
One Piece: Hitman

Ose Takeshi an emotionless man with an unknown background, at first all he wanted was just to survive but human greed has no boundary, and so do he. Being weak is a sin in a world where the strong prey on the weak, people died everyday especially the weaker one. You can't trust nobody, not even your family. Ose Takeshi who only have One Piece plots and his body previous host core memory in his mind after being transmigrated is like a blank piece of paper, he doesn't know what is good or bad, nor what happiness or sadness is, resulted in him not feeling much emotions and being indifferent towards life. How far could he go? How long could he survive? How would this world shape him?

Sandd · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs

Chapter 1

chapter 1 : the Beginning

On one particular island that is surrounded by the seemingly endless terrifying blue sea that people couldn't see its bottom, and what's inside.

The island is filled with houses and people, it could be seen that people are waking up as the sun has risen. Some people are already jogging, some are on their way to do their work, and some has just woken up.

Inside a small wooden house that appeared to have only such simple furniture such as a table, a chair, and a bed.

A child around 14 years old could be seen lying on the bed looking like was he about to wake up.

The child woke up, seemingly in a confused state "where am I?, no! more importantly who am I?" the child started muttering to himself.

After a while, the child seemed to be a bit less confused, as some memories started to play in his mind, people around the village seemed to called him 'Ose Takeshi'

Ose Takeshi is an orphan, he has been all by himself since the day that he was born, his parent got killed by pirates that has invaded and looted their village, obviously the pirates invasion failed as they got brutally destroyed by Shimotsuki Koushirou, a man whose known for being the owner of Isshin Dojo that teaches people about swordsmanship.

After Ose Takeshi took in all those memories, he started to think and tried to recall his past memories, all that he could recall was some story called One Piece and its plot, everything else seemed to be blank as if it got erased or deleted for some unknown reason.

'Shimotsuki Koushirou? why does the name sound so familiar...' he thought to himself as he tried to recalled it.

'Isn't it Shimotsuki Koushirou, the guy that taught Zoro when he was a child?'

But soon his thoughts got interrupted by his growling stomach and a dry throat that is thirsting for water.

He tried to look around and find something to solve his current need, but what he found was nothing which greatly disappointed him.

He tried to get back into his thought but he once again got interrupted by his growling stomach.

'Well that's not important right now, what important is I need to find something to eat or else am gonna starve myself to death.' he thought as he stood up from his bed and reached out for the wooden doorknob, he opened it and walked outside.

As soon as he got out, he was blinded by the ray of the sun shining through his entire face and body, blinding him for a short moment. after a while, he opened his eyes and what greeted him was green, everything was green, the beautiful tall tree that are filled with colorful fruits, and small animals that are on it.

The air that started to flow into his nostril was so fresh that it could lighten up anybody's moods who breathed it in, especially the sea breeze and wetness that came with it, it would strike up anybody's thirst for adventures. the sound of a bird singing that lighten up the vibes around the forest that often make people forget how cruel this world is.

After Ose Takeshi got used to it, he headed to the village town that he known from the memories that has been displayed inside his mind.

Soon he arrived at the village town.

The village town that appeared in front of him was not too big nor too crowded, as this island doesn't have many inhabitants. it's more accurately to called it a market or a gathering place for villagers, people in this village just like any other place in One piece world, used belly.

Ose Takeshi walked up to an old man that seem to be in his early 50 and greeted him "Morning sir, mind if I have some of your food?"

"Hahaha kid what's with the formal greeting, and of course, what do you think I am? An old stinky man?" the man laughed as he handed over some of his fishes to Ose Takeshi.

Everybody in this village is extremely kind, they always help each other out when needed, especially this old man, an old friend of Ose Takeshi parents. he is a fisherman, and he always shares his fishes with Ose Takeshi whenever he can, especially if he gets a good harvest like today.

After he got the fish, he headed off to a particular forest that are known to be a safe area. He started to chop off some wood and made fire with it.

Then he began to cook the fish. after the fish looked like it had been cooked and no longer raw, Ose Takeshi took a bite out of it, it tasted normal, not too good nor too bad because of the lack of spices and sauces, but Ose Takeshi didn't pay much attention to it as the most important things right now was to survive and that's it.

'This world seems to be the One piece world if am right judging by the fact that Shimotsuki Koushirou and pirate exist, even the air smelled like sea breeze' Ose Takeshi connected the dots after he got some energy from the fishes that he ate, he could then used it to processed the information that he currently possessed.

'One piece world is extremely dangerous, who know I could easily get myself killed tomorrow by an unknown pirate given my strength, so I need to get stronger.'

'But how do I get stronger?'

'Shimotsuki Koushirou dojo, that's it!' after pondering for a while, Ose Takeshi finally came up with an answer.

'As for which timeline I am in, I will know it as soon as I reach the dojo.'

Ose Takeshi took off to Shimotsuki Koushirou dojo. Halfway there a sound popped up inside his head.

{System activated}

'System?' the sound caught Ose Takeshi off guard as he has never expected this nor ever heard of this, as the only things that he still remember are the one piece story and the old Ose Takeshi memory. After he said that, the system interface appeared Infront of his face.

{Hitman system}

Introduction to this system : You will be given a contract, and by any means you must eliminate that person no matter the cost, after the contract has been completed by the host within the given time, the host will be given random reward that could be any one of this :


.Devil fruit

.Special skills

.Improve in mastery


.Race change

Current target: NONE

Time left: NONE



After Ose Takeshi checked his new yet extremely mysterious system, he continued on his journey.

Soon he reached the entrance of the Shimotsuki Koushirou dojo.

Shimotsuki Koushirou dojo is a dojo that teaches people about swordsmanship, like how to swing, cut, pierce, slash their sword, their student are mainly kids as people started to train when they were young, and for those who are older, they has already left to pursued more strength so that they could achieve their goals or to protect their love one.

Shimotsuki Koushirou is a middle age man that is in his mid 40, he got a long dark hair that are tied behind his head so that he wont be affected by it when using sword, he got a tall nose bridge between the round glasses that he got on, he look like he either has a big forehead or a receding hairline which made all his students confused, maybe only god know the answer to this.

This man always has a smiling look on his face, but deep down he is rather an emotionless person judging by the facts that he didn't reacted much when his daughter died in the main timeline.

He waited for like 5 minutes and he still see no one come to welcome him, so he started to wander off by himself around the dojo, a sword-clashing sound could be heard from one room which aroused Ose Takeshi interest, he made his way there and stop by the door.

The room could be seen to be filled with kids whose practicing with the sword that they hold, everyone got a determination look on their face as all of them are doing that for something that probably are only known to themselves, nobody would do something for no reason and everybody has goals in which they wanted to pursue.

There is one particular person that caught Ose Takeshi interest, a kid who got a short green hair who appeared to be around 10, he got a concentration look on his face paired with a sharp and determined eye that are filled with countless sadness as he fought against 2 adult men.

The green hair kid could be seen to be holding 3 swords, two in both his right hand and left hand, and holding the last one in his mouth.

The first thought that would pop up inside anybody's head who has read or watched one piece would be 'Roronoa Zoro', the right-hand man of Monkey.D Luffy aka the swordsman of Straw Hat Pirate, the guy who is known as training maniac, he is the type of guy that doesn't lose his ambition to any failure, no matter how many time he failed nor how hard he failed, he will get back on his feet and continued to move forward with no hesitation.

In the original work Zoro is also known for being the only human to ever wielded three swords. which is really awe-inspiring, as using more swords or weapons meant that you got more option when fighting but you will have to multitask and spend more stamina when you fight which will wear you out before the enemy get worn out.

There are also a few people who are known for using more swords or weapons than Zoro too, but most of them are fishmen like hatchan, the octopus guy who showed up in arlong arc used 6 swords. Karma the captain of Takotopus Pirate is also known for using 6 swords.

Using more than 2 swords does not necessarily make you stronger, it could even make you weaker as using more than 2 swords is not really as effective as using 1 to 2 swords. Roger, Shank and many strong people in one piece world used only 1 sword.

Ose Takeshi observed Zoro as he kept beating these 2 pairs of adults. such scene is really an eye-opener for anybody who is not from this world aka Transmigrator. But this doesn't surprised Ose Takeshi as the only things that he remember are that he is not from this world, the plot of one piece and the old Ose Takeshi memory.

"What do you think?"

"Huh!" Ose Takeshi has all his attentions entirely on the fight that he didn't realized that someone has appeared standing beside him.

He turned to his side and saw Shimotsuki Koushirou who got a kind old man look on his face standing next to him.

"This kid is extremely strong, even stronger than me." he said that while having a shocked and envious look on his face that he put on intentionally but deep inside, he felt nothing but a thirst for such power.

Shimotsuki Koushirou smiled and turned his head back to watched the fight.

Ose Takeshi also gazed over to the fight, his eye was on the fight but his attention was inside his mind 'Since when did this guy appeared beside me, I could have gotten myself kill if he intended to kill me, I am too careless' he thought as he vowed to never ever be careless ever again.

Eventually, the fight ended with Zoro winning against these 2 pairs of guys.

The world of One Piece is full of monster type of people, a prime example of that are Monkey.D Luffy despite his young age, he isn't to be underestimated as in the original timeline he defeated Kaido who is known as the strongest creature in the sky, the land, and the sea.

Though not in a 1v1 fight it's still an amazing deed as quantities don't mean much in One piece world like how Mihawk easily destroyed Don Krieg entire crew while sailing on his small boat.

So it's not unexpected for Zoro to easily win against this 2 guys.


This is my first time writing novel, so if you guys could leave me some feedbacks, I would really appreciate it. If you guys ike this novel then dont forget to add it to your library :D

Sanddcreators' thoughts