NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!
Kai went back to where Robin was and they got ready to go. Kai walked alongside Robin as they were forced by the CP9 agent to attack Iceburg that night. They arrived in his office through a door created by the CP9 agent with his door-door fruit.
Iceburg was in his office and was shocked by the three visitors. They were all wearing masks. Eventually one of them walked up to him and took off her mask.
It was Robin.
Iceburg opened his eyes wide in shock. "Why are you here? Devil child." He asked Robin
Robin stayed composed, only showing a calm smile on her face as she tried to hide her whirlwind of emotions. "I've come for Pluton, Iceburg. Now where is it?"
Iceburg grit his teeth. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Robin smiled on the inside along with Kai but neither showed it on their faces. "I know you have it Iceburg! Where are the blueprints?"
Iceburg refused to comply with her. "I don't have anything!"
Robin gave a cold look and said. "Then die."
She shot Iceburg in a non lethal spot to make sure he would live. Then she turned away, but not before Kai turned invisible for a second and left a little note for Iceburg. 'The government is looking for Pluton, they threatened Nico Robin, they already have rats within your ranks so burn this after you read it. Only trust Paulie.'
Then the trio went back to the hotel they were staying at and went to bed. The next morning in Iceburgs office. After he woke up he found the note in his pocket and read it when he was alone before burning it. He had a heavy look on his face and looked down at his hands not knowing what to do. Eventually his most trusted employees walked into his office. Khalifa, Lucci, Kaku, and Paulie.
Iceburg told them that it was Nico Robin who shot him and Lucci told him that she was a member of the Straw Hats who Iceburg had met yesterday. Iceburg pretended to go along with this. "Then it must have been the pirates." He said as he hesitantly looked around the room, not sure if he could trust his closest friends anymore. He knew it was the government's ploy now but he still couldn't do anything about it.
Newspapers started spreading that the Straw Hats were the ones who attempted to kill Iceburg.
At the dock.
Luffy was currently fighting Franky whilst being watched by two people on a rooftop in disguise. Kai and Robin were having coffee together while observing the events taking place below.
Eventually the Galley-la members came and accused the Straw Hats of trying to murder Iceburg.
Kai and Robin watched with varying emotions. Mainly guilt as they both wanted to do something but couldn't.
Eventually Luffy got away with Nami and lost the Galley-la members in the crowd and rubble from the fight. After they watch the fight Kai and Robin walk away together. When they see some familiar faces Kai let's Robin go on ahead.
Robin runs into Sanji and Chopper.
"Robin-chan? What are you doing here? Come back with us!"
Robin shook her head. "Sorry chef-san, and Dog-san too. I can't go back with you." She said as she walked into the alleyway beside her where Kai was hiding and he flashed the two away.
Sanji and Chopper ran up to the alleyway.
"Where did she go?!" Sanji said frantically.
"How did she do that?!" Chopper asked.
They felt helpless and went back to the rest of the crew.
When everyone met up together again they started talking about what happened to them that day.
"Robin shot Iceburg?" Sanji asked.
"That's what they said happened." Nami replied.
"Wait, didn't Fujin say he would look after Robin?" Luffy asked seriously. The rest of the crew hesitantly nodded not sure what was going on.
Sanji cut in. "Something happened then. They wouldn't do something for no reason. I trust Fujin, and obviously I trust Robin-chan."
Everyone nodded but Zoro added in. "I trust Fujin, but I'm not sure about Robin yet. Actually even Fujin said that she wasn't on this crew at heart. Think about it, has she ever once called any of us by name?"
The crew was shocked for a second before they thought back and realized that she hadn't.
"That doesn't matter! Who cares what she called us? She's a crew member, if you guys still aren't convinced then I'll ask her myself!" Luffy yelled out, effectively ending the conversation.
At this point Chopper said. "Hey guys. If someone wanted Iceburg dead, then wouldn't they attack again tonight?"
Everyone agreed with this statement and Nami said. "Let's just go stop them! If Robin really is with them then we can ask her too!"
The crew agreed to this plan and decided to wait until that night.
Later on.
Kai was sitting with Robin.
"You ready?" Kai asked her as they were on a mission to attack Iceberg again.
Robin hesitated for a bit before nodding. She had sorted out her thoughts on this issue but she wouldn't let a buster call fall upon this island, so she decided to at least follow CP9 until she reached Enies Lobby.
At Iceburg's room.
Iceburg called Paulie into his room and told him something. Paulie went to the safe hidden in a room to open it up and grab blueprints. Only to be attacked by his co workers who were actually CP9. After he loses the blueprints to CP9 they realize that they are fake.
At this point in Iceburg's room Robin, Kai and one CP agent were standing over Iceburg who was still injured from last night. The CP agent was trying desperately to get Pluton's blueprints from Iceburg but he wouldn't give them up. Eventually the rest of the Galley-la workers walked in revealing they were also CP9. This included Lucci, Kaku, and Khalifa.
Iceburg saw them walk in. "So it was you guys. I see, that truly is a shame." He said in a very melancholic voice as his most trusted allies were actually his enemies all along.
Lucci started talking from his real mouth and not a bird. "You don't seem very surprised, Iceburg."
The aforementioned just nodded. "I have had certain suspicions since last night, due to certain circumstances." He glanced at Kai for a moment when he said this but it went unnoticed by everyone but Robin.
"I see. What a shame it has to end this way. I really enjoyed working with you Iceburg, unfortunately we can't leave any witnesses alive. I truly do wish I could give you some sort of sendoff for everything you did for us these past few years." Kaku told Iceburg.
Kai almost made a joke about him being a witness as well but he didn't wanna piss off CP9 and have a buster call destroy the island if anything goes wrong.
Lucci started talking again. "Iceburg, I have a theory. You wouldn't have destroyed the original blueprints just to have some fake ones lying around to fool people. You must have entrusted the real one's to someone otherwise you would have never pretended to have a fake one. Now, there are only three people who could have this blueprint. Tom, Iceburg, or Cutty Flam. Right now Tom is dead and you don't have them which leaves only one answer, you gave them to Cutty Flam. He was confirmed dead years ago but I remember one day 4 years ago a man came to see you with that name. He is now currently in this very city and he goes by the name Franky!"
Iceburg showed no reaction on his face but Kaku checked his pulse and found it going rapidly. He nodded at Lucci when he felt this
All of a sudden the wall burst open. The smoke eventually faded and revealed Nami, Chopper and Zoro. Luffy was with them as well but he got lost on the way somewhere. They all looked up to see Iceburg being held at gunpoint by Robin with Kai standing beside her and multiple other people standing over them who they didn't know.
Zoro narrowed his eyes at the fact that Kai was here, but he said nothing to him and instead asked Robin. "Why?" Robin was about to answer when Luffy burst through the door and ended up on the opposite side of the room of the other Straw Hats.
"ROBIN! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!" He screamed and Kai covered his ear. "Inside voices please."
Luffy covered his mouth and whispered. "Sorry... Robin. I finally found you."
Kai nodded. "Much better young man."
Then Luffy realized he was talking to Kai. "Hey, why are you here mask guy?"
Kai smiled under his mask. He was still wearing his marine coat when he said. "I was undercover, my job was to catch you all and I finally caught Robin! You never even suspected a thing. Muahahaha!" Kai did his best impression of a shitty villain's dialogue and laugh.
Luffy's jaw fell to the floor.
"WHAT?!" He said incredulously with surprise witten all over his face.
The CP9 agent from before was shocked. This guy was really undercover the whole time? While wearing a marine coat? What was wrong with all of these people? Just then Chopper started crying.
"What do you mean Fujin? I thought we were friends! How could you do this to us? I thought I was your favourite dog?"
Kai continued his act while trying not to sigh and smack these two for being such idiots and believing such an obvious lie. "I've always been hunting you! Just waiting for the right time to strike!"
Luffy and Chopper felt betrayed and Nami and Zoro had their eyebrows twitching furiously as they held back from attacking their own crew members due to their stupidity. Luffy eventually recovered enough to finally ask a question to Robin. Who was trying to both not laugh and not cry at the same time as she was being forced to betray her friends against her will. However, she was also trying not to laugh at what just happened between Kai and the crew.
Luffy asked. "Robin. Why are you doing this?"
Robin simply said. "To achieve my goal, I cannot achieve it if I stay with you, to accomplish it I will sacrifice anything." She said.
This was previously true, however recently she had realized that it was no longer the case, if she was forced to choose between her goal of learning about the void century or either her new friends or Kai she would choose the latter without hesitation.
"So that's why you are involved in assassinations and trying to frame us without hesitation. Just what is this goal of yours?" Zoro asked and received a response.
"I don't have to tell you that."
Chopper couldn't take it anymore.
"ARE YOU REALLY OUR ENEMY ROBIN??" He yelled out in fear. Robin looked at him and didn't say a word. Leaving Chopper's words to hang in the air.
Lucci then said. "Let's go."
Just then the Straw Hats all attacked at once. Kai intercepted Zoro's sword strike and created an invisible sound bubble around the two.
"Yo, what's up?" He asked in a carefree voice.
Zoro felt his eyebrow twitch. "A lot actually and I want a fucking explination, asshole."
Kai smiled and said. "Alright, alright. These dickhead's are going to blow up this whole island if me and devil-chan don't leave with them. I'm not going to sacrifice millions of lives so these guys are gonna take her. You guys will have to come to Enies Lobby to rescue her if you want her back. Remember when I asked if you would break into a marine base earlier? Well get ready too! Wahahaha!"
Zoro grinned like a maniac and said. "That does sound fun. But, I still don't fully trust that woman. I don't know anything about her yet."
Kai nodded. "Iceburg will probably tell you the 'official' story and I guess you'll just have to come find out the real story from devil-chan herself." Zoro nodded when he heard this and Kai backed off. Letting Zoro fight the other CP9 agents with the rest of the crew.
Eventually everyone got out of the building after the Straw Hats failed to defeat the CP9 agents. Kai and Robin went with the CP9 agents to get on the train heading towards Enies Lobby.