
One Piece: Hitman

Ose Takeshi an emotionless man with an unknown background, at first all he wanted was just to survive but human greed has no boundary, and so do he. Being weak is a sin in a world where the strong prey on the weak, people died everyday especially the weaker one. You can't trust nobody, not even your family. Ose Takeshi who only have One Piece plots and his body previous host core memory in his mind after being transmigrated is like a blank piece of paper, he doesn't know what is good or bad, nor what happiness or sadness is, resulted in him not feeling much emotions and being indifferent towards life. How far could he go? How long could he survive? How would this world shape him?

Sandd · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Becoming Shimotsuki Koushirou student

"MORE, MORE....." After he won, instead of boasting about his achievement to his peers or getting proud like what a kid his age would do, he instead asked for more opponents specifically the strong one.

Unlike most people who have gotten arrogant after winning against multiple enemies, Zoro doesn't get ahead of himself just because of this little victory against these people, in his eye they are but a weakling as these people are nothing when compared to the strongest swordsman that he has vowed to surpass.

He kept on fighting more people until the very moment that he felt numb all over his entire body which was followed by the loss of focus in his eye and control over his body as he lost his consciousness. Zoro fell down, and the sound of a 'thud' sounded out as his body hit the dense wooden planks.

Everybody doesn't have a shocked look on their face like what you would have expected, it looked like this is not the very first time that Zoro has done this, so everybody is used to this at this point, but despite being used to this, does not necessarily stop them from being worried about Zoro well being as overworking yourself is not a good and healthy thing to do especially for a kid his age.

People rushed over to help carried him to the student dorm which is where the students stay, there is no such fancy thing like a treatment room or doctor in Isshin Dojo, everybody who got injured will get to rest more in their dorm, given some simple medicine to speed up their recovery and more foods as your body need to consume more energy to heal up that wounds.


"Well, I assume that you're here to join us, so let's get you register."

"But I don't have anything to give for the registration fee though."

"Really? Then you can do some simple chores around the dojo, this will cover your registration fee and your tutor fee, how about that?"


People who trained here have to pay monthly, but most of them are kids, so the one who is responsible for paying all of their tutor fees is their family member, but that is just for the kids who have a supporting family.

You can also work in the dojo to cover up your tutor fee as Shimotsuki Koushirou is the type of guy who values talented people more than money, yet he still needs money to maintain his dojo, so teaching people for free is out of the question.

So some kids like Ose Takeshi, choose to do chores around the dojo like cleaning or sweeping to keep the dojo clean, taking care of the plants like watering them, planting them, and making sure the plants are houseplant bug-free, and some kids who got useful skills could help with cooking, help with the management of the dojo, making medicine and stuff.

Some students might think that having plants around the dojo is just for the decorations, but they aren't just for the decorations, it's for the increase of the qualities and quantities of oxygen and to lower the temperature which proved to be significant during summer time, all of this led to a big improvement on the quality of life and quality of their training.

Shimotsuki Koushirou then called over a kid who looked around 17, giving him some orders and instructions, next he explained to Ose Takeshi that he got some things to do and won't have the time to accompany him personally.

"This kid will accompany you, I hope you guys can get along well." After he said this he bid farewell and headed off somewhere to do his stuff.

The kid who got called over looked average but he is full of a scholar vibe. Even people who got basic body language reading skills could tell that this guy has definitely gone through some kind of scholarly training.

"Master is a really busy guy ain't he, he has to go around teaching people, correcting them, giving them some pointers to ensure that all of his students get stronger each day, so you won't have to worry about not getting stronger being under his wing."

"I'm the one who's responsible for getting the new students like you registered and simple management over our dojo storage like foods, clothes, and medicines to make sure that we don't go starve and freeze to death during winter or have nothing to speed up our recovery when we get injured."

"Not only that I will be the one to assign you tasks to avoid having you guys repeating the same tasks which will be meaningless and a wasted of time."

"Okay enough talking, now follow me."

"First we will get you registered, then imma show you around the dojo to get you familiarized with it." He talked as he walked off to the main hall which is where Ose Takeshi will get his name registered.

Then as a guide, Murayama Toshiyuki led the way to the main hall where the registration will take place.

The main hall is the guest room size, there is not much to it except that it has so many entrances that lead one to somewhere, and one of them is behind the table counter that has many lock storages in it that seem to contain information about the students that attended this dojo, and some simple tools like pen and book that are used in the process of registration.

After they arrived at the main hall, Murayama Toshiyuki told him to wait as he made his way behind the table counter, he entered the room that was behind the table counter and began to look for something.

After a while, Murayama Toshiyuki came back with a pen and a book that would be used to note down Ose Takeshi information.

He then started to ask some simple yet necessary questions.

The process of getting his name registered went pretty smoothly, all the registrar asked for are his name, age and his background, Ose Takeshi cooperated with them honestly as lying here isn't necessary nor a meaningful thing to do, he of course isn't dumb enough to tell them about his biggest secrets for those who wonder.

The process was really fast which surprised Ose Takeshi but logically speaking, it should be like that as Murayama Toshiyuki, the guy who is in charge of getting his name registered came from a scholar family combined with many years of experience that he possessed after many years of doing it.

"Alright, we're done with the registration, welcome to the team."

"Now Imma show you around the dojo, follow me."

During the dojo tour, Ose Takeshi tried his best to start and keep the conversation going as long as possible as to gather more info about this kid and to get closer to him as this kid looked like he was worthy to have a good relationship with.

Besides he is the one who is responsible for a lot of things, especially assigning tasks aka chores to Ose Takeshi, he doesn't want to be cleaning the toilets or doing some tasks that will take him a long time to complete that will resulted in him having fewer time to train.

After talking to this kid for a while he finally came to know of this kid's name. This kid is called Murayama Toshiyuki which meant clever and happy in Japanese, he came from a scholarly family.

His dad is a total nerd who always got books in his hand, he helped people solve their problems and gives them advice in exchange for money, he is also a teacher who is responsible for educating the new generation in this village.

He always wanted his son to be a scholar just like him since the day that Murayama Toshiyuki was born, he started to train him at the very moment that his kid uttered his first word, but instead of wanting to become a scholar just like his father, Murayama Toshiyuki decided to become a swordsman.

He knew that strength is everything, so what if you know more than the other person, one swung from them and you're dead.

Murayama Toshiyuki thoughts are indeed correct, but you couldn't go far with just strength, only if you paired it with your wisdom could you go farther as you needed your wisdom to avoid being used by others to death and died early. Nobody liked this ending.

So he leave his house the moment he turned 14. It's not that he doesn't want to leave early but he just lacked the courage to do so, after that he goes around acquiring news about where he could learn swordsmanship, then he came to know of this dojo, armed with the management skills that have been taught to him by his father, he successfully became a student of Isshin Dojo.


Murayama Toshiyuki sometimes talked about himself, and sometimes he talked and explained some general things about isshin dojo as he stopped by some place to Ose Takeshi.

The dojo itself is twice the football field size including the courtyard, it is surrounded by stone walls that are tall enough to prevent outsiders from seeing what's inside, as privacy is extremely important, nobody like having their privacy violated. It has 2 entrances, one at the front and the other at the back.

As for the training place, the dojo got a big enough space inside that is used for indoor training, and outside the dojo in the courtyard is used for outdoor training.

There are several dorms in the dojo, which is where the students who studied here have to sleep at as going home is not ideally at all since it will waste their time unnecessarily which will result in them having less training time. The dorms only consisted of many beds, and no other furniture whatsoever since it will take up too much space.

The dojo got many storage rooms, some are for medicines for treating injuries, foods that are used for daily consumption, foods that are stocked up for winter so that they don't go hungry, some basic living necessities like blanket pillows and other stuff, bamboo swords that are the most important thing in this dojo as students in the dojo always used them when practicing.

The main hall doesn't contain many things as it is only mainly used for the registration because the dojo focused more on training and getting their students stronger not on some fancy-looking stuff.

The cafeteria included the kitchen, which is where all the foods in the dojo got prepared at, both the students and teachers can get their portion of food from there, and everyone got a limited amount of portion as there are limited food supplies.

There are 3 public toilets that are built for the students to use, and many other toilets that are only accessible to the teachers. One big bathroom that students shared together. Most of the students are guys so it's not a big deal for them to shower naked in the same room.

Lastly, the teacher rooms which is where the teacher, the one who is responsible for teaching, correcting, and many other things like making sure that no one will hurt to the point of permanent injuries when sparring, stay at.

The dojo is built with a combination of stones and good quality wood, so all the roofs that covered everybody from being exposed to winds, rains, snow, and other things like keeping them warm during winter and keeping them cold during summer are made out of stones.

The entire courtyard is covered in green grasses, filled with trees that carried countless green leaves that enchanted the entire dojo like their overall image, training quality, living quality, and many more.


After who knows, how long they have been talking and touring around the dojo.

Murayama Toshiyuki stopped and stood still "That's it, the tour ended here, this is all there is to this dojo, I hope it is to your liking"

"To my liking? of course, I'm a very big fan of nature itself, the air is fresh, the view is wonderful, I don't think it could get any better than that."

"HAHAHAA, I'm glad that this is to your liking."

"Well if you have any luggage that you wanna bring them over, bring it over and you don't need to rush it, just take your time as your day as a student of this dojo will only start tomorrow."