
Complicated Feelings and Business

_________ POV Narration_________

Now, Enel wasn't exactly just allowed to walk on to Big Mom's room by himself. Oven was obviously one of the people accompanying him.

Katakuri was also there, he had somewhat helped in that situation, though he still didn't show anything other than wariness towards Enel.

Perospero, although reluctantly, was also tagging along, complaining as he did so to the only person that was willing to lend an ear (no one in particular).

Smoothie, who was just a bit curious about the whole situation, and wanted to see if she would get a chance to taste Enel's juices.

It was just them, as the other siblings had dispersed, they were also the strongest among the family, so if something was to happen at least they would be near their mother/captain.

Not like they believed Enel would be able to take on their mother in the state that he seemed to be in. But it was much better to be safe than sorry.

In truth, the Big Mom Pirates were likely going to actually try to attack Enel had Oven not shown up and vouched for him.

It would've been the perfect opportunity to remove a potential enemy that could contest their territories in the future.

They did choose to respect Oven though, Katakuri choosing to support him basically sealed the deal.

There was also the fact that an injured emperor was likely still well above what they could handle.

'The only ones that would even be able to fight properly against Enel would be the people that went with him...'

The only one that could likely deal with Enel was Big Mom herself.

Enel was known to hold back the entire former Navy by himself, so it only made sense that most people wouldn't be able to deal with him, injured or otherwise.

He was basically in a league of his own, much like most Yonko were.

"So, did you also end up changing to a Sea King-only diet?" Enel asked as he walked with a small smile on his face.

"Yep... I do feel a bit stronger, they were a bit like a natural steroid, I guess." Oven said as he walked forward confidently.

It was clear to see for everyone that Oven completely trusted Enel. To the point where he was willing to anger Big Mom in order to help him.

'In the past, that might not have flown. But it's difficult to tell now with her recent changes in demeanour...' Persopero thought to himself as he licked his candy cane, his face displaying a permanent frown.

"Hmm, I guess you do seem a bit stronger. We should spar later when my body's healed a bit more." Enel said, one of his earlobes flinging up and patting Oven on the shoulder.

"Sounds great! Now... I've been somewhat trying to avoid this question, seeing as how the injuries are fresh and rather severe. But what the hell happened?" Oven looked over at Enel without bothering to hide the hint of concern appearing in the corner of his eye.

"That's something I will explain later. It's something that concerns Big Mom as well..." Enel's words did catch everyone's attention.

'Just what happened to him... Emperors don't just lose limbs randomly... Well, Shanks did, now that I think about it...' Persopero thought to himself as they finally reached their mother.

More specifically, the throne room, where she was most likely sitting, pondering things.

Enel frowned a bit when seeing Big Mom, as he noticed rather quickly that she looked a bit different. First off, Zeus and Prometheus were not with her, but Enel could feel them somewhere else in the castle, so that didn't matter much.

More importantly. "Charlotte Linlin... Seems you have lost some weight," Enel said as he smiled a bit.

Big Mom was known to be a glutton, so it was simply unusual to see her lose weight. Anyone that knew anything about her would find that strange.

Big Mom looked at Enel with a blank face, no surprise at all, as she was likely expecting him already. Her eyes scanned him for a bit before she also spoke out.

"Enel... It seems you've also lost some weight." She said as a hint of a cruel smile rose to her lips.

Perospero chuckled a bit but was silenced by Oven, who simply glared at him for a few seconds.

"Hmm, I guess my arm does count as weight. You seem healthy at least, that's good."

Enel's words seemed to confuse Big Mom a bit.

"Why would you care for my health? We have no ongoing alliance, nor do I plan to make one. In fact, I thought I had made it clear that I don't want you near me or my children as well..."

Linlin spoke out with a scowl on her face, finally showing her displeasure at his appearance.

"Well, I do wish to do some business with you, don't worry, you made yourself clear last time I was here. Still, Oven remains my friend, and I don't plan to change that anytime soon."

Oven smiled a bit when hearing that, but he appeared a bit troubled.

'I can't just abandon my family though, no matter how good a friend Enel is... If Mother wants to, she can simply command, and I'd have no choice but to obey.'

"Friends?" Big Mom looked directly at Oven when hearing that.

"So you befriended your handler? Someone that worked directly with the people that harmed you in the first place?" Her words were sharp, she was clearly displeased.

The lack of response from Oven also made her huff a bit. As he just looked at the side, somewhat guiltily.

This made Persopero smile widely, enjoying his brother's suffering for a bit. 'The lower mother's opinion of him the better things look for me...'

"To be fair, I only became a marine to learn some of their secrets and befriend a few people. I never really put much effort into working for the World Government. Which is why I am no longer a marine."

"I don't care much for your reasons. Regardless, I'll continue this conversation with my child at a later date. Since you came all the way here, start speaking. What do you want?"

Big Mom said as she slowly stood up from her throne.

"Well, I want information, simply put. I just want to know more about souls..." Enel's words seemed to irk Linlin somewhat.

Oven and the others seemed to be taken aback a bit. They still remembered that Enel didn't quite have a soul by their mother's words, it was quite a memorable fact about him.

"... Whatever. Children, you may go play, I'll speak to Enel by myself for now." Big Mom said as she looked over to her children.

Perospero and Smoothie were immediately alarmed by that. "Mother! I don't thi-" The former tried to get a word in, to convince their mother that Enel was too dangerous.

"Silence!" Big Mom's voice rang out in that giant room echoing all around the walls as Enel could feel his eardrums vibrate.

"I don't want to hear it... If Enel was here for a fight he wouldn't have waited this long to start it. Not one of you can stop him anyway..." Big Mom scoffed as she sat down at a large table to the side, signalling Enel to follow her.

The table seemed to be made for her children, as it was a little too small for Linlin herself.

Oven and Katakuri were already on their way out of the room, neither had even tried to question their mother's decision.

Smoothie and Perospero seemed to want to say something else, but they ended up leaving as well, not wanting to actually anger their mother in any way.

As soon as they all left the room, Big Mom stared at the large door for a few seconds, before she started speaking.

"Souls? You're trying to find out more about 'that'? I doubt you even have any idea what you're getting yourself into." Big Mom scoffed right in Enel's face, as he sat on a smaller chair in front of her.

"I may be a bit in over my head lately..." Enel said as he looked down at his missing arm.

"But I am already into this, Big Mom. I can't exactly simply ignore something that is happening to me directly..."

"I guess you have a point... But I am unsure why I should also have to get involved in any of this.

You may have befriended two of my children, but I don't see any reason to put them and myself in danger by helping you."

Enel raised an eyebrow at her words. 'Befriended two of her children? Oven's the only one that comes to mind... Whatever.'

"The issue with my soul may only concern me, I won't be asking you for help with anything other than information.

And in exchange, I will tell you about the thing that you must be wary about the most..."

Enel's blank gaze peered into Big Mom's eyes. She seemed to be a bit conflicted. On the one hand, curious about what exactly Enel was offering her.

But she was hesitant because she could still remember the feeling of that day. The way she had felt fear, the way her very soul shivered.

At that time she was so scared that she simply wanted Enel to disappear. But after spending enough time pondering things, she became more and more curious.

In fact, it became the forefront of her mind, as she became preoccupied with trying to understand more and more about Enel and the thing that was 'bound' to him.

And now, she could get some answers to the questions she had been asking herself... All she needed to do was to take a risk.

Big Mom pondered for only a few more seconds before finally making her decision.

"... If you are able to tell me more about that thing... Then I might help you."

'I'm an Emperor of the Seas... I've gotten to this point because I've been taking risks all of my life. I may have forgotten that in my later years, but I think it's time to remember a few things...'

Enel was a bit surprised to hear that, and then he simply smiled.

"Oh, I'll tell you about that guy, and more..."


Hope you liked the chapter! Not much to add here, tho reveals and stuff is coming in the following chapters ;) Building up on lore through research and stuff like that.

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