
Chapter 103: Face reveal

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 103: Face Reveal

"Just tell me who you are!" Demanded Sanji. "I don't remember ever meeting someone like you!"

"I saw his face under the mask," Said Luffy.

"Really, do you know who he is?" Asked Zoro.

Luffy smiled. "I'll show you right now. Is a face that you will recognize!"

He went running until he was close to Duval and extended his leg to kick the mask out of his face. "Oryaaa!"

"Ah!, that bastard!"

"He took Duval's mask off!"

The riders exclaimed.

"Fine!" Said, Duval. "If you want to look at my scarred face so much, go ahead!"


"No way!"

"This guy!"

The Strawhats stared in shock at the real face of Duval.

"Wow…the resemblance is uncanny." Commented Vivi.

"I have been waiting for this day…in order to send you to hell, I set out into the sea. But finding you has been a problem since your actual face is different than the one on the wanted poster." Said Duval.

"Even if marines or bounty hunters passed by the real one, they would not recognize him! Instead, they came for me! There he is! they would shout. There is Black Leg Sanji!, they would call."

They all stared at the crying face of Duval. It looked exactly the same as the badly drawn face that decorated Sanji's wanted poster.

"Im not him!, I would tell them. I'm not even a pirate! but no one would believe me!" Cried Duval.

"How can someone be this unlucky?" Wondered Usopp.

"Do you understand now?" Duval shouted at Sanji. "The dread of being hunted down every day? Marines, famous bounty hunters…what did I do to deserve this?...give me my life back!"

Sanji went running to Duval and kicked him in the face. "Like I care about that!"

Duval recovered quickly and shouted. "What do you mean with "Like I care"?. Who else is going to take responsibility for this?! "

"Shut up! if anyone is pissed about that shitty drawing, is me!" Said Sanji.

"I feel a bit sorry for him…" Said Vivi.

"The resemblance is uncanny!" Exclaimed Usopp.

"The world is a very big place, things like this could happen after all." Said Robin.

"They really do look alike," Said Hacchi.

"Like peas in a pond" Added Zoro.

"Yohohoho!" Brook was just laughing.

"I'm going to kick your asses later, you guys!" Shouted a very mad Sanji.

Luffy called him. "Sanji…we'll just go on ahead…" then started to leave after saying those words.

"Are you saying that this is my fault, somehow?" Sanji then looked at Duval.

"Look, if you don't want to look like the wanted poster, there are many things you could do, like…change your hairstyle, grow a beard, or dye your hair."

Duval and his crew made all shocked expressions. "Ah…"

"What's with the "Why didn't think I of that" faces!. Are you guys really that stupid?"

"I ain't stupid!, you stupid!...listen here, Black Leg. You know who we are?" Duval started to recall his past.

"We used to run a humble little mafia in a remote country. We would go around the towns threatening people for money. It was a simple but peaceful life. But then…"

"Stupidly powerful marines showed up on my island. I was forced to run away and wear this iron mask to cover my identity…I even got a nasty scar on my back!"

Duval looked at Sanji with fury.

"Thanks to you, my life was ruined! I will chase you until the end of the world if necessary. If you don't want that, you are going to have to kill me!"

Sanji knocked him down with a kick.

"Ah!!, he is killing me!" Duval cried.

"I've had enough of your stupidity. You try to kill, not just me, but my crewmates too…you threw a bloody harpoon at Vivi!" Shouted Sanji.

"So what?. That is the crew that made you a famous pirate. Of course, I want revenge against them too!" Was Duval answer.

He jumped back onto his bison's back and shot more harpoons at Sanji.

"Can you just die already?!"

"Get in formation!" One of the fish riders ordered.

Two riders came flying toward Sanji while carrying a giant net.

Sanji went to move backward but noticed that he was at the end of the wooden platform and he could not jump into the water.


The riders threw the net over Sanji, trapping him and then they both went underwater, dragging Sanji with them.

"Now, suffer and down!" Shouted Duval.

"Oh no!, Sanji can't even swim now!" Said Chopper.

"Shitt, I'll go!" Luffy had to be stopped by Zoro.

"Stop!, you can't swim either! I'll go get him!"

"Wait!, you are humans, you will never catch them! Leave it to me." Said Hacchi.

Duval laughed. "You may be a Fishman, but you will never catch those flying fish. They are the fastest creatures in the ocean. And the riders have oxigen canisters. They could be underwater for an hour. Your friend will never survive!"

"Don't worry! leave it to me!" Camie hurried up and jumped into the water.

"You were forgetting someone, you cowboy." Said Pappag, looking smug.

"Sure, the flying fish are fast…but the fastest in the ocean? not a chance. The only race that deserves that title… are the merfolk. No one swims faster than a mermaid."

"Is she really that awesome?" Asked Luffy.

"Oh, yes. As long as they stay on guard, the merfolk are almost impossible to catch." Said Pappag.

"Alright…Camie" Luffy shouted. "I'll leave Sanji to you, okay?!"

"Careful!" They heard Zoro shouting while looking at their ship.

When they look in that direction, they saw that a big group of flying fish riders were carrying a colossal anchor and were now hovering over the Sunny.

"The Sunny is in trouble!" Said Luffy.

"It's okay, Captain. That ship has many tricks, and Franky is on board." Vivi tried to ease his worries.

"Sink it!" Shouted Duval. The riders let go of the anchor.

"Chicken voyage!" They heard Franky scream. Then, Sunny's figurehead started to spin and act as a wind propeller that moved the ship backward and avoided the falling anchor.

"They dodged it?"


"What kind of ship can move like that?"

The riders were in shock.