
One Piece: Reborn as a Fishman (COMPLETED)

When reborn in a world as a Fishman, in a world where you can chase after your ambitions and have unimaginable physical power... being average isn't something he plans to do. But his ambition is too big for just him to acomplish by himself... well then... he will simply have other people whom he knows will support him. And who is more supportive than family... He has no cheat, nor any amazing talent. His strongest weapon is his common and future knowledge. —————————————————————— Check Out My P.A.T.R.E.O.N for 30+ chapters in advance: patreon.com/HolyJoker JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimer** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Cómic
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135 Chs

Double Double Fruit...

Chapter 9

Title: Double Double Fruit...


I found out that Kisame isn't a reincarnated person like me... his soul is still that of a child's. I used Observation Haki on him nonstop and nothing abnormal with his intelligence showed up... and like a child, his feelings change rapidly.

Also, it seems Whitebeard did come to claim Fishman island. I didn't meet him though because I wasn't there, which is quite a shame. Oden should have been boiled to death by now too.

How lame... to die that is... I mean c'mon why didn't he attack Orochi or Kido while they were sleeping or when Orochi didn't have the old man around with the barrier fruit.  There were dozens of different options that would have assured his victory in this fight.

Was it honor, to not be seen by his people as a coward, to not leave behind a shameful legacy... well I am a pirate so I wouldn't care for anything like that. If I can build my power by kidnapping some women from their families and forcing them to bear me children then so be it. It doesn't matter if you are evil or good, if you have power you can decide what is good, right, shameful, evil... 


This is my will and resolve... I am willing to go a long way to go before I want what I need. I will protect my children, they too will become my power, and I will be their father.




Two years pass since the time where I started having children. My power has finally increased and my training has truly shown its results, I am fifteen years old and my physical power is monstrous even by this world's standards.

I am currently in an unnamed jungle island in the New World filled with dinosaurs, I defeated all of them with my raw strength without using any weapons, Haki, or Fishman Karate.

But that stuff doesn't matter at all as I look at the strange yellow fruit in my hand with human face like spirals on it... and I think back on which one of my kids this fruit would suit to the most.

 From the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, I know this is the Double-Double Fruit. It allows the user to create clones of himself. But they have half the strength of the user and half the durability.

 Also one of Roger's Crewmates who gave me this book theorized that the clones can also use Haki. Though if the clones use Haki, is the same as the original using Haki, so that means that it can tire the user of Haki.

But this fruit also has some tremendous advantages. Obviously, it will give you a numerical advantage also when a clone is destroyed it returns it's memories to the user, so that gives a tremendous potential in spying. But at the same time, unlike a certain technique from an anime in my past life the clones can't be used for training since the memories of the clones are retrieved like movies and the pain or experience that the Clones got doesn't get retrieved.


Kisame doesn't want a devil fruit anyway he wants to be like his father and he doesn't want to eat any devil fruit.... damn that kid is nice… that is why he is also secretly my favorite child. 

I have started to understand something too even though most parents don't say it… they definitely have a favorite child. No matter how they might deny it, I deny it too, but Kisame is number one, with Kakashi coming at a close second.

Then when I think which one of my children would be best suited for this fruit, one of them immediately comes to mind.


When I return back to my underground base in Raijin Island, the city has developed quite a bit, and now there are roads and stone houses all around the city, with my castle in the middle of the city.

I watch dozens of children around the streets, there is a saying around here that if you see a child in here... there is a 4/10 chance that the child that you see is probably mine.... and that is true but it is mostly so because there aren't a lot of children around here. I don't have THAT many children.

But I still have so many children that no matter how many rich pirates and noble ships that traverse the new world to travel between islands.

I still couldn't get my fortune more that ß. I mean sure 2 billion might seem a lot. But I rob pirates who come with treasure worth hundreds of millions weekly... I guess it is also the material for the city, my weapons for my ever-growing army, and all that. So yeah a lot of expenses, I should try cutting out the middle man and buy directly from the source. Or maybe I should get my own blacksmiths and weapon makers.

But that will be too expensive too, it seems like I will need to get some more monetary wealth for myself.

As I keep contemplating the large expenses that take to keep this place running. I look around me... it was all worth it.

With big & good built houses and a palace in the middle of the city. It was no wonder that I had to spend a lot. I even started paying people now. Which as a corporate overlord... sucks. Free labor is the dream of every company.

I even built an amusement park and a giant Fishman Karate Dojo in here to train my children and also my Fishman & Merman army and their children too. I plan to grow more and more...

I contemplate this all as I walk towards my castle, my mind working ay fast speeds coming up with different ideas and then discarding them immediately.

 Currently, I have 10.000 Fishman and merfolk civilians in this city they came here mostly because of the protection.

 I also have 1760 Fishman & Merfolk fighters. I trained them all hard to become stronger. With threats about humans coming to make us all slaves one day and such bullsh*t. I mean slavery is bad and all that, but as long as it doesn't affect me, I don't really care about it a lot.

But th3 Fishmen ate it up like some fish eat shìt... or do they?. I believe in my last life I read on the internet that some fish eat our shít or do they eat their own shìt, actually, that might have been that dog video...

My mind moves to another subject again, or more specifically the army.

I have about two hundred soldiers as strong as future Arlong strength-wise, which is kind of weak for new world strength standards... like VERY weak.

I also have another sixty soldiers as strong as some strong paradise captain, as strong as Luffy was during the first half of the grand line, Fishman Karate is such an amazing thing... it gives Fishmen the edge that is rare to have against people, especially against Devil Fruit User.

That is when a dark smile appears on my face... it is about time I started making some big moves now... I have prepared enough for now.









Now the MC has gathered his strength and he will start to make moves in the New World.

P.S: When this story reaches 1000 Power Stones, it will get +1 Bonus Chapter that day.

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(31 chapters in advance)

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