
Chapter 11: Interference

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 11: Interference

As Crocodile prepare himself to finish her off, time seemed to slow down.

'I'm going to die again…I haven't accomplished anything after coming here…'

She looked at her side where Luffy was laying down.

'He is probably going to die too. Crocodile is to enrage to let him alive…all because I got overconfident.'

She saw the hook approaching.

'I'm sorry, Luffy, this is it…' She thought and closed her eyes, expecting to be welcomed by darkness once again.


Contrary to her expectations, a blinding light appeared and surrounded her body, blocking Crocodile's attack.

'What is that voice? is it inside my head?.'

She looked at Crocodile who looked as surprised as her.

"What did you do!." He yelled at her.


She felt a strong pull and suddenly, Vivi found herself in a dark room. A small light appeared ahead of her and she started moving towards it by instinct.

'What is going on?, where am I?'

After getting close enough, she could see the desert that she was in moments before. The image then moved up and she could see Crocodile, staring right back at her with surprise in his eyes. It was like looking through a window.

She then heard her own voice but it sounded...wrong. There was something different about it. Other than the fact that she was not the one speaking.


'Vivi' stood up again. Her wounds were closing fast and the blood was drying. Her eyes started to shine so brightly that it was impossible to see her pupils anymore, then she stared right at Crocodile.

'Is that me? did someone take over my body?' The real Vivi could not understand why this was happening. She could do nothing but observe while someone else used her body like a puppet.

Crocodile started at the Princess of Arabasta with disbelief.

"How are you doing that? How can you still be alive?!"

Vivi had her arms dropped in an almost feral position. Her clothes were torn but she cared not for her modesty. She looked at Crocodile with disdain.


She was not yelling but her voice seem to carry over great distances with no problem.

Crocodile became enraged again. The strange phenomenon in front of him was forgotten.

"You dare!!!.... Who are you calling insect?!"


A wave of energy came from her body moving all of the sand around her and pushing Crocodile back. Her body then became bathed in light and disappeared from her position.

She then reappeared right next to Crocodile. Her blackened fist approached his face.


Crocodile felt the impact of Vivi's fist and heard the crunch of his jaw shattering, He then was sent flying back several feet.

Before He could land on the sand, Vivi appeared on top of him and punched him in the gut forcing him to collapse against the ground with great force.

"Arggg!" Crocodile spat blood as He crushed against the sand. He realized the urgency of the situation and used everything He had to stand up.

"That was…. haki?." He said with difficulty while looking at Vivi with a glint of fear in his eyes.

He then rose his right hand in the air and moved it down in a slashing motion.

"Desert Spa-"

Before He could complete his attack, his arm was caught by Vivi. He tried to free himself by using his powers but He was unable to turn his arm into the sand. That black hand would not let him go.

With no other choice, he used the hook on his left arm to attack the Princess, hoping to hit her in her face hard enough for her to release him.

But, his left arm was caught too. He tried to use his natural strength to free himself but was unable to. The woman in front of him was obviously stronger.

Vivi then lifted her legs and placed them both on top of Crocodile's chest. Her feet were also covered in armament haki so there was no way for Crocodile to get them off him.

"What are yo- AAGGGGg" He was about to ask what she was planning to do, but then the answer came when 'Vivi' started to push his chest backward with her legs while maintaining his arms in place with her own strength.

The pain was excruciating as Crocodile felt his arms being ripped out of their sockets.


Crocodile was sent backward and landed on the sand. He felt the pain subside a little bit, but was welcome with horror when He opened his eyes and realized that He has lost both arms.

'Vivi' didn't seem interested in giving him more time to scream in pain as she appeared on top of him and punched his face back until it hit the sand.

"Aggg!" Crocodile grunted in pain as his mouth was filled with blood.

Before He had time to even think, another punch came down on his face, and then another one.

'Vivi' started to rain punches on the Shikibukai face with no sign of stopping, one after another. With each punch, one could hear the bones being broken and skin being torn apart.

Meanwhile, the real Vivi was observing all of this, trapped inside her own mind. She had mixed feelings about the ordeal. For one, she was glad to see Crocodile getting destroyed, but on the other hand, she did not like the idea of someone else using her body like a toy.

"Hey, enough already!, He is already dead! Give me back my body!" She yelled.

"The last time…" She heard a voice resound in her mind before a disorienting feeling trapped her.

When she opened her eyes again, she noticed that she was on top of Crocodile. She also noticed that the Shichibukai was missing his head, or at least it looked like his head exploded and there was stuff everywhere.

She then felt an intense pain through her body, it felt like all of her bones were broken at the same time.

"ARGGGG!!" She screamed before falling on the hot sand.

She felt that she was losing consciousness.

'There is soo much blood…' Those were her last thoughts.

Some distance away, there was a woman who has witnessed the entire event.

Robin was able to use her ability to spy on people from a safe place by creating eyes and placing them in hidden spots.

Had she not seen it personally, she would never have believed what just happened. The beloved Princess of Arabasta went crazy and destroyed Crocodile of the Shikibukai.

"What in the Devil's name was that?!"