
The World Is About To Enter A New Era II

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Chapter 86: The World Is About To Enter A New Era II


His attention turned to the Island visible in the distance, a very interesting place, Sabaody Archipelago, "The World Is About To Enter A New Era, An Era Stranger Than Imagination."

The Sabaody Archipelago is the final island in Paradise, close to the Red Line.

Though it is called an archipelago, it is actually a massive mangrove forest growing out from the middle of the ocean with each tree of the forest serving as an "island" on which people live.

And since it is just a group of trees and not an island like those found in the Grand Line, it has no magnetic pull for which to affect a Log Pose, so Yovan easily found his way to it along, albeit while facing a lot of disastrous weather conditions.

But well, the weather was never really a problem for him, not with the Feathers of Desperation. In fact, he just 'relaxed' on Antarisa's back while she jumped from one feather platform to another.

Naturally, Relaxing means resting on her comfy fur while tortu... Training his body with his newest training method.

The concept of hard work in Yovan's mind dictates that you should always work hard. If there is something stopping you from working hard, then there is something wrong.

So Yovan being Yovan, he created a method to literally always work hard because at this very moment, his body was going through hell, a hell he can handle, but hell nonetheless.

It was a combination of his Kiryu Hasshoken and Life Return. The latter gave him precise control over his body, allowing him to use Hasshoken in a way to basically destroys his body inside out.

The process was precisely countered by his monstrous regeneration capabilities, allowing him to repair the damage almost as soon as it appears.

His Kiryu Hasshoken reached a level it isn't supposed to. At least, Don Chinjao never saw his family's Martial Art reaching such a degree, and it still wasn't the end.

He was hellbent on abusing Limitless, somewhat a necessity, but even he wasn't aware of the insanity he was creating, a technique he's been working on.

On Antarisa's Antlers stood two crows, two abnormal crows. They seemed almost unreal because they aren't truly crows.

They're made of feathers, but they're quite special, made apparent by the golden flames surrounding one, and the cracks in space surrounding the other.

[Everless Crows: 1189/∞]

The technique was progressing quickly, but it was still nowhere near the level Yovan wants it to be. It was still very flawed.

Yovan was awakened from his daze by the impact of Antarisa landing on the Island's ground, "Yahahahaha, I'm delighted!!!" He just suddenly started laughing much to the dismay of everyone around.

He jumped onto his feet with a wide smile. It almost looked like he was glowing golden to the people around, and they weren't normal people.

They eyed him closely, studying his features to see if he was someone with a bounty in Paradise, but nothing came to mind.

That shouldn't be the case considering Yovan is Yovan, but this is a very different Yovan.

The last the world remembers of Yovan was a skinny piece of bones barely able to walk. Hell, even his hair was grey due to how poorly he was treating himself.

Before stood a golden-haired man, seeming quite intimidating with a height reaching 8'9 feet. His blinding golden eye was also a spectacle to behold. His other eye, on the other hand, was closed.

That wasn't the only place that seemed to be crippled though as half of his left arm seems to be missing. It was apparent even under his long-sleeved black shirt.

Now that in itself is strange considering the entirety of his arm should be missing.

In fact, a significant portion of his shoulder should be missing, but his monstrous Endurance was certainly doing something, but Yovan was hiding it.

He complemented his black shirt with black pants, trimmed with golden lines. He was absolutely gorgeous, fabulous, and more. His golden hair and eye were a sight to behold, especially with his muscular structure.

"Aghh, I want to draw something!!" It annoyed Yovan to no end that he doesn't have his painting tools, and he forgot to buy new ones on his way here. He just got himself some clothes.

So he jumped off Antarisa's back, allowing her to collapse on the ground, seeming entirely exhausted. She was basically forced to jump her way to Sabaody Archipelago from the Calm belt!!

It was days of constant jumping as they stopped only one time, and Yovan made sure to make it quick lest she rests fully... All for hard work.

Yovan ignored the people eyeing Antarisa with greed. Hell, they were even eyeing him like they were seeing gold.

That wasn't evidence of them discovering who he actually is, quite the opposite actually because if they knew, they would just commit Seppuku for looking at him that way.

Before the strange people around could approach him, he took the initiative, "Hey you! Yeah, green boy, mind acting as a guide for me?"

It wasn't a boy. It was a grown-up man, one of the individuals eyeing Yovan and Antarisa with greed actually, so he was understandably startled.

"I don't have any money now, but just do it." Yovan further added. What he just said was actually an eloquent advanced technique of persuasion, so the green boy could only...


"Great! Let's go!" Yovan smiled as he pulled the green boy alongside him, leaving Antarisa behind to rest, "Talk about the place."

For some reason, the green boy was sweating, and his lips were trembling. Perhaps Yovan's persuasion was working too much? Either way, he spoke like a chatterbox.

The Sabaody Archipelago is, in actuality, a massive mangrove forest in the middle of the ocean made up of 79 separate trees known as Yarukiman Mangrove.

The Yarukiman Mangrove trees are the largest mangroves in the world and are strong enough to grow from the bottom of the ocean to the top. Each tree is called a grove and serves as an island on which people live.

Yovan walked around alongside the green boy, getting from one Grove to another via the various bridges built connecting around the many tree roots.

"Oh, so you are a bounty hunter?" Yovan stated with amusement, feeling the green boy's body shaking.

"I... N... I... What?" That's all the green boy could say.

So apparently, The seventy-nine trees forming the Island are divided into several different areas, with each one dependent on the number of the area.

And well, Yovan landed in a lawless area where pirates and bounty hunters run amok, areas 1-29.

Yovan made his way to the nearest restaurant. He was quite hungry, so he naturally asked the green boy, "Of course you have money to pay for me, right?"

"Ah? Yes!!!" The green boy made sure to let everyone on the Island know that he actually does have some money.

Yovan accepted the green boy's hospitality, and ordered a lot of things, but ate slowly. For some reason, the green boy didn't order anything for himself. He just sat there, trembling in happiness perhaps?

Yovan then walked out of the restaurant, finding more than a dozen individuals waiting for him. Some even followed him from the restaurant.

"You'll definitely sell for a lot!" One of the individuals said as he licked his lips.

"Kukukuku, they'll pay a fortune for him!" Another laughed loudly.

"Wait don't you follow after us, boy?" Another said as they all surrounded Yovan, having to look up to face his eyes.

"Hmm, this is weird," Yovan murmured as he traced his eyes on the group, "I feel like just a single feather falling on you would kill you, so why make trouble?"




"Get the golden bitch!!!"

"Yo, Green Boy, mind helping?" Yovan gently asked, and the green boy answered by leaping toward them.

The green boy's face spoke of fear, yet he jumped at them and fought. He was one of the bounty hunters, and they knows, so they were surprised, but what surprised them more was his strength.

He was able to put them all on the ground as he moved with a speed untrackable by the naked eye. He was even to somehow float above the ground.

"Wow, didn't think you were this good green boy!" Yovan couldn't help but say in gratitude, "Anyway, they said something about selling me off, care to elaborate?"

"Thy-They wanted to se-sell you to the Auction House." The green boy being the kind person he is answered without much hesitation.

"Sounds like fun, and auction houses are rich, no?" Yovan stroked his chin with a gentle smile, "Wait... I have an Idea!!"

'Oh God no!! Please God Help me!!!!' Someone that's definitely not the green boy screamed in their mind.


[ 1500 Power Stones For An Extra Chapter!!! ]


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