
Chapter 126: Visions of the past Part I

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 126: Vision of the Past, part 1

With nothing better to do, Vivi floated around, observing the island and how much different it was.

She spotted something that caught her attention and moved to the other side of the giant tree. She had yet to explore that side of the island so she could not compare it to how it is now.

"Looks like there was another town here" She mentioned as she started to see some houses.

But as she moved, she keep seeing more and more houses and the street designs were getting more complex.

"This is no town…this is a city!"

As she approached the center of the city, the houses got bigger and more refined, several tall towers stood over the houses. She then saw a big dark area near the north side of the city.

Vivi gasped at the sight.

"What?!... How?"

There was an enormous castle…floating in the sky.

She approached the castle a bit more. Her first thought was Skypiea. The country that floated on top of a fossilized cloud.

"There is nothing underneath thought…"

There was no cloud holding the castle. There was nothing on top either. It was just floating…somehow.

"Is like magic." She said with awe.

She was getting more curious about this society now.

"What kind of people lived here? And what happened to them?" She wondered.

Something then passed flying by her side, surprising her.

"The heck was that?!"

She followed it with her eyes and found out that it was a flying creature. It was like a four-legged eagle with golden feathers.

"Wait!, I know you!."

If you change the color of the feathers to red and a few other small things, this creature was the same species as the flying demons that had been terrorizing her on the island.

However, this golden version looked a look more pacific, and even more shocking to Vivi was that someone was actually riding the beast like it was a horse.

The flying rider gave commands using a harness and the beast obeyed the orders and flew around, performing some amazing maneuvers.

A few moments later, two more riders joined the first one and they went flying around the island.

"Man, If Luffy was here, he would want to ride one of those things." Vivi chuckled.

All of a sudden, the sky turned dark and the peaceful ambient on the island changed completely.

Vivi was startled and looked up.

"What is that?"

Something big was covering the sun and it was getting closer.

She saw the people below opening their mouths and knew that they were screaming. The citizens of the city stared at the sky in horror. They just pointed up and shouted who knows what.

The object was now close enough for Vivi to realize what it was.

"A ship? but why is it falling from the sky?"

The ship was massive. Easily ten times bigger than the Sunny and seemed to be completely made of some kind of metal.

The terror of the citizens only increased as the ship approached their island.

Vivi thought for a moment that she was about to witness a tragedy, but whoever was flying that ship seemed to still have some control over it.

The speed at which was descending decreased drastically and it also changed its course slightly.

It seems like crashing was inevitable but now, it was going to crash at the beach, west of the island instead of falling on top of the city.

She saw the ship make contact with the sad and could only imagine the tremendously loud sound it must have made. The metal vessel then continued its path into the waters for a bit, before it finally stopped, a good 100 meters off the beach.

The denizens of the island came running in droves. Surely very curious about their visitors from the sky.

"Wait…I heard about this. The poneglyph that I found in the town said something about winged people who came from the sky. The old lady said that they were not skypieans."

Vivi was also very curious and approached the fallen vessel. It did not look like something that should have been able to fly through the sky. It did not have wings or anything of the sort.

It looked more like a spaceship.

The hatch on the top opened, and some winged humanoids started to come out.

Everyone at the beach was standing in shock. Looking at these winged beings and pointing at their strange method of transportation.

She knew that they were speaking and shouting but she could not hear any sound despite their mouths moving.

After several of these beings came out of their ship, they stood there, looking back at the humans.

The unlucky travelers, all had long silver hair, and black wings and a fire was burning behind their backs.

"Wait, I've seen that look before!" Vivi remembered. "Those were called…mmm." She tried her best to remember and a name finally came to her mind.


In total, she counted 28 Lunarians standing on top of the ship, but none of them moved toward the beach. They seemed to be waiting to see what the humans would do.

An old man made his way to the front of the humans at the beach. He wore luxurious clothes and held a big scepter in his hand. Vivi guessed that he was the one in charge, maybe a King or Emperor. He shouted something to the Lunarians but Vivi could not hear the words. However, by his expression and pose, she knew that he was being friendly.

One of the Lunarians. A very tall and strong-looking male flew into the sky and landed on the beach, a short distance away from the elderly man.

Some of the humans got on guard but no one made any aggressive more.

The old man and the lunarian started gesturing and talking.

"I wish I could hear what they say…"

Vivi was startled when all of a sudden, her vision started to darken.

"Wait!, Im not done. I want to see what happens next!" She complained.

It was as frustrating as someone turning off the tv in the middle of an interesting movie.

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