
One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Amazing cover made by Lord Valmar, who has somehow managed to make a great cover for all the books of mine that he's read :))) Huge thanks to him and his pp is humongous~! ___________________________________ Alexander Nikolia, is a person of many talents, a genius in the eyes of many. After a bizarre string of events, he ends up getting reincarnated into his favourite anime into the body of one of the most underutilized overpowered villains in the story. The world was bound to change in some way, whether that change is positive or not... That's up for interpretation really.

VeganMaster · Cómic
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302 Chs

Marco the Phoenix

__________ POV Narration__________

Marco followed the Vivre card he had on him all the way to the ship of the Gorilla Pirates, the anger in his eyes burned brighter than the blue flames that constructed his body.

The Whitebeard crew wasn't quite prepared for something like this to happen, pirates usually avoided their territories like the plague.

But sometimes an insane pirate still tried his luck in some way... That was why Whitebeard created methods for them to be alerted whenever an attack happened.

This time, one of the prisoners on the ship was connected to the Vivre card that Marco was tracing. Usually, he would be with the rest of his platoon, but their captain/father Whitebeard wasn't feeling very well, so Marco decided to just deal with the issue himself.

He was the First Mate, after all, he was more than capable of taking care of some nameless nobodies in the New World.

What he didn't expect was to see the ship completely still in the middle of the sea, and to see pirates being thrown into the sea.

Marco's eyes turned into slits as he rushed the ship even faster, worrying for the passengers on board.

What he didn't expect to see, was a marine Rear Admiral. Sitting on a golden chair and looking at him with a calm smile.

Marco stopped above the ship and looked down at Enel with confusion.

It didn't take long for Enel to start speaking to the flying bird.

"Marco! I wasn't expecting you to come this fast... I was after the Gorilla pirates, but I guess they didn't have long left to live by the looks of it..." Enel said as he crossed his legs and looked at Marco with the same calm smile.

"Who are you?" Marco wasn't exactly about to entertain Enel, he was still trying to assess the situation.

Finding a chatty marine among a mound of dead pirates didn't really paint too nice a portrait for him.

"Oh, that was rude of me. My name is Enel, pleased to make your acquaintance." Enel stood up from his golden chair.

Marco looked at the marine with narrowed eyes, transforming into his hybrid form and looking at Enel without any fear.

"Enel..." Marco searched his mind for a bit, he knew the most prominent Marines, it didn't take long for him to realize who the man in front of him was.

Enel's feat of fighting Garp was already well-known. He was the Marines' newest Rear Admiral and someone that Sengoku tried to make the face of all new recruits.

"So you're 'that' Enel, huh? Figured you'd be more of a righteous marine by the way the newspapers painted ya~"

Marco finally landed on the deck of the ship, there was still plenty of weariness in his gaze, but he wasn't attacking, which Enel took as a good sign.

"What makes you think I'm not?" Enel asked, as his smile turned upwards with a tinge of amusement.

"Well, for one, you would've attacked me by now. You don't seem scared by me, so I doubt you'd be too frightened to act... What are you trying to gain, Enel-yoi?" Marco kept his distance from Enel, but his gaze was fixed upon the Rear Admiral.

The enigma that was the most prominent recruit within the marines. Standing out just enough to shock the world, but not enough to be taken seriously by the major powers of the world.

Exactly how Enel had originally planned it. Although some things could've gone better, like his relationship with Akainu, not all things were always going to go his way, and that was just the way life went.

He wasn't about to start pretending to be someone else, it was already annoying enough that he was suppressing his powers.

"Who knows!? The prisoners are downstairs, pretty sure you already know that. They are the only reason this ship isn't already exploring the ocean's depths..."

Enel slowly turned around, tapping the gold chair with his golden staff. The chair was quickly swallowed up by the staff, making Marco narrow his eyes slightly.

'Some type of gold- no metal manipulation, likely a paramecia... Pretty versatile by the looks of it...' Marco instantly surmised Enel's power from that small reveal.

"How generous of you! I'll deal with them... I'd recommend you leave this place now, Enel-yoi." Marco would've tried to make a move on the marine under normal circumstances if only to test the newest marine star. But the situation didn't really allow for that.

The prisoners downstairs were still bound and helpless, if they were to start fighting the ship would almost surely sink. Which was why Marco didn't want to fight the Rear Admiral now.

"Of course! Wouldn't want to wait for the whale to come here, huh?" Enel said, his calm smile not disappearing. He made an obvious reference to Whitebeard's flagship, the Moby Dick.

Marco didn't react much, only continuing to carefully gaze at Enel's back as he prepared to leave.

His staff quickly turned into a flying ship, and Enel sat on the only chair of that vessel.

"Well, till next time, Pheonix!" Enel said, as his small ship quickly took to the skies, surprising Marco slightly.

'So he can also fly?!' Marco thought to himself in confusion.

'Hmm, no... It seems more like a machine that he creates using his devil fruit, that ship must have a special engine that works with his powers...'

'Still, the newest marine star is pretty shady... Pops will be pretty amused by this turn of events!'

Marco then continued with his business, going towards the lower deck of the ship in order to free the prisoners.

__________ POV Enel __________

I'm rather glad Marco isn't a violent individual. Otherwise, he might've even ignored the fact that there were other people on that ship and just attacked me...

To be fair, I doubt I would've won against him, just like I know I can't beat Akainu and the other admirals right now. I would still be able to flee, but that applies to most situations.

It gives me quite a bit of serenity, knowing that I can pretty much escape from most situations. I've not yet met Kizaru, but I'm sure I could also lose him.

I don't know why, but he seems to only be able to fly in straight lines by reflecting off surfaces.

So I should be able to run away from him if I turn into a lightning bolt and travel through the clouds for a while.

So this was my first meeting with the Whitebeard Pirates, and it didn't go that bad. At least I didn't end up having to fight with my allies.

Well, they don't know we are allies yet, but they will eventually...

I'm starting to think in odd ways. I should get back to hunting down pirates.

I will also have to practice the other 6 powers in my spare time. I want to at least master one of them before returning to Marineford.

I think I'll pick Rankyaku, I really do need more attacking techniques under my belt if I want to get some versatility in my fighting style.

Rankyaku is also something I can combine with my devil fruit to some extent. More specifically, I can combine it with the metal-controlling aspect of my devil fruit.

It won't be easy to master, but it will surely take enemies by surprise if used under the right circumstances.

Something else has been bothering me lately... I've somehow not yet been investigated by the Chiper Pol.

I was expecting to see an agent or two while I was in Marineford. I doubt the World Government trusts Sengoku to the extent that they won't even bother to check up on me personally.

I made sure to not show a lot about my power, so as to not stand out too much to the people that truly matter. Regardless of that, I'm sure plenty of them have taken notice of me.

It can't be helped though, I can't pretend to be a recruit and hope I get access to the six powers and Armament Haki instructors instantly. Using my special ability called common sense, such a thing wouldn't even be possible.

That would take years and I don't feel like waiting years.

Especially since a great war is already brewing...


Hope you liked the second chapter of the day :)

Felt that it wouldn't be appropriate for Marco to trust Enel to any extent, since Enel is still a marine, so I dunno if this was the interaction you've been expecting :))

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