreds of powerful water bullets that pierced every part of the robot that they touched, filling it with holes until it collapsed.

The two clones then joined together into a mass of water that returned to Vivi, reforming her arm in the process.

"Wow…did you see that?"

"Yeah…those two chicks took down a Pacifista like it was nothing…"

"You moron! That was her devil fruit power!"

"Shouldn't we take this chance to leave?..."

A group of pirates nearby started arguing.

After his opponent collapsed, Luffy took off and jumped to where Vivi was.

"Shishishi, well…see ya!" He told to Sentomaru. "I get the feeling that this won't be the last I see of you."

Sentomaru was awoken from his shock. "Hold on, Strawhat!."

"Hey, Luffy, Vivi!" Zoro was running towards them.

"Luffy!, I knew it. Every time there is trouble, you are always involved somehow!" Shouted Sanji at his Captain. His gaze then turned to Vivi and his expression completely changed.

"My Blue Hair Goddess!, wait for me, I'll be there in a second!"

The last Pacifista got in their way. With beams charged in both hands.

Sanji jumped and smashed its head with a swift kick while Zoro slashed its body diagonally with an instant slash of his swords.

"Get out of the way!" They both shouted at the same time.

After the robot collapsed, Zoro gave Sanji a look.

"I took him down!"

"No way!, I snapped its neck!" Defended Sanji.

"Is the Strawhat pirates!"

"The real ones this time!"

"Damn it, they are all monsters!"

The crowd of pirates exclaimed.

"Those are "Black Leg" Sanji and "Pirate Hunter" Zoro!" A marine official shouted.

"The whole crew must be on the Archipelago…and they are still alive."

Zoro and Sanji arrived at their side.

Sanji's eyes went directly to Vivi and her very revealing outfit made of some strips of fur tied up together since that was the best she could manage.

"V-Vivi…that…that…." He keeps staring at her in shock. A thin streak of blood was running coming out of his nose.

"Oh, you mean these?..." She bought both hands to her breasts and started pressing them together and moving them around.

"Yes, they got a bit bigger, don't you think?..." She asked in a suggestive way.

Sanji's streak of blood turned into a waterfall as he collapsed.

"Are you trying to kill him? woman!" Grunted Zoro.

"It was just a greeting, he won't die from that. And what happened to you? did you seriously lose an eye during training?" She looked at his scar over the left eye.

"Hmph!" Zoro looked away from her and refused to elaborate further.

"Zoro, grab Sanji, we are leaving!" Ordered Luffy before taking back his bag of food from Vivi.

"Why is it always me that has to carry people?!" Zoro complained.

"If I am the one who carries him, he may actually die when he awakes." Said Vivi.

The three of them went running up a hill. The marines stood in place and did not attack them, they were aware that at this point, anyone lower than a Vice-Admiral had no chance against them.

After reaching the top of the hill, Luffy stopped all of a sudden and looked in the distance.

"What's wrong?" Asked Zoro.

"Rayleigh!" Luffy shouted.

"He is calling for the Dark King?!" The nearby marines said with worry.

On another hill, a good distance away, Rayleigh was standing, looking at them.

"Hahaha, I thought I would drop by and take a look, but you didn't need any help. You have honed your strength even further since the last time I saw you…well then, you better be off, your crew is waiting for you."

"Thank you so much, for everything you have done for the past two years!" Shouted Luffy.

Rayleigh smiled. "No need for formalities, just go-"

"Im going to do it, Rayleigh!" Shouted Luffy even louder. "Im going to become the Pirate King!"

A tear fell off the old man's face.

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