
Chapter 6 MarineFord part 2

Still Koga's P.O.V.

I can't believe what I saw. I was beyond shocked. my jaw was dropped to the ground, my eyes were as wide as a saucer disk.

This boy, when asked by me how he did all of this just raises his hand and turn the hand into a mix of orange and red color. There were some bubbles of some liquid like thing forming on his hand. he turned his hand into the Magma. The heat from this demonstration was more than enough for me. I was sweating bullets and my men were worse than me.

" Can you please turn off your skill my boy, we are not heat resistant like you." I said to him.

I was beyond happy, I have found a diamond mine. This boy who probably hates the pirate and will join marines after some poaching has eaten one of the rarest devil fruit Logia and that too of the superior fire element system.

A/N: ( generally every element has two types of fruits one is superior to another like Air is superior to Wind and Magma is superior to fire.)

I know what devil fruit he has eaten because in the last annual meeting of HQ it was specifically told to us to specifically look for these kinds of devil fruit or their user and made them join the navy.

He has eaten a devil fruit of fire system and the strongest one of that system 'Magu Magu No Mi'. This devil fruit turns the user into a magma human and the user can control the aspect of magma.

This boy will reach the admiral position just by his devil fruit's support only. If I am the one who takes him in the navy then the marine credits I will receive will be in millions and more than enough for my seven generations to live peacefully and luxuriously.

" How did you do that." I have to tread carefully if he decided to not join then I will not be able to forgive myself.

He has just eaten the devil fruit and doesn't know about it if the uncontrolled demonstration of power is to go by.

"I ate a weird-looking fruit which has swirls all over it and tastes like horse shit. after eating the fruit I was able to turn myself into magma and also able to control it." the boy replied.

And with his reply, my joy knows no bound. this boy is a gem, he had eaten a devil fruit which we think was just a possibility. Oh, thank God for this luck.

I controlled my raging emotions and said

" Well boy, what you ate was a devil fruit. these things grant people abilities at the cost of their swimming ability. So those who eat them can not swim.

Now, you according to my speculation have eaten a logia devil fruit named Magu Magu no mi and it turns you into a magma human."

"Logia?? cost .. swimming ability ?? What are you trying to say sir" The boy inquired?

" Well let me tell you this way then there is certain fruit like things all over the world which has swirling patterns on them and they taste like horse shit.

These objects are called devil fruit and when someone eats them they gain supernatural abilities that defy science. But the person who eats them is cursed by sea so they can't use their abilities in seawater and neither can they swim.

Now there are different type of devil fruit and no other fruit grant the same ability twice. So there can never be another person with the same powers as you.

Devil fruits are categorized in 3 category

1. Logia which controls elements and can change the user's body into the same element and thus rendering them to any physical harm. They are very rare.

2. Premicia which grants to a lot of Versailles abilities but can not turn their user into elemental form like oto oto fruit that grants the user the power to control sound.

3. Zoan these fruits turn you into an animal and give you that animal's powers.

Now Zoan devil fruits have their own categories

which are

1. Normal Zoan: these turn you into a normal animal like an elephant and give you the powers and stamina of said animal.

2. Ancient Zoan: these devil fruits turn you into an ancient creature mostly from dinosaurs family-like Spinosaurs or Sabertooth tiger-like creatures that are not a part of dinosaurs family but are still ancient animals they are pretty rare.

3. Mythical or Imaginary devil fruit: these are the devil fruits that are most powerful, rare, and most sought out as they grant you many abilities. These are even rarer than Logia devil fruit.

some examples would be nine tail fox." I explained to him.


Sakazuki P.O.V.

When are you going to ask me for joining your damn organization. The navy group arrives in the evening and by the looks of it, they came with a rear admiral.

The rear admiral asks me some standard questions like what happens here or how I killed all of them. I answer all of his questions and show him my devil fruit ability to manipulate magma.

I can literally feel his interest in me grew and that's what I need from him. I mentioned pirate word with hatred and disgust so he and his higher-ups think that I am of no danger to them because only my devil fruit is enough to make their eyes red and they will not bat an eye before declaring me a fugitive pirate and I will have navy on my ass which I don't need.

So I show myself as a potential soldier of their absolute Justice which I am but my absolute justice doesn't discriminate between poor and rich, a commoner or an influential person, women or a man for me all are the same.

I even feigned ignorance to a devil fruit information and this person completely fall in my trap. Now he will start the main course that is poaching me in navy.

" So now that you know what happens to you what do you want to do." And here it is the starting. He asked with unmasked glee in his voice.

"I wanted to kill all of the pirates and bring justice to all of their victims." I said with anger and confidence in my voice and he grinned.

" And how are you going to do it. The sea is very vast and There are a lot of techniques which can harm you and many pirates will kill you in a blink of an eye. So do tell me how will you achieve that dream" He asked me. He was trying to corner me and I let him do it.

" Then what should I do. I can not sit idly and do nothing." I said and let him believe that he cornered me.

" join us THE MARINES. we are an organization fully devoted to exterminating the piracy from this world. We will train you, teach you techniques that will help you to carry out your justice. So wanted to join us." And here comes the million-dollar question.

" Yes, sir I would like to join the Marines." I said with enthusiasm in my voice.

" Then let's go."

and I followed him.


Koga P.O.V.

I was successful. He agreed to join the navy. I take him to my ship and started sailing toward our base.

I hurriedly left for my Captain's room and take out my dan-dan mushi and called HQ.


3rd person P.O.V.

" Hello, this is marine HQ." the person on receivers end replied.

" Hello, This is Rear Admiral Koga from G-2 base. I would like to talk the Fleet Admiral. Tell him it is an s class urgency and I need his guidance." Koga tells him.

" Wait a minute sir" said the receiver and hurriedly run for Fleet Admiral's office.

Fleet Admiral's office was filled with shelves which have various paper in them with books and a table with a table lamp. The Fleet Admiral Kong was sleeping on the table and then the gates of his office were opened and an office boy enters and salutes him.

Kong wakes up and sees him and asked: " It better be important or consider yourself demoted." Kong said with an annoyance in his voice.

The office boy shuddered.

" Sir, Rear Admiral Koga from G-2 base called and said It was an s class urgency." The office boy tells him.

" Give me the dan-dan mushi" Kong said and the office boy handed him the dan-dan mushi.

" Fleet admiral Kong speaking"

" Hello, sir, sorry for the inconvenience but it was necessary and I think you need to know about it."

Koga said.

" What happens," Kong asked.

" well, you see sit I just recruited a Logia user in Navy" Koga replied in a happy tone.

Kong was surprised and asked " logia are you sure, and which Logia"

" Yes sir, I am sure. As for Logia, it was Magu Magu No Mi sir." Koga replied happily.

There was silence for a minute and then the Kong burst into the laughter.

"zuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzu..... Good. Very good, come to HQ as fast as you can and receive your Marine credits." kong said in delighted mood and then cut the call.

on the other side, Koga was too happy and order the ship to start sailing toward the marine HQ.

Kong then looked towards the office boy and smiled and then hand him a paper with something written on it

" Go boy and enjoy your salary increase and bonus zuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzuzu"

the left in a happy mood.

Kong then peeked at horizontal and said to no one in particular

" first Garp's son Dragon joined the Marines and Then Garp found out an ice Logia in South blue and convenience him to join the navy and yesterday Tsuru too find out a light Logia user and also Convinced him to join the Marines and now Even the Magu Magu No Mi user appears and he too is joining the navy.

Is this the start of a new era for Marines" and then he sighs.



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