
Chapter 108: Doing some tourism

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 108: Doing some tourism

"I'm in!" Exclaimed Luffy as he got half his body inside the bubble.

"That looks like fun!" Said Chopper.

"How intriguing." Added Robin.

An old man approached while carrying a strange device.

"Here, put this at the bottom of the bubble."

Luffy entered the bubble and placed the device as told.

"It looks like one of those wavers from Skypiea." Observed Vivi.

"It really does. I guess you can now drive around inside the bubble. Looks like fun." Said, Robin.

"Like this?" asked Luffy at the old man.

"Is that the right height?, you should be able to drive around." Said the old man.

Luffy started the device and the propeller at the back of it started to spin, propelling him forward.

"Yes!, this is fun!"

"It's 500 beri to rent one bon chari for a day. If you want to keep it, you can buy it for 10.000 beri" Said the old man.

"I'm going to buy it! I want one!" Shouted Luffy with excitement.

"Don't bother, there is no point in buying it, just rent it." Advised Hacchi.

"Eh? why?. I'll use my own money!" Luffy pouted like a child.

"You are a local, right? What a pity." The old man scratches his head.

"Luffy, those things require the bubbles to work. You know…the type of bubble that only exist in this place" Explained Vivi.

"Ah…" Luffy realized the problem. "Fine…we'll just rent a bunch of them."


They ended up taking another small one for Nami and a big one to carry everyone else.

"Too bad…I wanted to buy one" Said Luffy.

"As Vivi said, these bubbles can only exist in this place because of its unique atmosphere. If you take them too far away, they will pop." Hacchi explained.

"I see…those vehicles would only work on this island then." Said, Robin.

"Exactly. That seller was trying to scam you by selling you something that would not be able to use anywhere else." Said Hacchi.

"Cheer up, Luffy. You can use them all you want for as long as you stay in Shabondy. And we also have bubbles like those at Fishman Island, so you can use them there too!" Said Camie.

"Ohh!" This got Luffy excited. "I wanna go to Fishman Island soon!"

"What is it like there?...no, wait! I don't want to know!"

"You will want to meet 'the Mermaid Princess'. she is a real stunner. And I am a starfish, so you know I'm telling the truth. I'm in cahoots with her so I can set you up."

"I'm looking forward to that, I truly do only have eyes for the beautiful… although being a skeleton…" Started Brook.

"So, how is she?" Asked Vivi with interest. "What color of hair does she have? is she pretty? what size are her brea-"

"I don't have any eyes! yohohoo!"

"Wait!, Brook, don't interrupt me !" Complained Vivi. "The starfish was talking about the mermaid princess!"

"I thought you weren't interested in mermaids." Nami gave Vivi an intense look.

"Well…you know…this one is a princess!" Vivi explained.

"So what? you were a princess too!" Cried Nami.

"Oh… that's right. You know?, sometimes I forget about that. It almost feels like I have been a pirate my whole life." Said Vivi.

"Oh!!, that smells so good!" Luffy went flying towards a food stall.

"You have good taste, young man. Those are 'Grand Line manjuu' or just 'Graman' for short." Said the stall owner. "We have some free samples, wanna try some?"

Luffy and Chopper started to stuff their faces immediately.

"You see, they got 'Grand Line first half' written on them. The idea is that you can take them with you on your journey as a souvenir, they can last for up to three months an- "

"Mmm soo good!" Said Luffy

"Is soo sweet!" Said Chopper.

"I just opened another box, I hope you don't mind. Ohh those are really good!" Brook had just arrived and served himself.

"Are…are you guys going to buy any?..." Said the vendor with dread.

"He really should have put a 'one per person' rule." Said Vivi while observing from a distance.

"Poor man…" Said Robin.


They went on to visit several more groves. There was one filled with hotels while another one had all sorts of souvenirs.

Hacchi told them about a grove that had a giant shopping mall and Nami insisted on going there, so Robin accompanied her.

"Are you sure that is okay? I thought you would want to go with Nami?" Asked Camie.

"What do you mean? there is nothing really between Nami and me. I mean..not that I would mind…she is quite something…give me a couple of years and I think I can-"

"I meant clothes!" Camie interrupted Vivi with a bright blush. "I meant that they were going to buy clothes…and you know…"

"Oh… you meant that…Naa, I have enough clothes already." Said Vivi.

After a bit of an awkward silence, their Captain spoke.

"Let's race!" Shouted Luffy.

"Yes, let's do that!" Hacchi exclaimed.

Luffy was carrying Chopper while Hacchi's vehicle was bigger but everyone else was on it, allowing Luffy to get the lead.

"I'm winning!" Said Luffy.

"We are not done yet! The finish line is grove 13!" Shouted Hacchi.

"Hmm?, there is something going on over there!" Luffy pointed at a group of people on grove 31.

A big pirate started shouting while grabbing some random girl by the neck. "Come on! please, someone, help me!"

"Let me go, please, I don't want to die" Cried the girl.

"Gimme an ax, a saw….something, please! Someone get me something to get this thing off my neck!" The pirate begged and pointed at the white metal collar that he was wearing around his neck.

"I just want to take this off!, I don't want to hurt anyone!"

The pirate keep begging and screaming while all bystanders stood out of his way.

"I have a wife and kids, please!"

"Luffy, everyone!, don't get involved, no matter what!" Warned Hacchi with a serious tone. "He is probably a pirate who was captured by slave traders. His owner must have brought him to this island and he made a run for it…He should know that is useless to run away."

Camie closed her eyes with force, knowing what was coming.

"Someone!, please…get this ring off my…" The pirate could not finish his sentence before he exploited in a ball of fire.